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Posts Tagged: 'castiel+%7C+staff'

Apr. 17th, 2012


staff meet up!

When; Backdated to staff arrival day
Rating; TBA
Characters; Talanton Academy Staff
Summary; The staff meet up in the lounge before the students arrive!

[ welcome to the staff lounge talanton staff! mix and mingle, get to know each other! come up with a plan to survive the students! enjoy your freedom while it lasts because in a few days the students are coming! dun dun duuun! ]

Apr. 14th, 2012


Staff Mailboxes

Each staff member has a mailbox outside their office. These are used so that students and other staff members can leave files, books, notes, schedules, etc for the staff members. These are actual mailbox style containers nailed to the walls outside the offices that each staff member has. They are large enough for small books and file folders. A volume of the OED will not fit in them, a copy of Moby Dick....probably will.