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Я скучаю по своей семье отчаянно.

I don't know what's going on- things are moving for no reason, falling, coming towards me. Is this happening to anyone else?

Это меня пугаешь.


June 2nd :: Afternoon


Does anyone have a good answer for why I've become a human flashbulb? Because I've got nothing.

Cody, Cameron )


June 2nd ;; noon

All of a sudden I can understand the idol now.

I don't know how, but I can...


May 31st :: Late Afternoon

Has anyone else had really vivid dreams? Mine almost felt real. And I'm getting this deja vu feeling.


May 31st :: Afternoon

So I've heard rumblings around camp about people feeling off.

I've got some ginger if anyone wants some. I was saving it, but I figured now is as good of time as any to use it. It's good for feelings of nausea so who knows, it might help with this off feeling. At least I'm hoping it will.


May 30th ;; morning

I'd like to take another trip into the caves. Is anyone interested in coming along?

The last time we were there, I found more rock formations, and I really think that one of them is hiding something. It's one of those things that will bother me until I find out, and Madison won't forgive me if I go off without some help.


May 28th ;; early afternoon

A couple of people have come to me, expressing that they saw a ship on the other side of the craggy area, but didn't have the equipment to go and explore.

Would anyone be interested in joining me to go and check it out tomorrow morning?

So far, I've heard word from Raine, and a couple from her scavenging group, but we'd like a few others, as well.

Travis )


May 26th :: Evening

It's been brought to my attention that we should be eating more seafood. So are there any fisherman out there who want to take on the task of trying to catch food for the whole camp?


May 24th ;; afternoon

I thought I saw Does anyone want to come to the crags with me? There are a few things I saw last time that I didn't get the chance to pick up. Maya, Carly, I hope you're in. But anyone else who's willing is more than welcome.

I've noticed a very large patch of edible mushrooms to the west of the smaller fresh water pond, as well. We should probably go in and pick them. They could supplement our food stores very well.

Additionally, I'd given a little consideration to a treehouse project, as something of guard posts. I know we have one or two that are habitable as far as living-quarters go, but we have some taller trees in other parts of the woods around camp. Maybe we could use those as areas for the security team? As well as making some more for residences?


May 22nd ;; late afternoon

I really think it's best if we stop pointing fingers at each other for the time being, as to why the captain turned up dead.

The new arrivals from the southern camp are already nervous enough. This is doing little but making it worse.

We're all concerned, and I absolutely understand that. But that's just it: we're all concerned. And rather than pointing fingers around camp, I feel like it's a safer assumption that the natives did it, given that they've already proven themselves hostile on more than one occasion. I'm not saying that it's impossible that someone at camp did it, just that we should need more compelling evidence than just the rumor mill.

If we all turn against each other, we're leaving ourselves open for another attack from whoever is doing it. Please keep that in mind.


May 22nd :: Early Afternoon

This heat. I feel like I'm melting, like the Wicked Witch.

Cameron, Carly )
Gabe )


May 20 :: Morning

I woke up this morning to find I have a new neighbor.

Anyone with young children, you may want to keep them away from this area for a couple hours. There was a dead macaw on the jungle floor I think this poor thing might've lost her (or his?) mate during the earthquake yesterday...

Despite being sad, s/he seems like a sweetheart. Hasn't been frightened away by any of the noises around camp, nor did s/he fly away when I got near the tree.

Maya )


May 19th ;; late morning

Thank you to those of you who helped with the rescue efforts. I apologize for worrying anyone.

I don't think I'll be taking any more solo cave adventures, so anyone willing to come along with me, please let me know. I made a couple of discoveries in that cave that I'd like to go back and check out.

Carly )


May 16th :: Afternoon

I can't believe I'm aski Can someone I should even bothe Does anyone know how to re-string a guitar? I found mine in the salvaged luggage, but a couple strings were broken and I've never been very good at fixing things like that myself.


May 16th ;; morning

I feel like I'm losing my mind. Does anyone else feel or hear movement from underground?

Be wary, Maya and I discovered that the wolf den is less than a mile away from us. The "always be armed" policy obviously still stands, but doubly so when going to fetch water, since we believe that the reservoir is the wolves' water source as well.

I'm going to check in the caves tomorrow, to see if there's any sign of an underground entrance.


May 14th :: Early Evening

I'm thinking about doing a regular hunting trip of sorts, it would be a rough schedule for the most part. But it would have an organized group going out at least a couple times a week, would this be something anyone would be interested in being a part of?


May 14th ;; early evening

We're having a small barbecue around the fire with the meat that the hunters got today, and, of course, some of the vegetables we've foraged for the non-meat-eaters.

I figured it might be nice for us to get together, potentially get to know each other a little better.

Anyone around who can cook, would you be willing to help me out with that part?

I'm thinking about taking out my gui


May 14 :: Morning

Now that most people are here, I'll be doing video interviews of people for the island database! We'll just be collecting basic info about everyone, so no need to stress! Take your chill pills and it'll be all over in a couple minutes.


May 11th ;; early evening

Does anyone have any idea when they want to move to the other side of the island?

And do you think, maybe, it would be beneficial to have two camps, one on each side of the island? We have radios to communicate now, and that way, we'll have easy access if when rescue shows up.

Linny )
Jairus )


May 11 :: Afternoon

The good news is there's a moderately-sized reservoir on the northern side of the island. It even has a waterfall, so some of that water is already safe to drink.

The bad news is this area seems to be where the majority of the wolves have made their home.

I think we could construct a safe camp up that way, though. There are plenty of trees we can use for shelter, and it isn't as exposed to the harsh sunlight as we are down here.

If there are any of us in the group who want to move, that is...

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