14 October 2013 @ 07:47 am
Secret Snarry Swap - The Honeydukes Sampler Claiming Post  
The Honeydukes Sampler is designed to be fun and low-stress with bite-sized entries (300 word min) and the perfect way to take a break from the holiday rush. And it's the perfect way for you to give someone a holiday treat. Entries do not have to be holiday themed. As long as it's Snarry, that's all the celebration we need.

Below you'll find a list of all the prompts submitted by our participants. COMMENTS WILL NOT BE ENABLED UNTIL 1 PM EDT ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15. In order to make a claim, simply reply to this post and tell us the number of the prompt you'd like to fulfill. Comments are screened to preserve anonymity. Each prompt can be claimed TWICE. We'll be monitoring the post closely and anything claimed twice will be struck off the list. A mod will confirm your assignment via e-mail. PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FILTERS!

The gift you create does NOT have to include all likes in your recipient's sign-up. But it should include at least one as well as none of their deal-breakers. We ask participants to assume anything too kinky or too outside the box shouldn't be in the gift unless specifically requested. That means scat, necrophilia, bloodplay, watersports, ageplay/infantalism, explicit non-Snarry pairings and Roman showers will be assumed to be a deal-breaker unless specifically requested. IMPORTANT Additionally, because it could be illegal for some recipients to view anything with an under-18 character Chan will not be permitted UNLESS requested by the recipient. Please remember chan at [info]snape_potter is anything under 18.

Completed pieces are due by Monday, November 18 and should be emailed to spfestmod AT gmail DOT com. Please remember this exchange is designed to be for smaller gifts (300 to 3,000 word fic, art without detailed background and/or color, a small group of icons), but there is no maximum limit. You can find a detailed description of how the fest works - timelines, rules, and FAQs at [info]snape_potter on LJ, IJ, or DW. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask here or email us at spfestmod [at] gmail [dot] com.

List of prompts here