June 9th, 2013

[info]nodinosaurs in [info]stormy_network

May 24th ;; afternoon

I thought I saw Does anyone want to come to the crags with me? There are a few things I saw last time that I didn't get the chance to pick up. Maya, Carly, I hope you're in. But anyone else who's willing is more than welcome.

I've noticed a very large patch of edible mushrooms to the west of the smaller fresh water pond, as well. We should probably go in and pick them. They could supplement our food stores very well.

Additionally, I'd given a little consideration to a treehouse project, as something of guard posts. I know we have one or two that are habitable as far as living-quarters go, but we have some taller trees in other parts of the woods around camp. Maybe we could use those as areas for the security team? As well as making some more for residences?

[info]asnarldenote in [info]stormy_network

May 24 :: Early Evening

We'll be burying the captain tomorrow morning, in the dirt clearing down at the western side of the camp. If anyone would like to attend the burial or help with the digging, you're welcome.

And no, Cody and I weren't able to uncover the murderer. Judging by his manner of death, we're concluding it as the work of the natives. I still have my doubts

Continue to be cautious when coming and going from camp. Don't leave while it's dark, if at all possible.