June 5th, 2013

[info]nodinosaurs in [info]stormy_network

May 22nd ;; late afternoon

I really think it's best if we stop pointing fingers at each other for the time being, as to why the captain turned up dead.

The new arrivals from the southern camp are already nervous enough. This is doing little but making it worse.

We're all concerned, and I absolutely understand that. But that's just it: we're all concerned. And rather than pointing fingers around camp, I feel like it's a safer assumption that the natives did it, given that they've already proven themselves hostile on more than one occasion. I'm not saying that it's impossible that someone at camp did it, just that we should need more compelling evidence than just the rumor mill.

If we all turn against each other, we're leaving ourselves open for another attack from whoever is doing it. Please keep that in mind.

[info]raineorshine in [info]stormy_network

May 22nd ;; night

Everyone please be careful. You may think you're hydrating yourself enough and staying in the shade, but I can speak very confidently that unless you're constantly drinking water or keeping cool in some other way, the heat will sneak up on you.

I didn't quite pass out, but I came pretty close.

Stay cool out there, everyone. Literally.

Frankie )
Cody )
Max )