11 October 2007 @ 07:21 pm
Title:: Drinking Game
Rating:: pg13 (for language)
Pairing:: Severus/Harry (mentions of Harry/other males and Ron/Hermione)
Summary:: This is what happens when your friends come up with stupid ideas while drunk.
Disclaimer:: I don't own.
A/N:: This falls under the category of Deathly What's? Because I'm still in denial that Deathly Hallows exists. So no spoilers. X-posted.

Drinking_Game )
11 October 2007 @ 08:32 pm
Fic Post: A Reason To Celebrate  
Title: A Reason To Celebrate
Author/Artist: [info]cruisedirector and [info]dementordelta
Rating: Adult
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: So disclaimed.
Summary: Unconvinced that Snape is dead, Harry sets out to find him.

A Reason To Celebrate