June 18th, 2013

[info]raineorshine in [info]stormy_network

May 29th ;; late morning

Medical people? We have a whole bunch of new medical supplies for you to organize however you want!

Cooks? We have a ton of cans of food! I lost count at the fiftieth can or so! And there's still some more over there, if anyone wants to make a second trip with me.

They had a lot of other supplies, too. Boxes of bottled water, which we should probably save for days when we have a hard time cleaning what we've got.

A couple of the tech-savvier people that came with us grabbed some wires and some type of radar thingymading for you techie people to use.

There are new toys for everyone. It's like a weird island Christmas.

Max )

[info]tendingtheflock in [info]stormy_network

May 29th ;; early afternoon

Would anyone be against building some kind of swimming hole closer to camp than the pond? I figure it'd be good for hot days, and we can make a shallower one for the kidlets.


Maximillion )
Soli )