14 May 2020 @ 12:04 pm
Snarry-a-Thon20: FIC: Severus Snape’s Guide to Becoming Proper Little Witches and Wizards  
Title: Severus Snape’s Guide to Becoming Proper Little Witches and Wizards
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] drwritermom
Other pairings/threesome: none
Rating: Teen
Word count: 1050
Content/Warning(s): None
Prompt: 78 - Severus writes a book. Take it in any direction you like!
Summary: Severus Snape has written the ultimate guide to raising proper little witches and wizards. Harry begs to differ.
A/N: To the prompter, thank you for this delightful prompt. Loads of thanks to the moderators, who host this lovely celebration of all things Snarry, and to badgerlady, our generous Thon beta!

Read on AO3

Severus Snape’s Guide to Becoming Proper Little Witches and Wizards )