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Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 16th, 2011|11:21 am]

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[Mood | optimistic]

*hightails it over to a dinky record store after he calls around and ascertains that they have a used copy of Noldorin for Dummies, Vol. 3 (you'd think a title like that would be more common in such a multilingual city)*

*takes a minute or two to chat with the cute punk girl working the register and impress her with details of his new job* Yeah, I was thinking of stopping by the House of the Fountain next. It's just up the street, right? *grins* Do you know anything about this Ecthelion guy, other than that he cuddles up to guitars on billboards?

*doesn't quite know what to make of it when the girl falls completely silent, immediately turning back to a pile of CDs she was sorting after she wraps up his purchase*
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[Feb. 2nd, 2011|06:24 pm]

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[Mood | busy]

*has a wedding gift to find, and only a month left in which to find it* *and yes, that might seem like a long time, but he has no idea what to buy for the aunt who has everything and he would much rather get it all over with ASAP*

*to that end, organizes a Saturday task force consisting of himself (the wheels and complimentary lunch), Mac (the straight guy with the wedding-planner sister), and Esther (the advisor on all things girl)* *also, it's an excuse to go out with friends, and that's a habit he's building into as much as possible these days*

*by the time they exit the second department store empty-handed, has just about decided to get Carol a gift card and a bottle of champagne* *to Esther, a little helplessly* ...Look, I don't know what colors she likes. The house has been so many colors over the years—every room is different, how do I know which one she likes the best?
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[Jan. 10th, 2011|11:23 am]
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*flits about her closet office in the early-ish afternoon, humming her favorite tracks from the charity CD her boss got suckered into* *not that he's said "suckered", per se, but Salgant was involved; ergo, suckered* *never mind that her favorite tracks include a tie between Ecthelion's duet (with omfg Phoebe LaFleur) and Salgant's very pretty acoustic solo*

*gathers the morning's To-Copy stack and heads out, figuring she'll kill some time with whoever's hanging about the copy room before she heads to lunch* *on her way past Ecthelion's door, knocks lightly on the jamb and pokes her head in* Sir? Need anything copied or faxed while I'm going?
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[Aug. 10th, 2010|01:10 am]
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[Mood | shocked]

*is having a pretty average early-morning start at the office, all told—the usual onslaught of snail mail, email, interoffice mail, and memos from every corner of the House—when one particular email near the bottom of the screen catches her eye* *blinks in surprise, instantly recognizing her brother's address (and it takes her a moment to remember that she gave him one of her business cards last time she was up, just for a laugh)*

*pops the message open and skims it* *something about an article in the Brighton paper that she'll want to read, like, now?* *goes ahead and clicks the article link, curious as to what could be so interesting that Freddy's emailing it to her at work*

*takes in the headline (oh, a break-in or something) before moving down to the main text* *...* *hits "Print" about three paragraphs in, all color draining from her face (despite everything), because there are words like shotgun and injuries, and the picture's caption reads Doc Brandt and Carol Taberer wait for news from inside the house, and the dark smears on the old lady's shirt look frighteningly like blood*

*grabs the article off the printer and hurries over to Ecthelion's office, knocking sharply as she practically bursts through the door*
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[Aug. 4th, 2010|09:40 pm]

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*awakens very sluggishly, though it really only has been about five minutes*

*doesn't need the sharpest edges of his wits to understand immediately that something's very wrong, however*

Okay. This isn't my office. I dozed off in my office, and now I'm in... *looks around more carefully* ...Salgant's office? Why am I in Salgant's office?

*spots a telephone on the desk and picks up the handset, pressing a speed-dial button at random without the first clue as to what he means to say, or to whom* *hears the staffer on the other end answer with a wary-sounding Lord Salgant?* No, this is... *freezes at the sound of his own voice* *annnd then he looks at the hand holding the phone* Oh god.
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[Jun. 24th, 2010|09:41 pm]

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*walks for hours, his steps growing progressively slower and more unsteady* *finally, at the end of his rope, limps into a twenty-four-hour diner* *haunts a corner table and nurses coffee until he hears the birds singing outside*

*drags himself to his (empty) house—car neatly parked, keys tucked under the rock by the drive—and sits in his (empty) kitchen for a few minutes or an hour, draining another pot of coffee* *hears his phone go off a few times* *ignores it*

*stumbles into his (empty) bedroom sometime after and loses himself to drugged oblivion* *wakes every few hours, just long enough to look at the other side of the bed (empty, oh, empty) and swallow more pills*

*by the next sunrise, musters the will to get things around and head up to his aunt's (or maybe he can't bear the emptiness any longer)* *hunts for the most recent bills before remembering his suspicion of days past* *damn it*

*cleans up and drives to the Fountain late in the workday, when most of the staff have gone home and the halls will be mostly empty* *enters through a side door and uses the back stairwells, moving silently down deserted corridors until he reaches his office* *slips inside, closes the door behind him, and flips the light on*
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[Jun. 21st, 2010|07:37 pm]
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[Mood | excited]

*on the eve of Danielle's last show at the Cat's Eye, spends a good two hours flailing around the house with her roomies, dolling up to absolute perfection (favorite emerald-green strapless mini, check! favorite red four-inchers, check!)* *it's a big deal, after all—the last of their trio is finally getting out of the biz for good, and they're going to have extra (special) company along for the ride!* *is determined to be excited about this, yes, because any alternative will have her drowning some degree of mortification in booze which is a distinct possibility anyway*

*some hours later, finds herself thoroughly ensconced within the club's booming-bass, smoking-neon atmosphere* *procured a table right up by the stage, of course, so they'll have a great view of the main event* *in the meantime, makes herself busy by keeping her dress tugged up/down, ignoring former clients' curious stares, and maintaining a semblance of sobriety* *...is having a bit more luck with the first two*
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[Jun. 16th, 2010|10:00 pm]

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[Mood | blah]

*spends a fairly calm workday at the Fountain, despite being down one very important man*

*has Marigold to keep him company for the day, at least, and apart from cheering him up somewhat, it's a good opportunity to practice her training whenever he takes a walk through the house on various errands*

*is walking down the corridor on his way to one such task when Marigold, who is trotting by his side, suddenly takes off tearing down the hall* *pauses in his step to look after her in surprise* Hey, girl, what's the hurry?
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[Jun. 8th, 2010|09:02 pm]

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[Mood | content]

*heads down to the office bright and early his first morning back, after a concerted physical effort and many promises of a long lunch made to his half-asleep husband*

*still feels weird about not missing work while he was away, but by the time he's settled in and checking his email, he feels almost back in the swing of things (never mind that Elemmakil is still not talking to him and his debriefing with Erestor was...wobbly, if polite)*

*is interrupted by a knock on the door at about 8:30, which turns out to belong to a deliveryman wielding a huge bouquet of roses in every color a tasteful rose can come in* *is thoroughly mystified by this (if they're from Glorfindel, why did Glorfindel try his typical morning delay tactics? and anyway, flowers from his Flower aren't really their thing, funnily enough)*

*reads the card, which is addressed to Esther via him (and now he's really confused) and contains detailed instructions on exactly how the flowers should be arranged in her office (and leading up to her door), along with the cryptic plea help a lovelorn dragon out*

*gamely follows these instructions to the letter (he's feeling loved-up, what can he say?) before returning to his desk and getting straight back to work*
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[Jun. 7th, 2010|09:35 pm]

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[Mood | chipper]

*arrives back in Gondolin with his husband on the afternoon following the Virtuoso Awards with the express intention to let the senior staff of the Flower and the Fountain know about their lords' new marital status before their respective agents issue the press release*

*in order to maintain some privacy, he and Ecthelion travel separately to the Palace* *while Ecthelion goes to face the music speak with Turgon, goes to find their dog and to break the news to Idril* *only manages to extricate himself with promises that he and his husband will have lunch with Idril and Tuor the following day*

*en route, texts Aerandir to ask that he and Sophie meet him at the conference room at the House of the Fountain in half an hour* *arrives back (home) at the Fountain and goes to the conference room himself, genuinely entertained by how excited Marigold is to be back here again* *tips a salute to Pete as he walks past the front desk*
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[Jan. 9th, 2010|10:08 pm]

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[Mood | shocked]

*has spent the last several days scrambling to put things back into some sort of order at the Harp, after his second-in-command randomly quit, WTF?* *could extract no better explanation from Yates than that he "intended to pursue other opportunities"*

*takes a short break from the craziness of combing through job applications (all of which have been carefully screened by Special Ops, unbeknownst to him) to kick his feet up on his desk and peruse the paper, giving special attention to the classifieds (the R series hasn't served him as well as he'd hoped, and really, they don't make 'em like they used to, anyway)*

*drops his feet to the floor in a hurry when his eyes alight on the personals (he reads them to laugh, shut the fuck up), one ad in particular*

...seeking one Masked Mystery Man claiming double-sided fax capabilities...

*reads through the rest of the little blurb, then the whole thing once more, unbelieving (but no, there's her name and c/o House of the Fountain (*spit*))*

*only spares a moment for the question of whether she's seen his handwriting before (most likely only his signature, and there's no way that's going on the reply)* *without any further thought, finds a clean sheet of paper and a bold black pen (Eru, a pen) and scrawls a reply as fast as his hand will move*

It seems even a woman who chooses to be single can enjoy the occasional cinnamon cookie. But two? I'm no less a coward. Are you still brave enough for both of us? Will you laugh at 'hello' doctrine to face dragons tall?

*makes himself stop then, think a moment* *adds a final, simple line (I want to see you again.) before sealing the note in an envelope and printing your name in neat block letters on the front* *does not chuck this into his outbox, oh no—will drop it in the mailbox on the corner, on his way out for lunch* *returns to the business of the day (only now he's whistling while he works)*
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[Jan. 9th, 2010|08:20 pm]
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[Mood | proud]

*attends Ecthelion's almost-impromptu Friday night gig with Esther and is, as always, blown away by her big brother's talent* *couldn't help but notice that the character of his newest songs verged on the melancholy wrist-slittingly depressing soulful side*

*does, under Ecthelion's advice, keep an eye open for Salgant and Roxy just in case either of them get it into their heads to ruin Ecthelion's catharsis performance* *knows she's more than capable of taking them both* *also, and not under Ecthelion's advice, keeps an eye open for Glorfindel so that she can politely tell him to sling his hook, should he turn up*

*has a pint ready and waiting for him after the show (and is remarkably sober as she has been pacing herself - until Ecthelion can catch up)*
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[Jan. 4th, 2010|09:09 pm]
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*heads over to Ecthelion's office late one morning, armed with a few phone messages and a cinammon roll from the break room* *would normally email the messages, and hasn't dared intrude on her boss' brooding space with something so inane as food in several weeks, but has decided that enough is enough* *anyway, Tanya will back her up if things backfire too badly*

*knocks on Ecthelion's door and peeks inside, all hopeful smiles* Sir? Do you have a moment?
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[Dec. 15th, 2009|01:49 pm]

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[Mood | discontent]

*works almost steadily through the afternoon, only taking a break to check on Erestor*

*doesn't think his gentle suggestion that Erestor try speaking to a professional again (and now he personally knows about the difficulties in making unpleasant therapy stick) was taken as anything approaching 'well'* *thinks it perhaps even less likely because he was careful to describe his concern as a friend and not as an employer (it's not as though Erestor's job performance has taken a hit, despite his problems, and anyway, his (Ecthelion's) worries go far beyond job performance)*

*as the end of the workday nears, starts musing on Glorfindel's meeting with Salgant, wondering whether Glorfindel managed to glean anything useful or whether Salgant was just his usual git self*
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[Aug. 2nd, 2009|05:17 pm]
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*reports for work Monday morning (against her roommates' advice) and whisks through the front foyer and up to her office, hardly stopping to say hello to anyone along the way, keeping her head down (her hair over her face) and her hands busy in her bag (looking for something)*

*breathes a little once she's slipped through her door* *sits at her desk, takes out her compact and checks the mirror, grimacing at her reflection* *the heavier foundation's doing its job pretty well, but there isn't much she can do to hide the split in her lip or the cut at her hairline* *never mind the ugly bruise at her hip that's making it difficult to sit still for long*

*stashed the compact in her drawer for easy access and gets to work, already mentally rehearsing her story* *as an afterthought, drops a handful of paperclips on the floor (just in case she needs an excuse to temporarily hide under her desk)*
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[Jul. 25th, 2009|10:12 pm]

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[Mood | working]

*has found himself taking up space in Ecthelion's office on a much more regular basis than usual, both because he's absorbing parts of his lord's workload (with or without Ecthelion's expressed consent) and because it's becoming a sort of habit between them, dropping in on each other as friends do* *not that they were ever unfriendly before, but slogging through the past year of hell has definitely left its mark for the better*

*sets his coffee on the edge of Ecthelion's desk and quickly flips through his topmost manila folder as he continues* Anyway, these are the req forms, they're all set to go, they just need your signature or my forgery. *closes that folder and moves it to the bottom of the pile in his lap, opening the second one down* This... what are these?... oh, this is finished, too, I'll drop it with Esther on my way out. *and on to the third folder, which he holds up in raised-eyebrow emphasis* Peak North. Again.

*conversationally* On a related note—as of this morning's meeting with the Registrar of Retirees with Nothing Better To Do, I've decided I don't want to be you when I grow up.
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[Jul. 18th, 2009|09:02 pm]
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*it's a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon, and the place to be is the House of the Fountain's annual barbecue!*

*per her roommates' specific instructions (girlfriend, you are not working today, today we party), has dolled up a bit for the occasion* *figures if nothing else, she and Danielle and Georgia will make damned good armcandy for their unsuspecting date*

*as such, finds herself carefully stepping across the House's beautiful green lawns in strappy four-inchers, one arm curled around Erestor's and a fruity drink balanced in the other hand* *pleasantly, to their little party at large* I don't know about the rest of you, but there's a coney dog with my name on it. Bets on whether I can keep the sauce off my skirt this time?
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[Jul. 6th, 2009|07:06 pm]

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[Mood | busy]

*has been extraordinarily busy since Doc's departure, between trying to keep Ecthelion's workload on the lighter side ("lighter" being a relative term, of course) and preparing for said lord's impending weeks-long absence* *still thinks Ecthelion's plan is brilliant, but has to wonder whether the man had any idea what he was getting himself into*

*doesn't anticipate having a fully-functional Third in place in time, so decides to go with plan B* *begs Duilien (read: agrees to future slavery in exchange) for Mac, just on loan for a day or two a week, to help him handle the load and any crises that might arise, because that's practically a given in this City*

*invites his fellow Second over to the Fountain for lunch on a relatively slow day, figuring they can start going over the particulars early so they're ready when the time comes*
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[Jul. 6th, 2009|01:33 pm]

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[Mood | exanimate]

*has spent the vast majority of the weekend cooped up with his producer, putting the last touches on his album (and he still hasn't sung publicly since the injury (that's what he's calling it in his head now—"The Injury") and he's convinced his voice sounded like shit on every take, but what can he do? this baby has to go out...well, yesterday, ideally)*

*finally stumbles home Sunday evening, barely able to appreciate the quiet, undisturbed walk when he can hardly see straight, but glad that this thing (that's what he's calling it now—"This Thing") will still come as a surprise to mostly everybody, when most of the music business gave up on his commercial prospects years ago*

*has just enough energy to change into t-shirt and pajama pants before he crawls into bed* *resolves to sleep for only two hours before he gets up again and heads down to the office with his never-ending supply of coffee (but the next time he leaves that office, Glorfindel will likely be on his way home and that is no small comfort)*

[Edit] *wakes at 8:50 a.m. the following day (feeling considerably more rested), only needing to feel Glorfindel in his arms to remember why he didn't wake last night, as planned*

*is content to close his eyes and hold his lover (so beautiful in his most peaceful state) for fifteen minutes or so, at which point he gently extricates himself enough to reach over for his cell phone* *dials Esther's office number*
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[May. 13th, 2009|06:25 pm]
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[Mood | bored]

*having spent the night in a room at the Fountain (not exactly five-star accommodation but she does not know how much worse it might have been or how much worse the population of Gondolin wishes her)*

*is given her meals and escorted to the bathroom as and when she requires and her belongings were indeed sent up to her, which is an unexpected civility in this hellish city (and to think she was starting to warm to the place)*

*finishes her lunch and sits down, examining her nails, wondering if she could request a radio or a magazine or something (do they intend to kill her with tedium?)*
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