Seven Devils In Character


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Posts Tagged: 'allegra+hanlon'

Nov. 20th, 2020



» Texts to Dallas

» So...
» Are we ever going to talk about this?
» Or just going to continue with the awk dot com?
» I need to know for science.

Nov. 16th, 2020



𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 ➤ 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘥

Normally I don't need to deal with people who call the station, it's not my job. But the usual girl who deals with the phones is out this week because of the flu which means we're sort of rotating to take over the job for now.

Boy-o. Let me tell you, this girl has so much more patience than I ever knew.

I thought conspiracy theorists were all online, but apparently they still call radio stations. I think we should be petitioning to get this girl a raise. Or pay for her therapy at least.

Oct. 26th, 2020



Network: Max Corbin

What's everybody planning for the weekend? You've got Halloween on a Saturday with an extra hour thanks to the clocks turning back.

[Filtered to the SD Pack]
Which means the first Halloween since becoming this a werewolf, I'm spending it running around the woods with a tail. Plus the extra hour or however that works out in moon time.

Please tell me someone has some kinda fun cooked up for Friday.

Oct. 19th, 2020




»» k so
»» the weather might finally actually be started to get cooler a little bit
»» so what would you say to like, kinda a final picnic or something
»» of the season or whatever?
»» I have a hypothetical question.
»» if you were interested in someone, like lets say romantically, hypothetically
»» but you had like a really big, maybe life-altering secret
»» but you're not sure if they need to know that secret if they aren't like also interested in you that same way
»» ... would you tell them the secret first, or confess your feelings first.
»» Asking for a friend
»» hypothetically
»» who is me
»» Thoughts on what you want to do for the approximate midway point between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice

Oct. 13th, 2020



Network: Elijah Reynolds

I know it wasn't exactly the point of Singles Night but I definitely came away a little more cash rich than I was when I first got there.

Gotta love me a game of pool or two.

Oct. 7th, 2020



ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ ꜰɪʟᴛᴇʀ: ꜱᴄᴏᴏʙʏ ɢᴀɴɢ

[ FILTER INCLUDES: Kitty, Warren, Genesis, Asher, Austin, Kim, Jesse, Montana, Allegra ]

It's come to my attention that you guys don't all know each other/haven't met so this is me reaching out and getting this social ball rolling. This filter will forever be known as the Scooby Gang. You all have me in common and given that...

Singles Night - shall we transgress and get our young adult party on?

Sep. 17th, 2020



Net: Elijah Reynolds

Home sweet home and from what I hear damn lucky to be able to still call it that.

Everybody okay?

Sep. 16th, 2020



Texts: Warren Bishop

To: Allegra
From: Warren
Date: 16th September

You have (2) unread text message(s) )

To: Cassidy
From: Warren
Date: 16th September

You have (2) unread text message(s) )

To: Kitty
From: Warren
Date: 16th September

You have (2) unread text message(s) )



» Texts to Fillan

» Okay one?
» Next time you go on a field trip with your dad maybe a little heads-up?
» Worst time to not know where you were.
» I'm not saying I was worried.
» But I was fucking worried.
» Two?
» I'm glad you were safe and away from town.




So... are we all just going to ignore the giant shadow-demon-elephant in the room and just never speak of this past week ever again? Business as usual?

Asking for a friend.

Sep. 10th, 2020



>> network | plot

[Filtered to The Pack. Timestamp around 7AM.]

So I'm sitting here outside having my coffee as usual and I look up expecting the sunrise. Well, something's gone terribly wrong out there because there is no sunrise. It has been the same level of darkness since about midnight as far as I can tell. I've been up since 4AM and I don't think I've seen so much as a change in a star?

Closing the clinic this morning to go out on a drive and see just how far this goes. I'm leaving at 8 if anyone wants to get in the Caddy with me. Could use an extra set of eyes or two while mine are on the road. I've got a feeling this is a township situation given our delightfully colored history.

Otherwise, I suggest you stay in and be on guard until this is figured out. Don't let the kids out to play until the sun's up, you hear me?

[Email and Social Media Post from Twilight Family Medicine]
Good Morning Seven Devils,

Twilight Family Medicine will be closed from 9AM to 1PM due to the unusual circumstances around town today, September the 10th. We will work quickly to reschedule any morning appointments. All afternoon appointments will continue as scheduled.

If you have any questions please call the front desk at (###) ###-####.

If you have an emergency please dial 9-1-1.

Twilight Family Medicine

Sep. 1st, 2020




Why is it that days off always go by so quickly? Does time purposely speed up, then slow down during the work week? Because it sure feels like it.

Stay away from Dumser's dairy farm tomorrow night. He's been complaining all week of his cattle getting spooked after dark and someone suggested he get some cameras on his property.

Aug. 28th, 2020



Network + Filters

Okay so, I'm not a big Pumpkin Spice person. It's nothing personal against pumpkins, or people who like them it's just like, not my jam. But does anyone have any other favourite foods that they associate with Fall/Autumn? Even if the weather is still warm for a while, I feel like I want some more food ideas.

Thanks meeting with me, I've never really had an academic advisor before so I had no real idea of where to start, but talking to you really helped hammer out the details.

I spent like, only four hours at the university yesterday and it made me itchy. I'm like 90% positive at this point I'm allergic to school.

September 5th - 6th, weekend, y'all got any plans or do you wanna see the beach with me?

Aug. 24th, 2020




Alright people I need comfort food suggestions. the full moon is in about a week Let's hear it. Anything and everything. What do you binge on? What are some cravings?

No wrong answers, minimal judgment.

Aug. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

Back in Maine, the first frost usually hit by mid-September, the growing season is way short. So I kept thinking about how the summer is basically over in like two weeks.

Just, didn't realise at all that it'll stay warm here well into October.

So I've got some weekends I need to reschedule.

Aug. 16th, 2020



» network

Assaulted by a loaf of bread in the supermarket.

I have no idea why or who by, but flying loafs of bread.

I feel violated. By bread. Is nowhere safe?

Jul. 24th, 2020


» network

one day. one day i will learn that drunk shopping is still shopping and i should expect these things to show up.

at this stage i'm sure the courier is just used to my blank expression when he drops shit off.

what possessed me to buy a food processor, a white noise machine and mail organiser?

Jul. 22nd, 2020



Pour Painting Sign-Up!

Hey everyone! So this Sunday, the summer camp is going to be hosting a crafty afternoon of pour painting, hosted on the grounds of St. Verdiana's church. We'll be providing canvases of varied sizes and loads of paints, pouring medium, silicone, alcohol and different objects that can be used to apply the paint.

We've rented an open event tent, so there will be shade, but please make sure you bring a water bottle (it's better for the environment!) and sunscreen because we will be outside for most of the day! There'll be a picnic lunch in the afternoon, so if you're interested please let me know if you have any dietary needs or restrictions.

Because the activity will be free for the summer camp kids, we'll be collecting $20 from all the adults and other people who want to sign up. That'll go towards the lunch, tent rental and art supplies. We'd also accept donations! Please sign up below and I'll add you to the list.

[Ainsley, Gabriel]
Hey, I've got to start picking classes for the fall in the next week or so, do you want to help me because decisions are hard and give me anxiety?

Read more... )

Jul. 4th, 2020



Network: Elijah Reynolds

I know I don't got to tell you but the full moon is on fast approach so make sure you're back home before it hits this Sunday so that we can be safe, in the woods, not about to hurt anyone unfortunate enough to cross our path.
You all set for the full moon?

It's gonna be one of those weekends I can just tell.



» texts to al & montana

» so last night sucked and i am not doing that again
» whose couch can i surf for a few nights?
» i will even bring my own food.