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Prideview Apartments Random Community

Prideview Apartments: Random Community



September 15th, 2008

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I'm going to start making a list of things not allowed at the academy. There was an explosion today. Thankfully no one was hurt...too much. If I find anyone though jumping out from around corners at some of our explosive students again I will send you to simmer in Hell for a bit. I can and will do it even if Lilith scowls at me for it.

September 13th, 2008

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Teaching isn't half as painful as I expected it to be. It's almost enjoyable at times. The main thing is that I haven't felt the need to strangle any of the children just yet. I hear that's always a good sign.

I think I'll spend the weekend letting my hair down and enjoying myself. Life can't be about work all the time, that would be frightfully dull.

August 20th, 2008

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Fucking stupid fucking hell.

We need more fucking doctors. If anyone has any medical training or experience then your help would be greatly appreciated.

If any Torchwood employees need medical assistance, then reply to this or yell for help or something. We'll get to you ASAP.

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Okay. Ouch. Very, wvery very ouch.

I promise this wasmn't my fault. I didn't make the Torchwood building explode and fall on my head. It just did. I blame someone else. Who do I normally blame? I blame them!

Kitty's bleeding a lot. It's really rude and is nmaking me feel sick. Thats not good. Theres a big metal... thing sticking out of her and we could probably use some medical help. Did I mention that the building fell on me? My head's bleeding and my shoulder hurts. Typing one handed on my sidekick thungy is awkward.

Um, help please? We are in what is left of the gym. Is everyone else alive? Or are people dead agaiin?

Explosions are bad. Veruy bad.

August 14th, 2008

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Gee, I wonder what a quirky little deity could get up to in a big bad city like this?

I think I'm going to like it here. Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo New York!!!!!!!!!!

August 9th, 2008

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A hippie? What kind of idiocy is the world coming to when I introduce myself and someone asks such a thing. I am not a hippie. I didn't have hippie parents either. I don't even have parents that one would normally think of, I have a Creator. And last I checked most hippies burned in hell because love shouldn't be free, drugs are bad, and hygiene is your friend.

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Ya know, the longer I stick around, the less convinced I get that this is hell.

Things are looking up.

August 1st, 2008

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I am going to put this here to keep me sane because I have a nasty tendency to loose paper. If I could get a running roster of those of you that still need to finish your primary education that would be fantastic. I hate to inform some of you that our facility is as of yet not equipped to handle secondary/college level education. I would be more than happy to help you get enrolled in a place that does deal in that though be it college or trade school of some sort.

With all of that said Mr. Shacklebolt. I have heard many a lovely thing about you from a perky pink bartender and seem to have some potential students in need of an instructor that shares their specialized skills.

I almost forgot. For those of you not of this dimension our academy will be offering a class on getting to know the world you were dumped into. That includes history, geography, and tidbits you might need to know.

So if you need to finish your education please give me your name, where you are from, when you are from, special circumstances, and where your education stopped that would be lovely.

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So apparently my apartment thought I was lonely so decided to miraculously drop my estranged boyfriend from high school in the spare room.

Mr. Morningstar I'm going to need a raise.

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What is this? I leave for a few weeks, and come back to find all Hell breaking loose?

I suppose I should chide you all for being naughty. But that's just so damn hypocritical.

July 19th, 2008

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I see people speaking about the joys of education and will post once again that in the fall I will be opening up a school for our poor dears here that need to finish their education. I know a great deal of us are out of our realm, literaly, be it time wise or world wise. I am still looking for those that could be of help teaching the dears. If you perhaps will need to finish your education or would like to help please let me know.

July 10th, 2008

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So, God really does say 'no' to drugs.

Who wants to play some soccer?

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This... definitely isn't Oz.

And it certainly doesn't look very wheelchair-friendly. Joy of joys.

July 8th, 2008

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You people really have no imagination whatsoever. The inventive ones are so few and far between. This is one of the reasons I left Hell. Just the same day in and day out.

July 1st, 2008

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June 30th, 2008

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Oh, I like New York City so much better than LA.

Plus, it appears I'm not actually dead anymore. Such a relief.

Tell me neighbors, are the members of Wolfram and Hart still around?

June 23rd, 2008

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This sure is one tame level of hell. I've seen many so that's saying something nice.

June 18th, 2008

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Delivery for Lilith )

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This is not where I fell asleep.
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