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June 2nd ;; night

So... I think I saw the chicken running toward the crags. IDK what he was going after or how he got out, but yeah.

If you see any light orb things on the trees? Leave them alone. Please.

Mad Max )


June 2nd ;; morning

So... about that freaky stuff happening... does anyone have any idea what's making it happen?

Soli )
Mad Max )


June 1st :: Near midnight

Jairus, Nick )

Addy )


June 1st ;; late evening

Has anyone noticed some odd things happening around camp?

Like... random lights in places where they weren't before? I think I saw a fire in a tree this afternoon. And then, I thought I saw a tree bent in a way that no tree should naturally be bent.

And then there's the fact that I think I healed the med tent again

Jairus )


June 1st ;; morning

I don't I'm Is anyone else having issues with consciousness?

I just passed o I just saw a woman pass out while she was walking past the med tent. She told me it felt like her life force was being drained from her...


May 31st ;; afternoon

Okay, so anyone having trouble sleeping? Fucking nightm

I don't know what the fuck it is, but I tried to take a quick bit of shuteye a little bit ago and dreamed that someone told my sisters that I couldn't stay asleep for more than fifteen fucking minutes.

Davis, Jai )


May 29th ;; early afternoon

Would anyone be against building some kind of swimming hole closer to camp than the pond? I figure it'd be good for hot days, and we can make a shallower one for the kidlets.


Maximillion )
Soli )


May 29th ;; late morning

Medical people? We have a whole bunch of new medical supplies for you to organize however you want!

Cooks? We have a ton of cans of food! I lost count at the fiftieth can or so! And there's still some more over there, if anyone wants to make a second trip with me.

They had a lot of other supplies, too. Boxes of bottled water, which we should probably save for days when we have a hard time cleaning what we've got.

A couple of the tech-savvier people that came with us grabbed some wires and some type of radar thingymading for you techie people to use.

There are new toys for everyone. It's like a weird island Christmas.

Max )


May 27th :: Middle of the Afternoon.

Anyone else get stuck somewhere during that storm? I got myself stuck on the south side of the island. Last time I'm drowning for awhi

Addy )


May 25th ;; late afternoon

If anyone is having trouble with their shelter in this wind, we have plenty of room in our plane.

It's probably a lot sturdier than braving other kinds of shelter.

Max )
Cody )


May 25th ;; late afternoon

Guess who found a fully bloomed pear tree a few hundred feet out of the main camp? And before people yell at me, no I was not by myself.

I have a basket of pears and I'm totally coming back to get more later.

What's weird is that pears totally aren't in season now. Makes me wonder what other fruit is available that shouldn't be here.

Max )
Soli )


May 25 :: Early Afternoon

Nick, Jairus )


May 24th ;; morning

Okay, so, a couple of days ago I mentioned seeking out groups to help me find supplies in some of the wrecks! Anyone who's interested, let me know soon, please? I'm going to go out tomorrow.

And I'd really like some help with the stock area! It seems like a three or four person deal, so anyone who's into the idea, I've sanctioned a little area in the corner of camp for it!

Frankie )
Cody )
Max )


May 22nd ;; night

Everyone please be careful. You may think you're hydrating yourself enough and staying in the shade, but I can speak very confidently that unless you're constantly drinking water or keeping cool in some other way, the heat will sneak up on you.

I didn't quite pass out, but I came pretty close.

Stay cool out there, everyone. Literally.

Frankie )
Cody )
Max )


May 21,, morning

Tony )
Jarvis )


May 21st ;; late morning

Alright. So it's high time I actually do this.

I've been thinking about starting up a day care/babysitting service for all those mamas with little ones that they need help with. I'm definitely taking volunteers from whoever's into helping me out.

I'll need help making the big tent to put it in, too. 'Cause we don't want all those kids exposed to the elements and stuff.

Any big strong men and women willing to help an awesome, sexy, dynamic lady out?

Soli )
Maximillion )


May 20th ;; early morning

My daughter has been returned safe and sound. She's quite a bit shaken, but all in all, she's alright.

Thank you to everyone who helped me look and to everyone who expressed their concern.

Max )


May 18th ;; late night

Andri, Cass )
Jai, Davis )


May 16, late morning

With how ridiculously hot it has been lately, I was wondering if anyone knew how to rig up one of those mist things they have at theme parks or something out of pieces from the ship or one of the planes? Might be preferable for some versus taking a dip in the ocean or the spring.


May 16th ;; noon

Just found a couple cars and a truck in the wreck of a ship.

I'll need help getting them out, but with all the other wrecks around here, I can probably put them back together, and we can use them to transport supplies between the camps, and to travel the island.

Able bodied people, come to the giant shipwreck on the east side of the camp.

Davis, Jai )
Andri )

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