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Posts Tagged: '%C2%A9+rex+nisemant'

Jul. 1st, 2012


12th day start | NEWBIE DAY

Up and at 'em, students! This is your Headmaster, and amateur emcee with the morning announcements!

Today is the 12th day of the semester, and while there are no classes, I'm sure there are plenty of activities to keep you all busy today.

And now a few announcements before I get to enjoying my favorite breakfast! Let's all welcome two of our newest students, Katherine Beckett and Haruka Tenoh! In addition, the position for defense teacher has been filled by a newcomer. Welcome your new teacher, Miss Romanoff. I'm sure you'll all make me proud in making her feel at home, here.

I would also like to remind the student body that anyone in need of a little spending money is free apply for any of the various work study jobs we offer here at the school. Inquire to any of the staff members as to how to go about landing such a prestigious occupation.

And lastly. Unfortunately I must stress this point more urgently than I had yesterday: please do not go off the forest paths. The Oni do not like feeling trespassed upon and we've already had an incident of students entering where they should not. From now on, any students caught out in the forests will be banned from the hiking trails for a full week. You wouldn't want me prodding about your dorm room, would you? Let's respect the forest spirits' space, ladies, gentleman, and those of us who adhere to neither category.

Enjoy your days, and this delectable french toast!
[ after the announcements, three students are delivered small slips of paper. lucky student number one, lucky student number two, lucky student number three, will have to take an hour out of their precious day off to sit in the null facility with rex. there will be a thread below if any of you would like to play it out. otherwise, simply referencing the punishment is fine! and because one of your illustrious mods rushed through this, the detention will be held at 9am, right after breakfast. ]
[ Feel free to use this post to mingle between classes, at meal times, or after classes. You can post any announcements you would normally post to the general bulletin board. You can also visit the officies of any of the NPCs. Any new students may post here if they'd like to get their feet wet before starting to make posts of their own; use this space to seek out room mates and ask any questions or play out anything you'd like to get settled before diving into the game at large. ]

May. 16th, 2012


been wanderin' for a little too long

When; The entirety of Day Five
Rating; PG
Characters; Mr. Nisemant
Summary; Advising you people of what's what.
Log; rex puts his feet down. )

Apr. 23rd, 2012


open >> run, don't walk, away

When; Mid-morning in the halls
Rating; R. Johanna has a mouth & is a huge slut.
Characters; Johanna Mason + any one at all that can handle her crazy. Come one, come all.
Summary; Johanna is never going to get through a class without pissing someone off.

"Are you kidding me?" Johanna shrieked, a little perturbed at the current turn of events. "You can't kick me out of class. It's the first day of school!"

The teacher muttered something about disrespect and improper behavior -- since when was sleeping in class considered disrespectful? -- but Johanna tuned her out, stalking across the classroom to the door. At the door, she turned and glared at the offending teacher.

"I thought you freaks were supposed to be able to handle hard cases, isn't that what this bullshit is all about?"

The teacher snapped. "Johanna Mason. Detention. Now."

Waving a hand dismissively, like screw you and the horse you rode in on, Johanna turned and walked out with her head held high, slamming the door behind her. Screw this shit, there was no way she was going to detention.