June 22nd, 2013

[info]notakennedy in [info]stormy_network

May 31st :: Afternoon

So I've heard rumblings around camp about people feeling off.

I've got some ginger if anyone wants some. I was saving it, but I figured now is as good of time as any to use it. It's good for feelings of nausea so who knows, it might help with this off feeling. At least I'm hoping it will.

[info]raineorshine in [info]stormy_network

May 31st ;; morning

Is anyone else feeling weird today?

[info]alittleoffbeat in [info]stormy_network

May 31st :: Late Afternoon

Has anyone else had really vivid dreams? Mine almost felt real. And I'm getting this deja vu feeling.

[info]bloodfromstone in [info]stormy_network

May 31st ;; afternoon

Okay, so anyone having trouble sleeping? Fucking nightm

I don't know what the fuck it is, but I tried to take a quick bit of shuteye a little bit ago and dreamed that someone told my sisters that I couldn't stay asleep for more than fifteen fucking minutes.

Davis, Jai )