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Posts Tagged: 'lana+lang+%7C+u'

Nov. 4th, 2012


Ziva David → open

When; Afternoon.
Rating; TBD.
Characters; Ziva + open!
Summary; Ziva is at the firing range. You're free to come hang out with her -- she promises not to shoot you. Or if you're just looking for some extra help with your practice, she can do that too since she's here anyway.
'I'm a trained navigator, Tony. I'm also a trained assassin.' )

Nov. 1st, 2012


4 ☆ OPEN log

When; Day 27 | after her classes
Rating; PG
Characters; Rachel Berry and you!
Summary; Helping with the clean-up. Because charitable donations look good on a transcript.
Log; confessions of a drama queen )

Oct. 31st, 2012


3 ♠ open log

When; Day 27 | During/After Dinner
Rating; PG
Characters; Jericho Z. Barrons and anyone else.
Summary; Jericho, who has been laying low, makes an appearance in public… kind of.
Log; to look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time )

Oct. 11th, 2012


One → Allison Cameron [+ open]

When; Day 26.
Rating; PG?
Characters; Allison Cameron + open!
Summary; Allison arrives at the school and starts setting up her office.
'All change is bad? It's not true, you know.' )

Sep. 23rd, 2012


24th day start

[ the morning announcement pipes through the cafeteria's speakers, but given by ms. hinx yet again. ]

Good morning, students.

If you would like to get back to living in your dorms more quickly, we will need your help to rebuild. We have the know-how, and we can instruct you in the various tasks needed to return the dormitory back to functioning, but in order to do so more quickly, we need more hands.

Ms. Polus, Mr. Pausin and I will be overseeing and rebuilding as we can. So, if you either know how or would like to learn how to hammer a nail, replace electric wiring and plumbing, paint, set roofing, etc, we won't be turning you away. Anyone with powers that will help them lift heavy items, move dangerous debris out of the way and help stabilize the working environment while we repair will be helpful. If you're not sure whether we can use you, please ask a staff member. We'll be beginning clean up through the day today.

[ ooc information can be found over HERE. ]

Sep. 8th, 2012


2 ♠ open log

When; Nighttime! Way past bedtime.
Rating; PG?
Characters; Jericho and you! OPEN
Summary; DRAGON!!! omg dragon.
Log; to look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time. )

ooc: Please let me know in a small ooc of your initial responses if you’re wanting dragon interaction in your thread or if you’re just trying to escape with students. Also! Please let me know if it’s okay for the dragon to hurt your muse or not.

Sep. 6th, 2012



I never meant... [Open]

When; Day 21: After the dinner time announcements
Rating; PG?
Characters; Lana Lang ([info]nofairyprincess) and anyone who'd like to come see what's going on.
Summary; Lana reacts to the headmaster's announcements
Log; What just happened? )

Sep. 4th, 2012


one [ forgive us for what we have done, 'cause we're young ]

When; Backdated to 2nd Sept
Rating; PG for now? Will be updated if necessary.
Characters; Suzanna Moon [ [info]pinpoints ] and anyone who wants to come along
Summary; Moving in day! Prose and action welcome. :3
Log; I don't mean to frighten you off - it's just fun, it's just fun. )

Aug. 29th, 2012


[No Subject]

WHO; Natasha Romanoff + Students (And everyone else)
WHEN; Self-defence class time + various (for office hours, tutorials)
WHERE; Self-defence classroom + Natasha's office
SUMMARY; Self-defence class, also Natasha's office hours (and one-on-one language tutoring if you're interested in threading it). Different threads for the different parts of the class.

pretend this cut is in latin! )

Aug. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

When; Tuesday morning
Rating; Likely nothing bad... swearing.
Characters; Alec and You
Summary; Alec and snails

It's rather early this morning and the campus is quiet.

At least it was quiet until there's a loud yell and followed by some cursing. "You godsdamn three times fucking little nargits! Get thee out of the bushes least I ... What the fuck are you doing to my shovel?! Godsdamnit you little twits!"

Alec is standing by a bush and poking at said bush with a shovel. When he yanks the shovel free of the bush it's easy to see that part of the shovel has been chewed off.

"Where's the fucking monster salt?"

Aug. 6th, 2012



2 ♦ open log

When; Monday? Mid-afternoon.
Rating; PG-13
Characters; Eliot and YOU!!
Summary; It’s PE time!!
Log; I like that boom boom pow~ )

ooc: Obvious PE class is obvious. Post anywhere and everywhere. Talk to your classmates. Interact with your classmates. Cheer them on. Laugh at them. Bond with them over the pain. Have fun!

Jul. 22nd, 2012


15th day start | oni mini-event!

Good morning, students. In place of the Headmaster who is currently indisposed, I will be delivering your morning announcements today, the 15th day of the semester. It seems that our new residents have not decided to return to the woods as we'd hoped.

The barrier has now come fully down, and they have taken advantage of its absence to explore the city beyond. There are 5 that we know of who have escaped, and we're beginning to put teams together to go out after them.

Anyone willing to join a team, please congregate in the mess hall -- there are stations set up with staff acting as team leaders for you to sign up with in order to organize the retrieval and safe return of the oni to the campus.

Needless to say, classes for today have been suspended.

[ you may use this post to mingle in and start putting together groups, if you like. (if you'd like to post, that's totally cool too -- we just figure it might be easier to organize here.) we're going to leave it mostly up to you guys to find a group and go out and explore the city, with extra encouragement for our staff characters to take the reigns and help students get together. but, if a bunch of students head out on their own, they can escape having a chaperon if they would! it might help to remind us of your characters power in the subject so we can put effective teams together, but it's not required.

any questions, feel free to holler!

Jul. 4th, 2012


1 ♅ I must have left a thousand times

When; day 12, morning
Rating; G presumably
Characters; Haruka Tenoh and OPEN
Summary; Haruka arrives and tries to settle in.
Log; but every day began the same )

Jul. 1st, 2012


12th day start | NEWBIE DAY

Up and at 'em, students! This is your Headmaster, and amateur emcee with the morning announcements!

Today is the 12th day of the semester, and while there are no classes, I'm sure there are plenty of activities to keep you all busy today.

And now a few announcements before I get to enjoying my favorite breakfast! Let's all welcome two of our newest students, Katherine Beckett and Haruka Tenoh! In addition, the position for defense teacher has been filled by a newcomer. Welcome your new teacher, Miss Romanoff. I'm sure you'll all make me proud in making her feel at home, here.

I would also like to remind the student body that anyone in need of a little spending money is free apply for any of the various work study jobs we offer here at the school. Inquire to any of the staff members as to how to go about landing such a prestigious occupation.

And lastly. Unfortunately I must stress this point more urgently than I had yesterday: please do not go off the forest paths. The Oni do not like feeling trespassed upon and we've already had an incident of students entering where they should not. From now on, any students caught out in the forests will be banned from the hiking trails for a full week. You wouldn't want me prodding about your dorm room, would you? Let's respect the forest spirits' space, ladies, gentleman, and those of us who adhere to neither category.

Enjoy your days, and this delectable french toast!
[ after the announcements, three students are delivered small slips of paper. lucky student number one, lucky student number two, lucky student number three, will have to take an hour out of their precious day off to sit in the null facility with rex. there will be a thread below if any of you would like to play it out. otherwise, simply referencing the punishment is fine! and because one of your illustrious mods rushed through this, the detention will be held at 9am, right after breakfast. ]
[ Feel free to use this post to mingle between classes, at meal times, or after classes. You can post any announcements you would normally post to the general bulletin board. You can also visit the officies of any of the NPCs. Any new students may post here if they'd like to get their feet wet before starting to make posts of their own; use this space to seek out room mates and ask any questions or play out anything you'd like to get settled before diving into the game at large. ]

Jun. 25th, 2012


11th day start | announcements + mingle

Rise and shine, students! This is your Headmaster, and resident cookie-connoisseur. I recommend the chocolate chip, today.

Today is the 11th day of the semester, and what a lovely day it is!

We would like to remind all students that the labyrinth is not your personal smoking lounge. Smoking on campus is discouraged, but if you must pollute our air as you pollute your lungs, there are designated areas out of the way of high traffic.

I've heard rumors of a cheerleading squad and a glee club starting up! Please submit your request forms to the main office, so that we may assign you teacher-sponsors to help you put your clubs together.

As you make your ways to your first classes, take a moment to remember why you're here. And that today is pizza-wheels day! They are my very favorite.

Ah, as a last note, please take care when using the hiking trails today. There seems to be a slight haunting of Oni. They're usually harmless, so long as they are not provoked. If you see any on campus, please report it to any staff, and they will give the information to Miss Drummond or Mr. Winchester. Thank you, and have an inspiring day!

[ Feel free to use this post to mingle between classes, at meal times, or after classes. You can post any announcements you would normally post to the general bulletin board. You can also visit the officies of any of the NPCs. ]

Jun. 20th, 2012




When; Late afternoon/early evening
Rating; No more than PG, I'd think
Characters; Lana, Lucy, and anyone else who might wander by
Summary; Lana's starting to settle in
Log; Time to unpack. )

Jun. 5th, 2012


Open Mingle

When; A day off: Noonish-when ever
Rating; PG for now
Characters; Everyone who's anyone
Summary; Students have a day off. The school has decided to host an informal sort of picnic/day out
Other Notes: No real plan to this. Enjoy the grounds, start threads, mingle. I'll put some activity threads down there but feel free to add your own. Action brackets or prose. Have fun.
Log; Come on in, the water's fine )

Mar. 29th, 2012


Dorm Boards

Each dorm room has a white board in it for you to leave personal messages for people who are not room mate (aka other students). These messages are public knowledge as the dorm boards are OUTSIDE the rooms by the doors.

Please make a thread for your character and put their name in the subject. See all the examples below.