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Opus Two RPG

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[Feb. 16th, 2011|05:18 pm]
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*can't quite believe what she's gotten herself into with this jewelry show gig* *had some little catwalk show in mind, maybe some sashaying, a twirl-snap at the end* *definitely wasn't expecting a high-society exhibit featuring the models as living art, each dripping with enough diamonds to feed a small country for a month*

*on the evening of the gala, finds herself perched on a raised pedestal set in the midst of a sparkling pool, the hem of her long silver gown trailing out into the water* *sits very still while the makeup/hair/accessory people fuss over the headdress and glitter and, of course, the diamonds* *drinks in the details while she can; as part of the VirtuesTM collection showcase, she's portraying blind(folded) Justice*

*minutes before the doors are to open, her fingers are guided around the gleaming scales and sword, and she has to stamp out the urge to giggle or kick her feet* *is solemn and serene and... and just, dammit*
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[Mar. 26th, 2010|05:19 pm]
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*Took charge of the situation when a dog-sitting opportunity came up, to show his parents that he can be reliable, dependable, responsible and lots of other words ending in "-able."*

*Makes sure she's fed and watered every day, never gives her chocolate (though he does give-in if he's having sausages and bacon for breakfast now and again. She deserves the occassional treat and how can you say no to that face? He's only human.*

*Besides, she can always work it off when he takes her for her walkies, so he decides to take her on a new route today; through the park, on one of the more challenging paths, the kind that's a little bit overgrown, not paved or gravelled, the kind that gets a little squelchy underfoot just after the rain. Which it is.*

*Returns to the palace, leaving a trail of muddy paw and footprints leading up to his room.*
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[Feb. 15th, 2010|10:35 am]

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[Mood | contemplative]
[Music |(really)]

*fairly early the morning after Vendórë's Day, goes out for another walk in the park to clear her head*

*had a very nice holiday, all told, and Tuor was sweet as pie as usual (and very understanding about her having one of her Bad Days, despite all her efforts to ward off the Bad Dream that sometimes gets her down)* *doesn't quite know why that should be, when life is everything she wants right now, but it happens anyway**

*finds a bench to sit on and takes out the little bag of bread crusts she brought with her to feed the birds*
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[Jan. 2nd, 2010|12:27 pm]

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[Mood | awake]

*very early one morning, bundles up and leaves the palace to go walking through town (as much as she loves to see the city bustling and full of life, it brings her a special kind of happiness to see Gondolin waking, too)*

*stops at a bakery to pick up a blueberry muffin ("Good morning, Joe!" "Good day to you, Princess. Stay warm out there.") before continuing on her way*
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[Oct. 12th, 2009|06:19 pm]

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[Mood | bouncy]

*as promised, hightails it inside immediately after seeing her niece wed to "that cute boy", as her mother might say*

*moves a couple of namecards around and parks herself at the table nearest the bar after finagling a couple of drinks for her and Gil-galad* Thank Eru. It was freezing out there, bless Itarillë's heart. She's wearing a strapless and I don't think she even noticed. At the risk of becoming a cliché, I fucking love open bars.
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[Oct. 11th, 2009|09:46 pm]
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[Mood | chipper]

*arrived yesterday in Sirion and was rather taken aback at how familiar it all seems, in spite of the fast food joints and supermarkets* *is very taken by the hotel on the seafront (though not as taken by it as Idril is) and is very satisfied with the security measures put in place by Rôg*

*wakes up (or is woken up by Ecthelion) good and early on the morning of the wedding, which is at noon* *indulges in a pint or two in the hotel bar to steady his nerves (and has no idea why Ecthelion is so nervous, seeing as he's not the one getting married today) (not that Tuor is nervous either, of course!)*

*finally, just before noon, is standing at the top of a makeshift aisle on the beach, enjoying the very end of the warm(-ish) autumn sunshine*

*murmuring* Now I'll allow that kilts probably weren't the best choice. Still, my skin hue must match my blue tartan, right?
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[Sep. 28th, 2009|08:53 am]

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[Mood | worried]

*after Erestor leaves, promptly heads back upstairs to the bedroom to find his phone*

*stays there while he dials Idril (maybe if he prepares to go back to sleep, the Powers That Be won't need him to leave the house)* Please be okay, Princess.
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[Sep. 21st, 2009|12:11 pm]

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[Mood | discontent]

*received word from Glorfindel (before he left Gondolin again) that he'd spoken to Tuor*

*has since been worrying herself silly wondering what Tuor said/thought/did when he found out, but he hasn't tried to contact her since, and that, at least, seems promising* *or she's pretty sure she'd have heard about it if Glorfindel was going around sporting any war wounds at the moment, anyway*

*finally decides she's got to be brave for the love of her life, even if it breaks her heart to see him again* *sends word for him to meet her at an appointed time, going to wait for him in her favorite place in the palace—her gardens*
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[Sep. 14th, 2009|08:04 pm]

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[Mood | anxious]

*arrives back in Gondolin on the morning after The Night Before* *looks pretty dishevelled after his travels but makes his way straight to the Palace, without calling home to the Flower first* *reckons, of course, that it's easier that way because he's not quite ready to face the concern/surprise of his staffers*

*arrives at the Palace and simply strides past Pete at front desk, tipping him a salute as he passes*

*makes his way up to Idril's quarters and knocks on the door of the living room*
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[Sep. 11th, 2009|08:54 am]

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[Mood | sad]

*after another day spent putting on a cheerful face for her son (but he's a bright one; she doubts she's fooling him) and thinking long and hard (well, long, anyway) about Erestor's encouraging words, decides she really will go ahead and try to get in touch with Glorfindel*

*chooses a time early in the evening, before one of Ecthelion's scheduled shows, so that hopefully Glorfindel won't be too busy to talk to her*

*shuts herself in her room with her phone, curling up in the window seat* *has no idea what she's going to say but dials Glorfindel's mobile number anyway*
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[Aug. 28th, 2009|09:38 pm]

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*four days into Ecthelion's tour abroad, has just about gotten a handle on the insanity that is to be his life for the next several weeks until his lord returns* *has also resigned himself to the fact that, between the added Fountain workload and his online regimen of master's coursework, adequate sleep is going to be a precious, precious luxury*

*has taken to occupying Ecthelion's office during business hours for convenience's sake, if only because Esther is running back and forth enough without making her traipse further than the next door over* (*is rediscovering how damned tall his boss is, what with having to readjust the monitor and pull everything on the desk closer together except the Hobble-head, that can stay where it is thankyou*) *haunts his own office before and after shift, then, to play the endless game of catch-up* *is beginning to seriously harbor thoughts of stashing a sleeping bag under his desk for emergency power-naps*

*is in the middle of signing off on the latest report from the accounts department—and Eru, the numbers are all beginning to swim together, at this point—when the desk phone bleeps with an incoming page* *snags the receiver and tucks it against his shoulder, half his attention still on the dotted line* Erestor. *listens for exactly one sentence before his hand is creeping up to hold the phone tighter to his ear, and the frown on his face is pure incredulity* ...We have a what?
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[Aug. 15th, 2009|03:28 pm]
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*having been sent on a wild goose chase for much of the night of the ball, makes his way back to the Palace*

*had been told that there was a sighting of Maeglin at a bar and then in Place of the Gods and then at the train station and has, all in all, been running around here there and everywhere* *adding insult to injury, was informed by the costume shop that his costume had been misplaced*

*is, therefore, waiting by the doors of the ballroom, looking a little dishevelled in jeans and a t-shirt and trying to figure out how he can make it up to Idril* (*does so hate to disappoint her*)
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[Aug. 11th, 2009|11:48 am]

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[Mood | excited]

*on the evening of the ball, gets all dressed up in her bright yellow gown (it's poofy!) and her jeweled mask and goes downstairs to join the gathering throng*

*wanders among all the people (there are a lot of them throughout the palace, considering she's invited all the staff from all the Houses), oohing and ahhing at all the beautiful, colorful costumes and trying to guess who's who*

*thinks that tall and muscly one over there is probably Egalmoth, and oh, there's her aunt, surely, resplendent in white, and her little cousin (and she breathes a little sigh of relief because it seems Lómion must have gone back to Uncle Fingon's after all)*

*can't guess who most people are (even the really obvious ones), though she never forgets a name, but it's great fun to try!* *collects a glass of champagne and whirls and twirls around the ballroom, humming to herself and eagerly awaiting Tuor's arrival*
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[Jul. 25th, 2009|01:59 pm]
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[Mood | calm]

*arrives in Gondolin, as arranged, with her son and her daughter (and is rather pleased to have her family with her)* *is not so foolish as to expect to stay in the Palace so checks in to the premier hotel in Gondolin*

*hopes that her brother and his family won't be too surprised to see them!*

*once she is settled into the suite that she is to share with Maeglin and Liltëas, suggests going out to lunch and ventures forth into the City (her home) and smiles at the sunlight and the peace and quiet*
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[Jan. 12th, 2009|09:44 am]

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[Mood | contemplative]

*ever since having lunch with Glorfindel and Ecthelion and their (very nice) friend Ava, hasn't been able to shake the feeling that she'd like to know the girl better (or maybe that she's known her before?)*

*finds some pretty stationery on which to write a short note asking whether Ava would like to meet her some afternoon for lunch, perhaps somewhere near the hospital, if it's convenient?* *do busy doctors get lunch breaks?* *thinks the world's etiquette mavens (and her mother) would be impressed by the personal touch*

*has one of her father's servants deliver the message*
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[Dec. 15th, 2008|06:35 pm]

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[Mood | calm]

*leaves (home?) the House of the Fountain, dressed smartly in a suit (designer) and open-necked shirt (designer)*

*makes his way (home?) to the Flower, a good hour before the official start time of the party to make sure that everything is in place: lights throughout the tent, Erumas trees in each corner of the tent, mistletoe, long trestle-tables with food and drink, an area for the DJ, a stage for the band, a dancefloor and very comfortable couches lining the wall of the tent*

*really has to hand it to Pete for putting so much work into this evening and gives her a wrapped present to thank her for all her hard work*

*is promptly rewarded with a glass of orange juice and an exhortation to stay virgin (when it comes to drink, at least) tonight*
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[Nov. 15th, 2008|10:02 pm]

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[Mood | loved]

*spends a rather astounding twelve hours with Ecthelion and would be half-convinced that it is all a dream, if not for the hour of sleep (because then he woke up and Ecthelion was still in his bed)*

*copes well enough with the pre-dawn taxi journey to the airport in Losgar (and copes better with the flight, now that he has something other than armrests to cling on to)*

*boards the train to Gondolin (a long enough journey that should have them back in the City around nightfall) (more darkness) and half-sleeps during the journey*
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[Nov. 10th, 2008|09:58 am]

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[Mood | artistic]

*sits at the piano in the music room, playing and singing, a line of deep concentration etched in her brow as she tries to think of notes and words and form and phrasing all at the same time*

...'twas Laurelin, the legends told
hmm hmm-mm hmm hm hm hm gold.

*pauses and glances over* How does that line go, again? *smiles hopefully* I still don't remember all the old songs very well.
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[Oct. 29th, 2008|12:36 pm]

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[Mood | cheerful]

*checks her calendar and is pleased to see she's penciled in a lunch date for today, and so bundles up and takes a walk down to Which Sands*

*is shown to a table and settles down to wait (oblivious to the staff heatedly discussing whether to offer her crayons for drawing on the paper table covering)*

*glances around at the other patrons and firmly decides it looks less empty than most businesses have these past few weeks (wishful thinking?)*
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[Oct. 15th, 2008|09:15 am]

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[Mood | scared]

*opens his eyes sometime around noon the following day*

*is instantly struck by the almost overpowering perfumed scent in the air and, when he looks around, has the crazy first impression that he wandered into the Botanical Gardens and fell asleep there* *sneezes*

*feels his heart skip a beat or two when the memories of the previous day's events hit him in a flood* *hastily pushes them out of his head before the panic can overwhelm him, focusing his thoughts on the tasks at hand*

*tries to shake off his grogginess as he sits up and, shoving the covers off using the arm (and the useless bandaged lump on the end of it) not immobilized by a sling, swings his legs out of bed and sets his feet on the cold floor*
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