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Posts Tagged: '%C2%A9+lea+polus'

Apr. 21st, 2012


open } ruby + you!

When; Mid-morning in the halls
Rating; PG-13?
Characters; Ruby + YOUR MOM
Summary; Ruby is annoyed. Students flee.

Ruby stalked down the hall, wondering for the 437th time -- it was only second period! -- why she'd taken this job. She hated people, she hated young people, she hated doing things for the greater good that she didn't enjoy, school reminded her of Hell... It was an all around bad idea.

"Hey!" Her shout cut through the between classes crowd as she whirled on an unsuspecting student. He was twitchy and small so she guessed he was a poor, helpless freshman. "Wash your brain out with soap."

Maybe it was being scolded by a teacher in front of his peers, maybe it was the way the pretty blonde's eyes flashed a terrifying black, or maybe it was the fact that she was pointing at him with a knife, but the kid turned tail and ran in what Ruby could only classify as abject terror.

She smiled.

Maybe she could get used to this job.