Prideview Random

Prideview Apartments Random Community

Prideview Apartments: Random Community


July 24th, 2008

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Once upon a time, there were these... kids. These kids named Billy and Amanda.

Now, y'see, Billy and Amanda were hungry. Nobody fed 'em, nobody paid 'em any attention- and it was all very, very tear-jerking. So, one day, this... magical clown came to town to turn Billy and Amanda's frowns into buckets of little smiles and happy rainbows. The magical clown invited 'em to play a game.

This clown- he really liked to play these games, and Billy and Amanda loved the idea SO much, they decided that they'd give in and follow the magical clown and play the game he'd made especially for them. Because these kids? They were special little angels. The kind that needed their cream cheese served on clouds and their halos polished by sparkling cherubs.

But Billy and Amanda didn't realize that the magical clown had led them into rush hour!

That was the end of little curly-topped Billy and pigtailed Amanda. Oh, but there's a moral, kiddies, a good moral with magical twists and turns. And whoever can figure it out'll get a special prize.

One that doesn't involve headlights and blood so thick ya can't wash it out of your suit. And you can trust me- I'm a man of my word.

July 23rd, 2008

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Hm. How . . . disconcerting.

A girl goes away for a little while, and everything goes haywire.

July 21st, 2008

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Would somebody care to explain- and this is a very rare request I'm about to make, so, don't any of you go off getting something of a big head- and, please, in discrete details, how there seems to be some sort of a... documented series about me?

And I mean, really, they haven't even gotten the title right. Doctor Who? Seriously? It's bad enough I've got to go about hearing that everywhere I turn, but now this? Oh, I bet that sits well with the viewers at home. "Did you watch that show on the telly?" "Which show?" "Oh, Doctor Who." "What?" "No, no, Doctor Who." "I hardly know what you're going on about. How do you even know what you're watching, if you're not even sure which doctor you're watching?!"

Well, at least I look rather nice, don't I? And the suit, that is a very good colour on me...

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Well, this location is quaint. I suppose it's fine as long as the neighbors aren't too nosy. I'm a private person, you must understand.
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