
May 26th :: Late Evening

Would treehouses make these storms better or worse to live through? That's the question plaguing me right now. For the record this might just be an excuse to live in a treehouse....I mean come on it'd be totally awesome, like the Swiss Family Robinson or something!


May 23rd ;; late morning


We should do something awesome tonight. The boys and I are so ready to put on a concert! Free, even! Zero coconuts for admission!

Oh, and streaky hair lady? Is Axe with you and your dog?


May 19th :: Late Night

Are the wolves keeping anyone else up?

They seem really uneasy out there. Worse than they have been.


May 18 :: Evening

So, I was thinking - and don't give me any of these comments about me not havin' the brains to think...

But I was thinking...

If these sodding planes and shit keep crashing, what if one of 'em lands on us, eh? What the fuck we gonna do then?

It's a legitimate concern, it is.


May 16 :: Afternoon

Has anyone not contributed their info for the database? Everything will be going live in about an hour. I can still edit new names in, but I'd rather have the project as finished as possible first.


May 16th :: Afternoon

I can't believe I'm aski Can someone I should even bothe Does anyone know how to re-string a guitar? I found mine in the salvaged luggage, but a couple strings were broken and I've never been very good at fixing things like that myself.


May 15th ;; evening

I know that Cody already said this, but I feel like I need to elaborate on it so that we all know what we're really up against.

People, especially women, who leave the camp need to be armed. These men may only have knives and bows, but they're incredibly dangerous. They know the island well and are very sneaky. I didn't see the one we encountered until it was too late.

I know this seems sexist, but like Cody said, women should always have a man, or even a stronger woman, with them. A lot of these men seem like they haven't seen a clean looking woman in years. They tried to I can speak with confidence; if Cody hadn't been there, I might not be here right now.

These people aren't to be trifled with, okay? Don't try and play hero, please.

Frankie )
Max )


May 12th :: Evening

Has anyone else noticed the creeper with the binoculars? Seriously, I think they're permanently attached to his face or something.

And does anyone have any ideas what squirrels eat? Apparently I've acquired on as a pet and I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO FEED HIM.


May 9 :: Evening

So I was thinking about that headcount thing everyone's talking about. I thought to myself, "Hey, Madeline, you're smart and brought a video camera with you. Maybe that could be used for the census!"

Video files of every survivor have to be better than names on a piece of paper, right? And maybe a really cool montage of all the people who died. Like, keeping tabs on who died but also doing like a memorial thing. What're we gonna do about all those bodies, anyway?


May 9th ;; morning

Has anyone had any luck contacting land outside of the island?

I keep getting this strange message whenever I try, and yet I can still contact people on the island. It's the oddest thing...