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Prideview Apartments Random Community

Prideview Apartments: Random Community


July 16th, 2008

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So...I decided to do something new and different.

I don't look too ridiculous, do I?

July 8th, 2008

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I need to find a little excitement. Should go out and look for some "fun".

June 30th, 2008

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I need to get a job here or something. I feel pretty useless just sitting around the apartment.

June 24th, 2008

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I'm kicking his ass.

June 22nd, 2008

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This? This is not Stars Hollow. This is New York City. Why am I in New York City when I've got a diner to run and a kid to take care of back in Stars Hollow? I haven't been to this city since. . .well, not for a very long time.

Cesar's probably going to burn my diner down. . .

June 7th, 2008

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Weird as this place is, it's still much better than prison.

May 29th, 2008

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What is this?? How did I get here? This is.. weird. Jor-El, he must have done something..

Is this really New York? I swear, I was just up north a few minutes ago! I don't really understand this. Ohh.. umm, I should probably say my name now. I'm Clark.

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I don't suppose anyone knows if there is anyone by the name of Clark Kent here. Jimmy Olsen? Lois Lane?

I can't seem to reach them, I doubt they're here but I figured it was worth a try.

May 27th, 2008

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Okay, I don't know how I got to New York City, but I am not about to complain, considering where I was headed before I got here.

If I still had it, this would definitely go on the Wall of Weird. I don't think randomly waking up to New York is the most normal thing ever, then again it's not the strangest thing to happen to a person either.

When you come from the meteor capital of the world, not a lot is too weird or surprising.

New York definitely isn't Smallville, though.

Oh, I probably should have stated this before I started my tirade. I'm Chloe, I'm from Smallville, Kansas, and as you might have figured out, I have no idea how I ended up here.

April 7th, 2008

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I don't know what demon is responsible for this, but I'm definitely looking forward to blowing it up once I figure it out.

April 6th, 2008

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New York City.

Well, this place certainly has potential. Perhaps this won't be so bad, after all.

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Well, this certainly isn't Gotham.

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New York City, not a bad place to settle down.

March 25th, 2008

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Okay, I know when I fell asleep I was at my desk at the Daily Planet. And now all of a sudden I wake up in New York City?

Why do I have a feeling Lex Luthor has something to do with this?

January 24th, 2008

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I'm not sure how I ended up in New York, but...okay.

January 23rd, 2008

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There isn't nothing like practically living on an airplane for three months for one story that will make it's grande appearance in the travel section of the Daily Planet.. page 12.

I swear if you ask me now I can tell you what every single terminal looked like and what they sold in the gift shops in our nations four Major Cities.. Exciting? I thought so.

But despite my desire to disappear back in the middle of nowhere called Smallville, I can say I am glad to be sleeping in a regular bed aaand I'm not going to be sitting in chairs for a while.

I am in New York right?

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Since it seems that I'm stuck here for awhile, I figure an actual introduction rather than an overused expression for being lost and fucked up is in order.

My name is Chloe Sullivan, and I'm from Smallville, Kansas. Well, I was born in Metropolis, but whatever. I'm a college student and journalist. I'm not particularly tall, or maybe most of my friends are just taller than me because I'm often the shortest girl around. So if anyone here is shorter than me, I like you already.

This whole being inexplicably transported to a random apartment building in New York City thing is kind of messed up, but coming from the meteor capitol of the world, a girl is used to that. Still, I can't help but wonder how exactly something like this happens, and if it happens a lot.

Call me curious.

If you don't mind sharing, what is everyone's story here?

Who are you? What brought you here? Did you come here by choice or did you suddenly find yourself here? What do you do? Do you wish to find a way home?

January 22nd, 2008

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Somehow...I am not sure that "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore..." quite covers it.

If you had something to do with this...baldo...
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