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Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 15th, 2011|10:56 pm]
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*holy shitballs and fuck, in that order*

*practically flies to the Arch the minute she gets the news, with Mac and a small flock of rustled-up Swallows in tow*

*jumps out of the car, directing her people to make themselves useful* *jogs right past the barricades and flashing lights and keeps her eyes peeled for her ome House-twin buddy old pal fellow lord* *and Penlodh, too, dammit, if he didn't get his dumb ass killed this time*
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[Feb. 2nd, 2011|06:24 pm]

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[Mood | busy]

*has a wedding gift to find, and only a month left in which to find it* *and yes, that might seem like a long time, but he has no idea what to buy for the aunt who has everything and he would much rather get it all over with ASAP*

*to that end, organizes a Saturday task force consisting of himself (the wheels and complimentary lunch), Mac (the straight guy with the wedding-planner sister), and Esther (the advisor on all things girl)* *also, it's an excuse to go out with friends, and that's a habit he's building into as much as possible these days*

*by the time they exit the second department store empty-handed, has just about decided to get Carol a gift card and a bottle of champagne* *to Esther, a little helplessly* ...Look, I don't know what colors she likes. The house has been so many colors over the years—every room is different, how do I know which one she likes the best?
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[Feb. 27th, 2010|11:20 pm]
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*feeling the need for House solidarity (or maybe just a change of scenery), rounded up a dozen Swallows and headed to one of the usual gymnasiums for an afternoon of volleyball*

*can always count on her Second and Third to show, of course, along with some of her best and brightest crazies* *doesn't necessarily have the top serve on the court (The Steve is a certifiable beast), but rare is the spike that actually makes it to the floor on her side*

*rolls up out of a hard dig just in time to see the ball blast over the net on a direct trajectory for the opposition's back corner* *whoops in triumph* Ha! That's right! Raises all around! No, not really! *trades high-fives and backslaps all around* Six five, babies. Time out, everybody hit the juice. The Steve! Switch with Lucille on the next go, maybe it'll even things up.
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[Jan. 20th, 2010|11:53 pm]
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*as is their on-again off-again custom, has convened with Mac and Erestor at Mac's place for another unofficial minionmoot—which, by popular vote, is progressing sans drunkenness* *it's just that they all have to work in the morning and Erestor's already looking a little rough; no need to pile a hangover on, too*

*as it turns out, though, they need no beer to launch totally immature (but incredibly funny) conversations!* *such the current round of would-you-or-wouldn't-you, which has so far spanned just about every celebrity, fictional character, and historical figure they can come up with*

*deals out the next hand and tosses a few chips into the center of the table, sipping his second beer at a sedate pace* *eyes Erestor* You're up, Fountain. Hit me.
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[Aug. 3rd, 2009|10:13 pm]

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*is rushing around his place in the late afternoon/early evening, getting ready to go out* *is pretty well worn to the bone (work's been a nightmare lately), but thinks it'll do him some good to down a few beers with Mac, listen to a few mediocre bands, and generally laugh at the hellishness of House life these days*

*has his phone tucked between his cheek and shoulder while he tidies up in the kitchen, his tone dry and amused as he fends off piteous requests from the other end of the line* ...No, I'm not begging off tonight to stay on the phone. ...Nope. ...Yep, that's exactly how you rate. ... *chuckles* I know, I'm your meanest boyfriend. One of these days I'll ditch my teeming social life and you'll have me all to yourself, all right? But today is not that day.

*hears a knock at his front door and heads that way curiously* *into the phone* Hang on a sec, somebody's at the front. Bets on whether it's a Manwë's Witness?
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[Jul. 6th, 2009|07:06 pm]

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[Mood | busy]

*has been extraordinarily busy since Doc's departure, between trying to keep Ecthelion's workload on the lighter side ("lighter" being a relative term, of course) and preparing for said lord's impending weeks-long absence* *still thinks Ecthelion's plan is brilliant, but has to wonder whether the man had any idea what he was getting himself into*

*doesn't anticipate having a fully-functional Third in place in time, so decides to go with plan B* *begs Duilien (read: agrees to future slavery in exchange) for Mac, just on loan for a day or two a week, to help him handle the load and any crises that might arise, because that's practically a given in this City*

*invites his fellow Second over to the Fountain for lunch on a relatively slow day, figuring they can start going over the particulars early so they're ready when the time comes*
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[Jun. 7th, 2009|10:15 pm]
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[Mood | chipper]

*having decided that everyone who has been working their arses off helping out at the Flower deserves a thank you, concocts a plan with her flatmate to have a small gathering at their flat*

*dispenses invitations by text to pretty much everyone in her phonebook (as Becky does the same) and comes to the conclusion that this will be less a small gathering and more an actual party*

*ensures that the fridge is well-stocked with booze and that she is dolled up to the nines on the evening of the party* *looks around the flat and looks at Becky* Well. We're long overdue a house-warming anyway. It may coincide with our eviction but at least it'll be a great party.
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[Jun. 5th, 2009|03:22 pm]

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[Mood | accomplished]

*following his third phone conversation with one Dr. Xavier Guadalupe Delgado (a brisk but helpful professor of Ecthelion's acquaintance), has finally decided on a long-distance master's program run through a high-ranked university in Hithlum* *owes his boss big time; probably wouldn't have considered that school if not for the good professor's advice (and offer of a recommendation)*

*signs off with a bright grin and turns to head back inside the Flower when his phone vibrates again, this time with a text message* *fully expects it to be Mac, demanding to know where he's gone and whether he's bringing back food, but is pleasantly surprised when Doc's name pops up instead*
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[May. 8th, 2009|10:34 pm]

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[Mood | chipper]

*rolled into work in a good mood, all told, and so far is having a somewhat hectic but otherwise okay birthday* *stopped really paying attention after the big 3-0, to be honest (which is funny considering that he used to measure his life in centuries and millenia), but the Fountain staff gets more inventive every year with the jokes—this time he's received a personalized formaldehyde inhaler ("just making sure you're well-preserved inside and out, sir")*

*takes a spare moment later in the day to hang up his gift from Elemmakil, next to an enlarged copy of the picture he took from the hot-air balloon* *loves Tanya's photo, of course, with its white-silver-blue cast and the Fountain banner visible just behind the spray* *how well she knows him*

*has just finished straightening the picture frame when his office phone warbles with an incoming outside call* *dusts off his hands and steps over to check the ID (Swallow), snagging the receiver with a fairly good idea who's on the other end* *answers* House of the Fountain, this is Erestor.
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[Apr. 6th, 2009|09:20 pm]

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[Mood | optimistic]

*decides to tune into the Virtuoso Awards after all, if only to try and catch a glimpse of Glorfindel* *winged another quick text his way (good luck; gondolin's rooting for you. xoxo -e) earlier in the day but hasn't heard back yet (hasn't spoken to Glorfindel at all since he left town, actually, which is a bit of a bummer, but then he's sure Glorfindel's really busy)*

*as day gives way to evening, puts the sax away a little earlier than he'd planned and sends Elemmakil a text this time (drinks and v awards w/e? we can be the fan club but i'm not wearing a flower in my hair. -e)*

*dials up Erestor next*
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[Dec. 20th, 2008|02:01 am]
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[Mood | drunk]

*getting towards the end of the grand Erumas party at the site formerly known as the Flower, has found himself poured into a mostly-drunken sprawl at one end of a comfy, comfy couch* *to his left (in order of appearance) are Mac, Lucas, and Erestor, all slouched in varying states of inebriation and indolence*

*peers fuzzily in the direction Mac is currently pointing* *or trying to point, anyway—it's more of a sluggish three-fingered fluttery wave thingie-doo* Yeah... yeah, I see 'em. *hiccups softly* Y'keep watchin' 'em an' tellin' me wha's goin' on. How come? 's not helpin' any.
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[Dec. 15th, 2008|06:35 pm]

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[Mood | calm]

*leaves (home?) the House of the Fountain, dressed smartly in a suit (designer) and open-necked shirt (designer)*

*makes his way (home?) to the Flower, a good hour before the official start time of the party to make sure that everything is in place: lights throughout the tent, Erumas trees in each corner of the tent, mistletoe, long trestle-tables with food and drink, an area for the DJ, a stage for the band, a dancefloor and very comfortable couches lining the wall of the tent*

*really has to hand it to Pete for putting so much work into this evening and gives her a wrapped present to thank her for all her hard work*

*is promptly rewarded with a glass of orange juice and an exhortation to stay virgin (when it comes to drink, at least) tonight*
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[Nov. 23rd, 2008|12:51 pm]

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[Mood | calm]

*arrives back in town late Sunday night and heads straight home* *briefly considers stopping at the Fountain proper, but figures he'll be in early enough tomorrow morning anyway*

*has barely gotten through the front door when his cell phone chimes with a new text* *piles his stuff on the couch (isn't even going to think about unpacking yet) and checks the message (Are you home yet?)*

*smiles as he sends back a quick reply in the affirmative, and is completely unsurprised when the phone buzzes with an incoming call not two seconds later* *answers* For crying out loud, Mac, I just walked in the house. Who died?
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[Nov. 15th, 2008|11:02 pm]
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[Mood | drunk]

*muses to himself (in a disjointed and overly warm fashion) that as far as hospitality goes? Gondolin gets a ten out of ten* *although judging by the number of beer bottles on the endtable, he's probably sauced enough to feel charitable toward a charging Thingol at this point*

*is currently slumped on a squishy comfy couch belonging to none other than the House of the Swallow's second-in-command, following a chance run-in during yesterday's tour and four subsequent hours of gnoshing the virtues of Hank McCoy (BAMF) vs. Scott Summers (WUSS)* (*finally, someone else who gets it!*)

*blinks blearily at the TV screen, trying to put the flickering images together with some odd droning noise coming from elsewhere in the living room* Whazzat?
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[Oct. 24th, 2008|12:03 pm]
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[Mood | productive]

*was concerned (if not altogether surprised) to get word of the cancellation* *wonders, not for the first time, whether Ecthelion's throat is up to handling a death sub yet* *maybe a melt-in-your-mouth Philly steak 'n cheese?*

*is also fairly unsurprised when Erestor turns up at the Swallow in short order, which seems to have become something of a routine now that the lackey is temporarily filling his boss' shoes* *presses the intercom button, answering the front desk* Yeah, Pete, send him up. Mac, too, if you see him—oh, and tell Erestor to mind the ladders, dammit. Bloody hazards.
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[Oct. 10th, 2008|05:06 pm]
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[Mood | pensive]

*has spent much of her time closeted in her office since the senior staff meeting, going over things with a fine-toothed comb in light of Ecthelion's revelations* *as far as theories go, can't come up with anything better than what's already on the table (I believe this threat to be personal), but is hoping another look-through might inspire a good argument against Ecthelion's proposed solution (I will take the trouble with me)* (*an argument he might actually listen to, that is, since he's likely already heard variations on "don't be stupid" and "this is suicide"*)

*several hours later, is frustrated and no closer to a brilliant epiphany than she was before* *glances up at the clock (late afternoon already?), knowing that her fellow Lord is due to leave early the next morning*

*makes a quick decision and dials Ecthelion's cellular*
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[Aug. 29th, 2008|11:19 am]
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[Mood | busy]

*has had an extremely busy time of it since word came through of the alert and subsequent city-wide lockdown* *because of course, every event coordinator in town wants to know whether their weddings/concerts/parties/recitals/bar mitzvahs are still going to go on as planned? and they didn't know whether to call the Harp or the Swallow? and they probably just don't want to deal with Sally*

(*never mind the facts that there are old-school monsters on the loose, and a good man is already in the hospital, and the King has locked down the City*)

*hunts through the stacks of file folders on her desk for a few minutes before paging her second-in-command* Mac? Where's the number for that woman with the dog show? You know, the nutbar with the poodle hair?
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