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Posts Tagged: 'alec+troven+%7C+staff'

Oct. 11th, 2012


One → Allison Cameron [+ open]

When; Day 26.
Rating; PG?
Characters; Allison Cameron + open!
Summary; Allison arrives at the school and starts setting up her office.
'All change is bad? It's not true, you know.' )

Sep. 25th, 2012



You can't keep a good man dead.

When; day 24
Rating; None yet
Characters; Alec and whoever finds him.
Summary; Alec reappears after having been eaten by the dragon the other day.

With all the havoc caused by the dragon it would seem logical that Alec would be around bitching and complaining about all the clean up that is now required, the ruining of the bushes and other problems like that. However he's been perfectly silent. In fact it's as if he wasn't even there.

Which he wasn't.

Now he is.

Something shifts oddly. A tingling in the air or perhaps feeling like something twisted around for a moment before snapping back into place. In a pile of rubble there is now an Alec laying in it.

He groans softly and mutters a "Fuckitall".

Then. "Where's m'coat?"

Coming back from the dead hurts like a bitch.

Sep. 8th, 2012


2 ♠ open log

When; Nighttime! Way past bedtime.
Rating; PG?
Characters; Jericho and you! OPEN
Summary; DRAGON!!! omg dragon.
Log; to look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time. )

ooc: Please let me know in a small ooc of your initial responses if you’re wanting dragon interaction in your thread or if you’re just trying to escape with students. Also! Please let me know if it’s okay for the dragon to hurt your muse or not.

Sep. 2nd, 2012


21st day start

We've made it through three weeks, isn't that exciting?

Now, on your first day off since the Oni attacks, we've got a special treat! Later tonight, after sundown, you can venture out into the gardens where you'll find we've set up a little walk-in movie of our very own.

But for now, enjoy the free time; venture out into the city, maybe bring your humble headmaster back some trinkets? I enjoy things that jingle, but not jangle. Or tea. You can never go wrong with trying a new kind of tea...

Ah, one final announcement -- we have a new student joining us today! Everyone, please help us make Suzanna Moon feel welcome on campus. Daenerys Targaryen, you'll have a new roommate upon her arrival.

[ Feel free to use this post to mingle in the dorms/on campus, at meal times, playing outside, etc. You can post any announcements you would normally post to the general bulletin board. You can also visit the offices of any of the NPCs. We'll be putting up a log for the movies separately. ]

Aug. 21st, 2012



i control the vertical...

When; Day 19, Technology Class
Rating; PG?
Characters; Hardison + students (and teachers, if anyone wants to visit!)
Summary; A run-through of a class with Hardison-- he prefers you leave off the "mister" crap. Threads for different parts of class; feel free to improvise within them!
Log; The classroom is a nerd-core dreamland. )

Aug. 19th, 2012


19th day start

[ the headmaster is humming a chorus to himself, before he "realizes" he's got the PA system live. ]


Well, I'm certain if you weren't awake before, I've succeeded in rousing you all now. Morning comes once again, students and staff! Just a few notes today, before you all eagerly scurry off to classes with the pretense of indifference.

Firstly, Miss Ara Van will be off the grounds for today and possibly tomorrow; anything you need from her in the mean time can be directed to Ms. Polus.

B: I highly recommend the cherry struesel. It is exquisite! [ this is the sound of lips smacking right here. ]

And number three. Please note that the elevators will be down today for maintenance. The stairs are your best friend, and if you need assistance in getting to another floor, any faculty member will be happy to help. Mr. Nisemant doesn't bite, as much as he'd like us all to think he does.

Have a splendid day, and let's keep the fires to a minimum, hey?

Aug. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

When; Tuesday morning
Rating; Likely nothing bad... swearing.
Characters; Alec and You
Summary; Alec and snails

It's rather early this morning and the campus is quiet.

At least it was quiet until there's a loud yell and followed by some cursing. "You godsdamn three times fucking little nargits! Get thee out of the bushes least I ... What the fuck are you doing to my shovel?! Godsdamnit you little twits!"

Alec is standing by a bush and poking at said bush with a shovel. When he yanks the shovel free of the bush it's easy to see that part of the shovel has been chewed off.

"Where's the fucking monster salt?"

Jul. 22nd, 2012


15th day start | oni mini-event!

Good morning, students. In place of the Headmaster who is currently indisposed, I will be delivering your morning announcements today, the 15th day of the semester. It seems that our new residents have not decided to return to the woods as we'd hoped.

The barrier has now come fully down, and they have taken advantage of its absence to explore the city beyond. There are 5 that we know of who have escaped, and we're beginning to put teams together to go out after them.

Anyone willing to join a team, please congregate in the mess hall -- there are stations set up with staff acting as team leaders for you to sign up with in order to organize the retrieval and safe return of the oni to the campus.

Needless to say, classes for today have been suspended.

[ you may use this post to mingle in and start putting together groups, if you like. (if you'd like to post, that's totally cool too -- we just figure it might be easier to organize here.) we're going to leave it mostly up to you guys to find a group and go out and explore the city, with extra encouragement for our staff characters to take the reigns and help students get together. but, if a bunch of students head out on their own, they can escape having a chaperon if they would! it might help to remind us of your characters power in the subject so we can put effective teams together, but it's not required.

any questions, feel free to holler!

Jul. 9th, 2012



[No Subject]

When Day 12, late afternoon.
Rating G.
Characters Alec, anyone else who wants to bug him.
summary Fishing!

Alec is sitting by the moat in a law chair. He's got a fedora covering his face and he appears to be sleeping. A fishing pole is propped up next to him, one hand holding it lightly.


He's fishing in the moat.

Doesn't appear to have caught anything yet.

May. 23rd, 2012



The Stars in the Sky, during the day. [1]

When; Day Six
Who; Alec and whoever You. Yes. You. Over there.
Rating; Um. PG, I guess.
Summary; Alec is being weird. This is new?

The janitor has been up to strange things in the past week or so. Even before school started. He's been chasing moving socks, cleaning out the classrooms, and randomly doing things. But right now, this possibly could take the cake.

Alec is standing out in the courtyard and staring up into the sky. There's nothing there. Okay, there's a few clouds up in the sky, but nothing InterestingBut he's still staring. Occasionally he'll pull a pocket watch out of his pocket and glance at it before going back to staring at the sky.

May. 16th, 2012


been wanderin' for a little too long

When; The entirety of Day Five
Rating; PG
Characters; Mr. Nisemant
Summary; Advising you people of what's what.
Log; rex puts his feet down. )

Apr. 24th, 2012


open: i really fell for you

When; Morningish in the Teacher's Lounge.
Rating; PG-13
Characters; PJ & ... someone else!
Summary; PJ has a problem with tables.
Notes; Prose or actionspam, whatever you want.

Drive by violence. )

Apr. 20th, 2012


[No Subject]

When; Evening
Rating; PG
Characters; John Watson + YOU
Location; Common room
Anything else; Nope!
Summary; John is using his 'down time' to study. Yeah, he's a nerd. Come bother him.

John is sitting in an armchair in the common room. He's pulled the coffee table close to him and he's got books scattered all over it. He's on the edge of the chair, scribbling madly in a notebook as he flips through his math book. His brow is furrowed and he appears to be deeply involved in his homework. He's wearing a pair of khaki slacks, argyle socks (no shoes), a thermal shirt and a sort of greenish striped cardigan over it. He doesn't have glasses to complete the 'nerd' image, but he probably should because this is his 'down time'. Someone interrupt the poor boy and explain to him the concept of relaxation. Please.

Apr. 14th, 2012


Staff Mailboxes

Each staff member has a mailbox outside their office. These are used so that students and other staff members can leave files, books, notes, schedules, etc for the staff members. These are actual mailbox style containers nailed to the walls outside the offices that each staff member has. They are large enough for small books and file folders. A volume of the OED will not fit in them, a copy of Moby Dick....probably will.