
May 31st :: Late, late night

Is anyone else still having a case of the weirds?


May 31st :: Afternoon

So I've heard rumblings around camp about people feeling off.

I've got some ginger if anyone wants some. I was saving it, but I figured now is as good of time as any to use it. It's good for feelings of nausea so who knows, it might help with this off feeling. At least I'm hoping it will.


May 29th ;; late morning

Medical people? We have a whole bunch of new medical supplies for you to organize however you want!

Cooks? We have a ton of cans of food! I lost count at the fiftieth can or so! And there's still some more over there, if anyone wants to make a second trip with me.

They had a lot of other supplies, too. Boxes of bottled water, which we should probably save for days when we have a hard time cleaning what we've got.

A couple of the tech-savvier people that came with us grabbed some wires and some type of radar thingymading for you techie people to use.

There are new toys for everyone. It's like a weird island Christmas.

Max )


May 28th ;; early afternoon

A couple of people have come to me, expressing that they saw a ship on the other side of the craggy area, but didn't have the equipment to go and explore.

Would anyone be interested in joining me to go and check it out tomorrow morning?

So far, I've heard word from Raine, and a couple from her scavenging group, but we'd like a few others, as well.

Travis )


May 26th :: Evening

It's been brought to my attention that we should be eating more seafood. So are there any fisherman out there who want to take on the task of trying to catch food for the whole camp?


May 22nd :: Early Afternoon

This heat. I feel like I'm melting, like the Wicked Witch.

Cameron, Carly )
Gabe )


May 21st ;; morning

Got those cars running. They're running on a mix of solar and electricity, and they're definitely not off-road vehicles, so we probably have to stick to the beach, but they're fucking working.

We can trade off supplies with the southern camp, and if someone wants to help me build a trailer, we can trade off even more.

Was figuring I'd try them tomorrow.


May 20 :: Morning

I woke up this morning to find I have a new neighbor.

Anyone with young children, you may want to keep them away from this area for a couple hours. There was a dead macaw on the jungle floor I think this poor thing might've lost her (or his?) mate during the earthquake yesterday...

Despite being sad, s/he seems like a sweetheart. Hasn't been frightened away by any of the noises around camp, nor did s/he fly away when I got near the tree.

Maya )


May 16th ;; morning

I feel like I'm losing my mind. Does anyone else feel or hear movement from underground?

Be wary, Maya and I discovered that the wolf den is less than a mile away from us. The "always be armed" policy obviously still stands, but doubly so when going to fetch water, since we believe that the reservoir is the wolves' water source as well.

I'm going to check in the caves tomorrow, to see if there's any sign of an underground entrance.


May 14th :: Evening

Now that everyone's settling into camp, I'd like to find out what people will and won't eat.

I know we've got a couple vegetarians with us. But do we have anyone with food allergies?


May 14th ;; early evening

We're having a small barbecue around the fire with the meat that the hunters got today, and, of course, some of the vegetables we've foraged for the non-meat-eaters.

I figured it might be nice for us to get together, potentially get to know each other a little better.

Anyone around who can cook, would you be willing to help me out with that part?

I'm thinking about taking out my gui


May 13th ;; afternoon

You know what I've been curious about since we ended up here?

Did the captain make it? Has anyone seen him since we crashed? He never struck me as the "captain goes down with the ship" type.