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Prideview Apartments Random Community

Prideview Apartments: Random Community



December 6th, 2008

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An unfortunate thing about being so focused on the past is that one often forgets about the present and completely disregards the possibility of a future.

November 14th, 2008

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This whole situation has given me a massive migraine, you know.

I'm just glad I didn't experience a regression myself. Ungh.

October 13th, 2008

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While this is by far the least violent transition from one world to another, from the sky to the ground, from up to down, I must say it is the most confusing.

I don't think I'm in the Vinkus anymore.

September 11th, 2008

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Matt? Mohinder? What's going on?

September 7th, 2008

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This is...odd. Can someone explain how I woke up in an apartment that isn't my own?

August 5th, 2008

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This place is most troubling.

To stay in such an area for so long is both foolish and an act of unbalance.

Red would have a field day with what her perceives as his infamous "insults". You are all very lucky he is not here. Were he, this place would be out of business in a matter of simple seconds.

July 21st, 2008

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Well, this location is quaint. I suppose it's fine as long as the neighbors aren't too nosy. I'm a private person, you must understand.

July 1st, 2008

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Captain of our fairy band,
    Helena is here at hand,
        And the youth, mistook by me,
            Pleading for a lover’s fee.
                Shall we their fond pageant see?
                    Lord, what fools these mortals be!

It's because of those like you, girl, that people fall upon the wrong path. Don't think I haven't noticed you others doing the same, however. We don't reveal the future for a reason, even if it is your past. This place isn't like any other and its history will not bear resemblance to yours.

May 16th, 2008

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It's funny how being buried in a mountain of books can cheer me up, even if I do smell like dusty library now.

April 29th, 2008

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Oh, Juno's CUNT!

April 23rd, 2008

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Where in the name of Jupiter am I?

April 19th, 2008

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Getting my heart broken by a hot young redhead sucked beyond compare.

Now who the fuck will I go out to the clubs with? New York sucks when you don't have someone to hang out with.

April 9th, 2008

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Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a-flying,
And this same flower that smiles today,
To-morrow will be dying.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
The higher he's a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run,
And nearer he's to setting.

That age is best which is the first,
When youth and blood are warmer;
But being spent, the worse and worst
Times still succeed the former.

Then be not coy, but use your time,
and while ye may, go marry;
For having lost just once your prime,
You may for ever tarry.

April 6th, 2008

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New York City, not a bad place to settle down.

April 5th, 2008

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Sisters, I am quite bored.

This isn't a request for any of you to stir up trouble, but I would not mind some company.

March 30th, 2008

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So. Anyone care to explain to me why I can suddenly breath?

Last I remember, I was in a rather secure cell six feet under.

March 23rd, 2008

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Is it just me or has the hunting been kind of slow lately?

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Being dead was a lot like being on an episode of Trisha. As entertaining as it was, I’d rather not do that again.

Yeah, being dead is entertaining when your life is a supernatural soap opera. Dying on Good Friday and coming back to life on Easter just proves that it’s a funny supernatural soap opera.

Any Jesus jokes will result in me killing you. Apart from Brian, he has a couple of freebies due to the fact that he put up with everyone’s shit and made sure nobody saw me naked while I was dead. He’s also the only person that can actually keep sane in a crisis. I know, even I’m surprised.

Brian’s freebies cannot be bought from him with money or sexual favours. I decide who gets to make the Jesus jokes. Brian doesn’t control who I do and do not kill.

March 22nd, 2008

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Left for Lord Dream at the door of his flat )
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