
May 27th :: Middle of the Afternoon.

Anyone else get stuck somewhere during that storm? I got myself stuck on the south side of the island. Last time I'm drowning for awhi

Addy )


May 24 :: Early Evening

We'll be burying the captain tomorrow morning, in the dirt clearing down at the western side of the camp. If anyone would like to attend the burial or help with the digging, you're welcome.

And no, Cody and I weren't able to uncover the murderer. Judging by his manner of death, we're concluding it as the work of the natives. I still have my doubts

Continue to be cautious when coming and going from camp. Don't leave while it's dark, if at all possible.


May 24th ;; morning

Okay, so, a couple of days ago I mentioned seeking out groups to help me find supplies in some of the wrecks! Anyone who's interested, let me know soon, please? I'm going to go out tomorrow.

And I'd really like some help with the stock area! It seems like a three or four person deal, so anyone who's into the idea, I've sanctioned a little area in the corner of camp for it!

Frankie )
Cody )
Max )


May 22 :: Late Morning

So, should I put the captain dude in the database? Maybe list him under Deceased and how/when he died? We should keep track of the dead people, right? For when we get rescued and people ask us who died?

How did the captain die, anyway? Some people are saying someone here murdered him

Also, someone else can film him/take his picture because ew.


May 21,, morning

Tony )
Jarvis )


May 20th ;; early morning

My daughter has been returned safe and sound. She's quite a bit shaken, but all in all, she's alright.

Thank you to everyone who helped me look and to everyone who expressed their concern.

Max )


May 19th ;; late morning

Has anyone seen or heard anything about my daughter yet?


May 16, late morning

With how ridiculously hot it has been lately, I was wondering if anyone knew how to rig up one of those mist things they have at theme parks or something out of pieces from the ship or one of the planes? Might be preferable for some versus taking a dip in the ocean or the spring.


May 15th :: Middle Morning

Has anyone tried to get off this island and into open water yet?

Seems like something someone should've tried by now.


May 14th ;; night

I keep hearing what sounds like a big fucking group of people in the distance.

I mean, maybe it's the other camp, but it doesn't seem realistic that we'd hear them fifteen miles away, does it?


May 12th ;; late morning

So, aside from the wolves and whatever else, what kinds of animals has everyone seen out there? I think it's probably safe to reschedule that hunting trip we talked about, too.

My girls and I took a couple of trips out to shore to gather some more luggage, too. We used one of the dollies, gathered a whole bunch and set it out next to the fire. You should come and see if any of it is yours.

I found a bunch of little things, too. Supplies. A couple of first aid things for the medics, a switchblade, a sharpening kit... there's some other stuff, too, but I kept those. If anyone needs them, I'm obviously willing to share.


May 11th ;; early evening

Does anyone have any idea when they want to move to the other side of the island?

And do you think, maybe, it would be beneficial to have two camps, one on each side of the island? We have radios to communicate now, and that way, we'll have easy access if when rescue shows up.

Linny )
Jairus )


May 11 :: Afternoon

The good news is there's a moderately-sized reservoir on the northern side of the island. It even has a waterfall, so some of that water is already safe to drink.

The bad news is this area seems to be where the majority of the wolves have made their home.

I think we could construct a safe camp up that way, though. There are plenty of trees we can use for shelter, and it isn't as exposed to the harsh sunlight as we are down here.

If there are any of us in the group who want to move, that is...


May 9 :: Evening

So I was thinking about that headcount thing everyone's talking about. I thought to myself, "Hey, Madeline, you're smart and brought a video camera with you. Maybe that could be used for the census!"

Video files of every survivor have to be better than names on a piece of paper, right? And maybe a really cool montage of all the people who died. Like, keeping tabs on who died but also doing like a memorial thing. What're we gonna do about all those bodies, anyway?