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June 2nd :: Afternoon


Does anyone have a good answer for why I've become a human flashbulb? Because I've got nothing.

Cody, Cameron )


June 1st ;; late evening

Has anyone noticed some odd things happening around camp?

Like... random lights in places where they weren't before? I think I saw a fire in a tree this afternoon. And then, I thought I saw a tree bent in a way that no tree should naturally be bent.

And then there's the fact that I think I healed the med tent again

Jairus )


May 31st ;; evening

This island legitimately has an internet thing. Internet. On an island.

Color me surprised. Just take surprised Sharpie and color all over my face with it. Maybe a little impressed Sharpie, too.

But now that we have our priorities figured out... anyone tried to get off this rock?

And, um... might be a long-shot, but... I'm looking for a few people. Has anyone heard about anyone named Dan Rivera, Greg Flatt, Jamie Ortega or Jakob Ortega?


May 30th ;; morning

I'd like to take another trip into the caves. Is anyone interested in coming along?

The last time we were there, I found more rock formations, and I really think that one of them is hiding something. It's one of those things that will bother me until I find out, and Madison won't forgive me if I go off without some help.


May 29th ;; late morning

Medical people? We have a whole bunch of new medical supplies for you to organize however you want!

Cooks? We have a ton of cans of food! I lost count at the fiftieth can or so! And there's still some more over there, if anyone wants to make a second trip with me.

They had a lot of other supplies, too. Boxes of bottled water, which we should probably save for days when we have a hard time cleaning what we've got.

A couple of the tech-savvier people that came with us grabbed some wires and some type of radar thingymading for you techie people to use.

There are new toys for everyone. It's like a weird island Christmas.

Max )


May 28th;; late morning

Finally a little quiet Anyone else happy to see the rain tapering off? If we never have to go through another storm big or small that will be the fantastic. Any idea of just how bad the damage is after this last storm?


May 27th ;; late morning

I think the worst of the storm is over. Everyone alright out there?

And did the rescue crews manage to find the family (?) in the caves?


May 25th ;; late afternoon

If anyone is having trouble with their shelter in this wind, we have plenty of room in our plane.

It's probably a lot sturdier than braving other kinds of shelter.

Max )
Cody )


May 25th ;; late morning

Alright. I'm going to put a final rest to the rumors and concerns that I killed the captain, mostly because there's no reason for me to keep any secrets anymore.

Yes, I asked about his whereabouts. But there's an explanation for that.

I'm not a restaurant manager. And my name is not Isaac Thomas. My name is Special Agent Declan Williams, with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and I was assigned to an undercover mission to investigate some of the captain's questionable dealings. Jessica Thomas is not my wife, nor is she Jessica Thomas. She's my partner, Special Agent Marcie Edwards.

And yes, I'm aware that this isn't an easy story to believe. But if you have trouble believing it, come and see me, and I'd be more than happy to show you my badge and credentials, both of which thankfully survived the wreck.

If you've got any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll answer most anything.


May 24 :: Early Evening

We'll be burying the captain tomorrow morning, in the dirt clearing down at the western side of the camp. If anyone would like to attend the burial or help with the digging, you're welcome.

And no, Cody and I weren't able to uncover the murderer. Judging by his manner of death, we're concluding it as the work of the natives. I still have my doubts

Continue to be cautious when coming and going from camp. Don't leave while it's dark, if at all possible.


May 24th ;; morning

Okay, so, a couple of days ago I mentioned seeking out groups to help me find supplies in some of the wrecks! Anyone who's interested, let me know soon, please? I'm going to go out tomorrow.

And I'd really like some help with the stock area! It seems like a three or four person deal, so anyone who's into the idea, I've sanctioned a little area in the corner of camp for it!

Frankie )
Cody )
Max )


May 22nd ;; night

Everyone please be careful. You may think you're hydrating yourself enough and staying in the shade, but I can speak very confidently that unless you're constantly drinking water or keeping cool in some other way, the heat will sneak up on you.

I didn't quite pass out, but I came pretty close.

Stay cool out there, everyone. Literally.

Frankie )
Cody )
Max )


May 22nd ;; late afternoon

I really think it's best if we stop pointing fingers at each other for the time being, as to why the captain turned up dead.

The new arrivals from the southern camp are already nervous enough. This is doing little but making it worse.

We're all concerned, and I absolutely understand that. But that's just it: we're all concerned. And rather than pointing fingers around camp, I feel like it's a safer assumption that the natives did it, given that they've already proven themselves hostile on more than one occasion. I'm not saying that it's impossible that someone at camp did it, just that we should need more compelling evidence than just the rumor mill.

If we all turn against each other, we're leaving ourselves open for another attack from whoever is doing it. Please keep that in mind.


May 21 :: Night

Anybody else hear that call from the other camp?

More importantly: Anybody else able to contact them? I don't know if it's my radio or what, but I don't think they can hear me. Screaming and the word "savages" was all I got.

Night Watch, be extra alert tonight. The natives may come for us, too. No one is to leave camp until morning. Our best chance is to stand strongest together.


May 21st ;; late morning

Alright. So it's high time I actually do this.

I've been thinking about starting up a day care/babysitting service for all those mamas with little ones that they need help with. I'm definitely taking volunteers from whoever's into helping me out.

I'll need help making the big tent to put it in, too. 'Cause we don't want all those kids exposed to the elements and stuff.

Any big strong men and women willing to help an awesome, sexy, dynamic lady out?

Soli )
Maximillion )


May 20;; late morning

Does anyone need a second pair of hands? I'm feeling sort of useless just watching my niece.

And has anyone come across a leather bound sketchbook? I lost it in my rush for cover during the storm. It's no rush but if anyone sees it I'd greatly appreciate having it returned.


May 20th ;; early morning

My daughter has been returned safe and sound. She's quite a bit shaken, but all in all, she's alright.

Thank you to everyone who helped me look and to everyone who expressed their concern.

Max )


May 19th ;; late morning

Thank you to those of you who helped with the rescue efforts. I apologize for worrying anyone.

I don't think I'll be taking any more solo cave adventures, so anyone willing to come along with me, please let me know. I made a couple of discoveries in that cave that I'd like to go back and check out.

Carly )


May 18 :: Early Morning

I'm sorry it's so early, but I need to organize a search-and-rescue group to go up into the rocky area. Dr. Bailey was trapped there yesterday during the storm. Now that it's daytime, we need to get him out of there.

Will anyone help me? It's almost guaranteed that there will be large rocks to move, so anyone strong, please help.

We'll be leaving in half an hour, or as soon as possible. I'm not sure how long I can get his sister to wait


May 17 :: Afternoon

Two more of the natives spotted in the jungle this morning. One got away, but I managed to take down the other.

Be advised: these people are dangerous. Do not leave the camp unarmed.

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