June 25th, 2013

[info]alittleoffbeat in [info]stormy_network

June 1st :: Evening

So this weird feeling is getting weirder....I think I saw the future earlier today....

Raine )
Cosette )

[info]raineorshine in [info]stormy_network

June 1st ;; late evening

Has anyone noticed some odd things happening around camp?

Like... random lights in places where they weren't before? I think I saw a fire in a tree this afternoon. And then, I thought I saw a tree bent in a way that no tree should naturally be bent.

And then there's the fact that I think I healed the med tent again

Jairus )

[info]smileandwink in [info]stormy_network

June 1st :: Near midnight

Jairus, Nick )

Addy )