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Я скучаю по своей семье отчаянно.

I don't know what's going on- things are moving for no reason, falling, coming towards me. Is this happening to anyone else?

Это меня пугаешь.


June 1st ;; late evening

Has anyone noticed some odd things happening around camp?

Like... random lights in places where they weren't before? I think I saw a fire in a tree this afternoon. And then, I thought I saw a tree bent in a way that no tree should naturally be bent.

And then there's the fact that I think I healed the med tent again

Jairus )


June 1st :: Evening

So this weird feeling is getting weirder....I think I saw the future earlier today....

Raine )
Cosette )


June 1st ;; morning

I don't I'm Is anyone else having issues with consciousness?

I just passed o I just saw a woman pass out while she was walking past the med tent. She told me it felt like her life force was being drained from her...


May 31st :: Late, late night

Is anyone else still having a case of the weirds?


May 31st :: Late Afternoon

Has anyone else had really vivid dreams? Mine almost felt real. And I'm getting this deja vu feeling.


May 31st ;; morning

Is anyone else feeling weird today?


May 29th ;; late morning

Medical people? We have a whole bunch of new medical supplies for you to organize however you want!

Cooks? We have a ton of cans of food! I lost count at the fiftieth can or so! And there's still some more over there, if anyone wants to make a second trip with me.

They had a lot of other supplies, too. Boxes of bottled water, which we should probably save for days when we have a hard time cleaning what we've got.

A couple of the tech-savvier people that came with us grabbed some wires and some type of radar thingymading for you techie people to use.

There are new toys for everyone. It's like a weird island Christmas.

Max )


May 28th;; late morning

Finally a little quiet Anyone else happy to see the rain tapering off? If we never have to go through another storm big or small that will be the fantastic. Any idea of just how bad the damage is after this last storm?


May 27th :: Middle of the Afternoon.

Anyone else get stuck somewhere during that storm? I got myself stuck on the south side of the island. Last time I'm drowning for awhi

Addy )


May 27th ;; late morning

I think the worst of the storm is over. Everyone alright out there?

And did the rescue crews manage to find the family (?) in the caves?


May 26th :: Late Evening

Would treehouses make these storms better or worse to live through? That's the question plaguing me right now. For the record this might just be an excuse to live in a treehouse....I mean come on it'd be totally awesome, like the Swiss Family Robinson or something!


May 26th :: Evening

It's been brought to my attention that we should be eating more seafood. So are there any fisherman out there who want to take on the task of trying to catch food for the whole camp?


May 25th ;; late afternoon

If anyone is having trouble with their shelter in this wind, we have plenty of room in our plane.

It's probably a lot sturdier than braving other kinds of shelter.

Max )
Cody )


May 24th ;; morning

Okay, so, a couple of days ago I mentioned seeking out groups to help me find supplies in some of the wrecks! Anyone who's interested, let me know soon, please? I'm going to go out tomorrow.

And I'd really like some help with the stock area! It seems like a three or four person deal, so anyone who's into the idea, I've sanctioned a little area in the corner of camp for it!

Frankie )
Cody )
Max )


May 22nd ;; night

Everyone please be careful. You may think you're hydrating yourself enough and staying in the shade, but I can speak very confidently that unless you're constantly drinking water or keeping cool in some other way, the heat will sneak up on you.

I didn't quite pass out, but I came pretty close.

Stay cool out there, everyone. Literally.

Frankie )
Cody )
Max )


May 20;; late morning

Does anyone need a second pair of hands? I'm feeling sort of useless just watching my niece.

And has anyone come across a leather bound sketchbook? I lost it in my rush for cover during the storm. It's no rush but if anyone sees it I'd greatly appreciate having it returned.


May 20th ;; early morning

My daughter has been returned safe and sound. She's quite a bit shaken, but all in all, she's alright.

Thank you to everyone who helped me look and to everyone who expressed their concern.

Max )


May 19th :: Late Night

Are the wolves keeping anyone else up?

They seem really uneasy out there. Worse than they have been.


May 19th ;; late morning

Has anyone seen or heard anything about my daughter yet?

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