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Posts Tagged: 'dean+winchester+%7C+staff'

Sep. 8th, 2012


2 ♠ open log

When; Nighttime! Way past bedtime.
Rating; PG?
Characters; Jericho and you! OPEN
Summary; DRAGON!!! omg dragon.
Log; to look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time. )

ooc: Please let me know in a small ooc of your initial responses if you’re wanting dragon interaction in your thread or if you’re just trying to escape with students. Also! Please let me know if it’s okay for the dragon to hurt your muse or not.

Aug. 6th, 2012



2 ♦ open log

When; Monday? Mid-afternoon.
Rating; PG-13
Characters; Eliot and YOU!!
Summary; It’s PE time!!
Log; I like that boom boom pow~ )

ooc: Obvious PE class is obvious. Post anywhere and everywhere. Talk to your classmates. Interact with your classmates. Cheer them on. Laugh at them. Bond with them over the pain. Have fun!

Jul. 10th, 2012



open } putting in time for the family business

When; Day 12, evening
Rating; PG-13
Characters; Deano Winchestero & peoples
Summary; Dean is hunting things. Probably not saving people.


When it explodes it's like SHLABLAM )

Jun. 5th, 2012


Open Mingle

When; A day off: Noonish-when ever
Rating; PG for now
Characters; Everyone who's anyone
Summary; Students have a day off. The school has decided to host an informal sort of picnic/day out
Other Notes: No real plan to this. Enjoy the grounds, start threads, mingle. I'll put some activity threads down there but feel free to add your own. Action brackets or prose. Have fun.
Log; Come on in, the water's fine )

May. 25th, 2012


plot log; level seven

When; Day 7, before dinner
Rating; PG (language)
Characters; Quinn Fabray ([info]cheerleader), Dean Winchester ([info]here_tohelp)
Summary; Discovery of Basement Level 7
[ The enormous gears had sped up at first; an initial worrying sound that either preceded sudden death from impact or a safe but jolting grind to a halt. Whatever number that Dean or Quinn had pressed apparently didn't matter to the elevator, because it whizzed past the floor without giving a pully's wheel to stopping where it was supposed to. Maybe this one just likes to give its riders stomach-butterflies and that feeling that today's their day to die.

Then there was a shudder and the sound of metal on metal had echoed through the little elevator car and down into the bellows of the elevator shaft. The resounding thud afterward was a decisive sort of thud; if machines could be decisive, that is.

Now, duct tape that attempts to cover up the lower-half of the floor-buttons on the elevator, seems to be lit up and peeling it back will reveal that there are more buttons, for more floors. The yellow circle with a '7' in the middle glows, dull and covered in sticky residue.

The doors lurch open, or they try their best. After attaining about a foot-wide gap, they move to close again, and then bounce back open harder. Again, and again, the motion repeats. There isn't enough momentum to get them open entirely, and so the elevator is caught in an endless loop of open and closed.

Then the light cuts out -- all but that circled-7 on the button-board.

The room beyond the elevator is dimly-lit. There is a large storm-drain in the center of the room, surrounded by a dull red-orange stain 3 feet in diameter. Directly across from the elevator is a room, the door laying before it on the floor. Posted on the wall next to the open door frame is a large hazard symbol and warnings that can be made out to require HazMat suits before entering the room.

The other 4 rooms all have doors intact. Inside each is a similar set up: a long metal table in the center, with counters and shelves lining the walls.

Clunk-bump. Shut. Whirrrr-clunk. Open.

map and key below cut. )

May. 16th, 2012


been wanderin' for a little too long

When; The entirety of Day Five
Rating; PG
Characters; Mr. Nisemant
Summary; Advising you people of what's what.
Log; rex puts his feet down. )

Apr. 29th, 2012



open } Well I got that green light baby

When; Early morning sometime
Rating; R, who am I kidding
Characters; Dean Winchester & everyone ever
Summary; Welcome to high school Deano

I gotta keep moving on. )