
June 2nd ;; night

So... I think I saw the chicken running toward the crags. IDK what he was going after or how he got out, but yeah.

If you see any light orb things on the trees? Leave them alone. Please.

Mad Max )


June 2nd ;; morning

So... about that freaky stuff happening... does anyone have any idea what's making it happen?

Soli )
Mad Max )


May 31st :: Late Morning

Why do I feel like I keep on seeing things that aren't there? Do you think this place can get mirages?

And why the hell did I have the scary dream in the whole freaking world last night?


May 29th ;; early afternoon

Would anyone be against building some kind of swimming hole closer to camp than the pond? I figure it'd be good for hot days, and we can make a shallower one for the kidlets.


Maximillion )
Soli )


May 25th ;; late afternoon

Guess who found a fully bloomed pear tree a few hundred feet out of the main camp? And before people yell at me, no I was not by myself.

I have a basket of pears and I'm totally coming back to get more later.

What's weird is that pears totally aren't in season now. Makes me wonder what other fruit is available that shouldn't be here.

Max )
Soli )


May 22 :: Late Morning

So, should I put the captain dude in the database? Maybe list him under Deceased and how/when he died? We should keep track of the dead people, right? For when we get rescued and people ask us who died?

How did the captain die, anyway? Some people are saying someone here murdered him

Also, someone else can film him/take his picture because ew.


May 21st ;; late morning

Alright. So it's high time I actually do this.

I've been thinking about starting up a day care/babysitting service for all those mamas with little ones that they need help with. I'm definitely taking volunteers from whoever's into helping me out.

I'll need help making the big tent to put it in, too. 'Cause we don't want all those kids exposed to the elements and stuff.

Any big strong men and women willing to help an awesome, sexy, dynamic lady out?

Soli )
Maximillion )


May 19th ;; late morning

Has anyone seen or heard anything about my daughter yet?


May 18 :: Evening

So, I was thinking - and don't give me any of these comments about me not havin' the brains to think...

But I was thinking...

If these sodding planes and shit keep crashing, what if one of 'em lands on us, eh? What the fuck we gonna do then?

It's a legitimate concern, it is.


May 16 :: Afternoon

Has anyone not contributed their info for the database? Everything will be going live in about an hour. I can still edit new names in, but I'd rather have the project as finished as possible first.


May 15th ;; evening

I know that Cody already said this, but I feel like I need to elaborate on it so that we all know what we're really up against.

People, especially women, who leave the camp need to be armed. These men may only have knives and bows, but they're incredibly dangerous. They know the island well and are very sneaky. I didn't see the one we encountered until it was too late.

I know this seems sexist, but like Cody said, women should always have a man, or even a stronger woman, with them. A lot of these men seem like they haven't seen a clean looking woman in years. They tried to I can speak with confidence; if Cody hadn't been there, I might not be here right now.

These people aren't to be trifled with, okay? Don't try and play hero, please.

Frankie )
Max )


May 14th ;; night

I keep hearing what sounds like a big fucking group of people in the distance.

I mean, maybe it's the other camp, but it doesn't seem realistic that we'd hear them fifteen miles away, does it?


May 14th ;; early evening

We're having a small barbecue around the fire with the meat that the hunters got today, and, of course, some of the vegetables we've foraged for the non-meat-eaters.

I figured it might be nice for us to get together, potentially get to know each other a little better.

Anyone around who can cook, would you be willing to help me out with that part?

I'm thinking about taking out my gui


May 14 :: Morning

Now that most people are here, I'll be doing video interviews of people for the island database! We'll just be collecting basic info about everyone, so no need to stress! Take your chill pills and it'll be all over in a couple minutes.


May 13th ;; evening


Did anyone else see those other little islands off in the distance when we were walking over here? Or am I just going cray?

Also, I really feel like this whole island adventure would be vastly improved with some booze.

Or some more karaoke.

Or both.


May 12th :: Evening

Has anyone else noticed the creeper with the binoculars? Seriously, I think they're permanently attached to his face or something.

And does anyone have any ideas what squirrels eat? Apparently I've acquired on as a pet and I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO FEED HIM.


may 12th ;; early afternoon

This is Jane Smith. I don’t use this nearly as much as everyone else does, but that might change depending on how useful I find you all it.

I have tried to walk my way around this place but sadly, I’m kind of the worst person to go trekking around this place by myself. Which brings me to this little plea for help: has anyone found any particular mineral formations that might be apt to be mined? I’m not entirely sure the island has the conditions necessary to find what I’m looking for, but if there’s a way to obtain any kid of ore I’ll be very thankful.

In layman’s terms: if you have seen big, oddly colored rock formations, do tell me where and when.

My most immediate worry, though, is to find a way to haul some parts of the ships around to somewhere I can take them apart. For that I need tools first, though. It’s like everything is yet to be done, but if I have time to be whining about it, I also have time to do something about it. But if you happen to find welding tools, gimme give them to me. I’m not saying I can build a plane to get us out of here yet but I can probably tinker with stuff.

Now if you excuse me, I need to shake the ton of sand that has managed to sneak up on me. Have I mentioned how much I hate the sand?


May 12th ;; morning

You know what this network needs? A typed sing-a-long! My campfire sing-a-longs are totally not enough anymore.

Let's pick a song. Nothing lame, though.


May 9th ;; late-evening

Weird question, and one I'm surprised no one's asked yet...

How in the heck did the ship end up on the shore? Didn't it, like... sink?