
May 27th :: Middle of the Afternoon.

Anyone else get stuck somewhere during that storm? I got myself stuck on the south side of the island. Last time I'm drowning for awhi

Addy )


May 25th ;; late morning

Alright. I'm going to put a final rest to the rumors and concerns that I killed the captain, mostly because there's no reason for me to keep any secrets anymore.

Yes, I asked about his whereabouts. But there's an explanation for that.

I'm not a restaurant manager. And my name is not Isaac Thomas. My name is Special Agent Declan Williams, with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and I was assigned to an undercover mission to investigate some of the captain's questionable dealings. Jessica Thomas is not my wife, nor is she Jessica Thomas. She's my partner, Special Agent Marcie Edwards.

And yes, I'm aware that this isn't an easy story to believe. But if you have trouble believing it, come and see me, and I'd be more than happy to show you my badge and credentials, both of which thankfully survived the wreck.

If you've got any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll answer most anything.


May 24 :: Early Evening

We'll be burying the captain tomorrow morning, in the dirt clearing down at the western side of the camp. If anyone would like to attend the burial or help with the digging, you're welcome.

And no, Cody and I weren't able to uncover the murderer. Judging by his manner of death, we're concluding it as the work of the natives. I still have my doubts

Continue to be cautious when coming and going from camp. Don't leave while it's dark, if at all possible.


May 22 :: Late Morning

So, should I put the captain dude in the database? Maybe list him under Deceased and how/when he died? We should keep track of the dead people, right? For when we get rescued and people ask us who died?

How did the captain die, anyway? Some people are saying someone here murdered him

Also, someone else can film him/take his picture because ew.


May 18 :: Early Morning

I'm sorry it's so early, but I need to organize a search-and-rescue group to go up into the rocky area. Dr. Bailey was trapped there yesterday during the storm. Now that it's daytime, we need to get him out of there.

Will anyone help me? It's almost guaranteed that there will be large rocks to move, so anyone strong, please help.

We'll be leaving in half an hour, or as soon as possible. I'm not sure how long I can get his sister to wait


May 15th :: Early Evening

It's been confirmed we're not alone on this island. Raine and I were out hunting this afternoon and a group of what I can really only describe as savages attacked us.

Please if anyone is heading out into the woods or even venturing away from camp, please don't do so alone. Arming yourself when you do leave may also be a good idea, and please let someone know that you've left camp.


May 14 :: Early Afternoon


If anyone sees any sign or comes across a five-year-old girl who answers to the name Iris Stone, please contact Leandra, Nick or Cassidy Stone either via radio or this stupid network, or bring her to one of us.

She's 3'3", 35 lbs, long brown hair and grey eyes. She's also missing her bottom left canine tooth.

She went missing near the lake about an hour ago.

I have to find h Please help m

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May 13th ;; afternoon

You know what I've been curious about since we ended up here?

Did the captain make it? Has anyone seen him since we crashed? He never struck me as the "captain goes down with the ship" type.