15 May 2020 @ 12:00 pm
Snarry-a-Thon20: FIC: CURSE  
Title: CURSE
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] Lilian
Other pairings/threesome: Harry/Ginny (past); Harry/Cho (past); Ron/Hermione; mentions of other couples
Rating: M
Word count: ca. 17000
Content/Warning(s): Dub-con kissing, coming out, mentions of blood, needles, and minor bodily harm
Prompt: 41. Harry keeps kissing Severus every time they meet. It's a curse. No, really.
Summary: Harry keeps kissing Severus every time they meet. It's a curse. No, really.
A/N: At the end because they are spoilery.

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