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Prideview Apartments: Random Community



February 10th, 2009

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I feel like having some more fun. It keeps the boredom away, and any activity that does that is always a good thing. I've known people here that have gone away too. I know it sucks. I can only hope that they are happy wherever they returned to. There's one that I always hope will show up, but it hasn't happened yet. So, I stocked up my refrigerator with a variety of alcoholic beverages. Thinking about ordering pizza too. So, anyone is welcome to join me if they like.

Or I could buy someone a drink at the bar or club. I'm feeling generous today. I've been giving some thought about going into politics. Might run for mayor.. or councilman. Or something along those lines that will put me in a position to help the nice citizens of this good city. Of course that means I'll need a backup CEO for my company, but I'll get to that later. Speaking of that, we're always hiring. But right now? I feel like having a good time, alone or otherwise.

February 7th, 2009

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February 4th, 2009

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So any of you guys play WoW?

January 29th, 2009

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I'm...OK I was in Cleveland, training Tweenies and now I'm in New York...Now if I was B' I'd be hating this, but leaving behind pretending to be a grown up and a teacher and ending up in NYC with an apartment and no one yelling at me that I'm supposed to be somewhere. Yeah baby, this is more me.
The bed seems quite comfy, and no one seems to be here, or expecting anything of me, now all I need to find are something to screw, something to kill, somewhere to drink...and maybe some money.
I can't figure out if I'm supposed to be freaked out by being sucked into some other reality without realising, or feel like I do, pretty damn relaxed.

January 27th, 2009

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Good Lord, New York never changes, does it? I swear the same pile of filth is just off of Columbus Square that there was back when I was in Juilliard.

January 23rd, 2009

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What the hell? Who the fuck brought me to New York? I don't need to be in New York right now, I need to be in Anchorage. We're on the brink of a goddamn Apocalypse. Don't even ask if I'm joking. I'm not. I'm talking four horsemen, releasing Satan not that I believe in him in those terms or Apep or whatever you believe. I think Asmundr was talking about wolves swallowing the sun and moon or something. Vigdis didn't give an opinion, but considering she's fucking mute, we weren't exactly expecting anything. Mary Alice is a goddamn Lucifuge, so I'm not even asking her opinion, and Vic is a fucking moron and I sincerely doubt he believes in anything. I'm worried, because nobody's answering their mobiles or the phone at headquarters, and even if Jocelyn is still hiding from the taskforce, Jake or Gabriella should have answered. Or even that fuckup, Derek. Can't even reach Aharon. But he's probably high as a fucking kite, so that's not really anything new.

But all that's beside the point. Someone needs to tell me what the fuck is going on!

January 21st, 2009

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What the hell is it this time? Fantastic stuck here again.

December 24th, 2008

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Merry... uh, Christmas. Yeah. Happy Kwanzaa. Hanukkah. Winter Yule/Solstice. Holidays. I come to bear gifts. I hope they're good.


Adam Young )


Greyback )


Lilith (Supernatural) )


Sgt. Neff )


Reid, along with my other employees )

November 27th, 2008

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I love Thanksgiving. I'll be spending my afternoon at a soup kitchen serving Turkey Dinner to the homeless, before retiring back to my home to eat a pre-cooked turkey. Then tomorrow? Possibly shopping for Christmas gifts.

Tony )

November 26th, 2008

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A time of peace and prosperity amongst the people of the United States of America. A time when our families can gather around the table to celebrate the kleptomanical tendencies of our petty ancestors.

Whilst you all enjoy your home-cooked meals and ten-pound weight gain, I believe I'll be turning in early. Festivities bore me. More specifically those shared with one's family circle.

November 24th, 2008

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These Americans think that they know how to celebrate. With turkey and gravies and a bunch of that stuffing bollocks. Old people come to visit and it's a bunch of laughs.

But you know what I'm thinking?

I'm thinking we show them all what a real party is. Who's in?

November 21st, 2008

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I didn't mean to short out the electricity in the other tower. It wasn't my intention. I just can't actually help myself. I can't control it and I don't know how to stop it. I keep electrocuting myself.

So yeah, I'm sorry. I'll try very hard not to have it happen again.

November 15th, 2008

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Okay, now just what the heck was that? Like someone told me a while back, this is mental. I don't know how, but I was a kid. I was thirteen again. That wasn't too high on my list of plans. Being lost and not knowing what to do. Not understanding my place in the grand scheme of things. Plus, I was a tad clueless about what I was. God, I feel like such an idiot now. I bet that I sounded like one too. Anyone else glad to be their good old selves again?

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Right, so I was.. nine. I'm.. I don't even know what to say, go figure.

I'm sorry if I was a pain What in the hell was all that about anyway?

I feel like I should.. go or something, but I don't know where.

Claude )

Sylar, Peter )

November 13th, 2008

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Something odd.. is happening. I don't know how, but I think something's wrong with me. It's little things. Like, a window cracked when I looked at it for a while. I was crossing the street and when a car almost hit me, I just thought they should get a flat.. next thing I know, there's a tire blowout.

When I watched Jeopardy on TV last night, I called out the answers, and I was right on every one. Somehow, I just knew the answers. Ohh, and when I walk by the pet store window? All the animals hissed, tweeted, barked, or whatever they do. Seriously, this is messed up. I'm wondering if there's any other strange kids out there like me.

October 31st, 2008

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Where am I? This is not Chicago, and it certainly isn't Davidson Military Academy. This.. this can't be right. I got a feeling it's New York, but it can't be. People don't just wake up miles away from where they were. I need to find my cousin Mark. Or my drill sergeant, Mr. Neff.

October 25th, 2008

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Halloween is coming.

We're going to have so much fun!

October 23rd, 2008

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Man, there's gotta be somethin' to do around this place. Way too quiet and boring around here for my tastes. Where's the action? I know all you people aren't just sitting around doin' nothing. Somebody's gotta know something. Help a girl out here.

October 19th, 2008

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Since Archibald's left, things have been far too silent around here for my liking.

I'm tempted to go so far as to say I'm beginning to miss being back home.

Consider it a last resort.

October 11th, 2008

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Just three more weeks, I believe, until Halloween. I think that will be an interesting occasion. But then.. Halloween always was my favorite holiday out of the entire year. Of course the night before it is also a little amusing. To me, at least.
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