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Posts Tagged: 'mackayla+lane+%7C+u'

Sep. 8th, 2012


2 ♠ open log

When; Nighttime! Way past bedtime.
Rating; PG?
Characters; Jericho and you! OPEN
Summary; DRAGON!!! omg dragon.
Log; to look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time. )

ooc: Please let me know in a small ooc of your initial responses if you’re wanting dragon interaction in your thread or if you’re just trying to escape with students. Also! Please let me know if it’s okay for the dragon to hurt your muse or not.

Jul. 22nd, 2012


15th day start | oni mini-event!

Good morning, students. In place of the Headmaster who is currently indisposed, I will be delivering your morning announcements today, the 15th day of the semester. It seems that our new residents have not decided to return to the woods as we'd hoped.

The barrier has now come fully down, and they have taken advantage of its absence to explore the city beyond. There are 5 that we know of who have escaped, and we're beginning to put teams together to go out after them.

Anyone willing to join a team, please congregate in the mess hall -- there are stations set up with staff acting as team leaders for you to sign up with in order to organize the retrieval and safe return of the oni to the campus.

Needless to say, classes for today have been suspended.

[ you may use this post to mingle in and start putting together groups, if you like. (if you'd like to post, that's totally cool too -- we just figure it might be easier to organize here.) we're going to leave it mostly up to you guys to find a group and go out and explore the city, with extra encouragement for our staff characters to take the reigns and help students get together. but, if a bunch of students head out on their own, they can escape having a chaperon if they would! it might help to remind us of your characters power in the subject so we can put effective teams together, but it's not required.

any questions, feel free to holler!

Jun. 5th, 2012


Open Mingle

When; A day off: Noonish-when ever
Rating; PG for now
Characters; Everyone who's anyone
Summary; Students have a day off. The school has decided to host an informal sort of picnic/day out
Other Notes: No real plan to this. Enjoy the grounds, start threads, mingle. I'll put some activity threads down there but feel free to add your own. Action brackets or prose. Have fun.
Log; Come on in, the water's fine )

May. 22nd, 2012


[No Subject]

When; Off Day Afternoon
Rating; PG
Characters; Mac + You
Summary; She's just arrived, gotten settled and is checking the place out.

Mac has stowed her pink luggage in her room. She hasn't unpacked because her curiosity is killing her. She wants to see everything. She's never been away to a school like this and it's only made more intriguing to her because it's a school for kids with powers. Before Alina died and she started researching, Mac never considered that such things were real. She didn't read books about things like that and she didn't care for movies unless they dealt with something 'real'. Now that her eyes are open, she wants to explore it all. She can be found poking around in the common room, wandering through halls, peeking into empty classrooms and walking around the school grounds. The best place to catch her though, the one that will stop her in her tracks and absorb her time for hours to come, is the library. She's never seen so many books in her entire life. Mac wasn't sure that there had been that many books written before she stepped foot inside.