Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Feb. 24th, 2011|10:08 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*per the usual, is kicked back in his chair at minion/bestie central (i.e., his office), keeping an eye on the flatscreens (all nine of them) and tippity-tapping away at the keyboard (ergonomic, at Finrod's insistence)* *is coaching three different offices through their upgrades via IM, plus shooting emails thither and yon and updating the Queen's official schedule* *may also have the Halo 4.5 uplink on standby, but it's only a small window in the bottom right-hand corner of the lower-right-hand monitor*

*quietly sings along with the music feeding through his earbuds (and yes, he's actually removed the Bluetooth! marvel of marvels!)* Get in there you biiiig furry oaf... doo doo doodoodoo, what you smell! Hmm-hmm-hmm... no one cares if you upset a droid...
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[Aug. 12th, 2010|06:58 pm]
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*it's six o'clock on a Thursday evening, the marrieds are out on dates, and the honor of all Gondolin rests in the hands (well, thumbs) of two brave souls huddled in one far-flung, dimly-lit corner of the Palace*

*pops a chip into his mouth and passes a Twizzler to his companion, inspecting the TV screen* I think that Ossiriand guy went home crying. Pfft. It's called Super Smash for a reason!
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[Jan. 20th, 2010|11:53 pm]
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*as is their on-again off-again custom, has convened with Mac and Erestor at Mac's place for another unofficial minionmoot—which, by popular vote, is progressing sans drunkenness* *it's just that they all have to work in the morning and Erestor's already looking a little rough; no need to pile a hangover on, too*

*as it turns out, though, they need no beer to launch totally immature (but incredibly funny) conversations!* *such the current round of would-you-or-wouldn't-you, which has so far spanned just about every celebrity, fictional character, and historical figure they can come up with*

*deals out the next hand and tosses a few chips into the center of the table, sipping his second beer at a sedate pace* *eyes Erestor* You're up, Fountain. Hit me.
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[Dec. 20th, 2008|02:01 am]
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[Mood | drunk]

*getting towards the end of the grand Erumas party at the site formerly known as the Flower, has found himself poured into a mostly-drunken sprawl at one end of a comfy, comfy couch* *to his left (in order of appearance) are Mac, Lucas, and Erestor, all slouched in varying states of inebriation and indolence*

*peers fuzzily in the direction Mac is currently pointing* *or trying to point, anyway—it's more of a sluggish three-fingered fluttery wave thingie-doo* Yeah... yeah, I see 'em. *hiccups softly* Y'keep watchin' 'em an' tellin' me wha's goin' on. How come? 's not helpin' any.
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[Dec. 15th, 2008|06:35 pm]

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[Mood | calm]

*leaves (home?) the House of the Fountain, dressed smartly in a suit (designer) and open-necked shirt (designer)*

*makes his way (home?) to the Flower, a good hour before the official start time of the party to make sure that everything is in place: lights throughout the tent, Erumas trees in each corner of the tent, mistletoe, long trestle-tables with food and drink, an area for the DJ, a stage for the band, a dancefloor and very comfortable couches lining the wall of the tent*

*really has to hand it to Pete for putting so much work into this evening and gives her a wrapped present to thank her for all her hard work*

*is promptly rewarded with a glass of orange juice and an exhortation to stay virgin (when it comes to drink, at least) tonight*
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[Nov. 15th, 2008|11:02 pm]
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[Mood | drunk]

*muses to himself (in a disjointed and overly warm fashion) that as far as hospitality goes? Gondolin gets a ten out of ten* *although judging by the number of beer bottles on the endtable, he's probably sauced enough to feel charitable toward a charging Thingol at this point*

*is currently slumped on a squishy comfy couch belonging to none other than the House of the Swallow's second-in-command, following a chance run-in during yesterday's tour and four subsequent hours of gnoshing the virtues of Hank McCoy (BAMF) vs. Scott Summers (WUSS)* (*finally, someone else who gets it!*)

*blinks blearily at the TV screen, trying to put the flickering images together with some odd droning noise coming from elsewhere in the living room* Whazzat?
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[Nov. 10th, 2008|10:18 pm]
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[Mood | uncomfortable]

*Sits on a fountain wall in Gondolin, indulging in a spot of people watching.*

*Kicks his legs and smiles at his surroundings in a futile attempt at looking completely comfortable in his solitude.*

*(Friends? Who needs friends? He has rocks and metal ores.)*
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[Aug. 30th, 2008|09:17 pm]
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[Mood | concerned]

*is just finishing packing up his stuff to move when he hears the news that all traffic in and out of Gondolin has been cut off--indefinitely*

*first thought: Turgon is temporarily reverting to his First Age paranoia for some reason? maybe because of the baby?*

*second thought: Turgon is permanently reverting to his First Age paranoia for some reason? maybe because he's neurotic?*

*third thought (which was actually the first first thought, as it always is): Finrod.*

*dials her number, watching the talking heads on the news gabble at each other* *something about an attack? an arrest? but no confirmations from official sources on anything?*
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[Aug. 14th, 2008|09:50 am]
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[Mood | worried]

*has no idea what the frell is going on*

*one minute, the boss is leaving for a little vacation with her cousin/lover, and the next, she's resigned via letter and he's getting phonecalls from the higher-ups about filling in until a replacement Ambassador can be found*

*is, quite frankly, at the high end of Worry (this isn't like her, never has been)*

*rings her cell phone* *hopes she'll pick up--maybe this strange pod-Finrod won't remember how much she used to rely on him*
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[Jul. 13th, 2008|10:38 pm]
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*putters around in his kitchen, making dinner (for one, as always)*

*has his laptop perched on the counter and his other laptop set up on the table (as usual)* *alternates between picking at his email on one and tapping out lines of experimental coding on the other*

*sets a pot of water on to boil while the chicken defrosts*

*figures he'll give his boss a call, since watching the pot will only make him impatient* *isn't good at Impatient*

*tucks his Bluetooth in his ear and hits the speed dial*
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[Jun. 18th, 2008|10:36 am]
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*is exhausted and distracted after another night of disturbed sleep*

*only barely manages to remember her parents and sister are coming for a visit and then only because it's written in big letters on her calendar*

*finds it nearly impossible to focus on work*
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[May. 25th, 2008|12:35 pm]
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*spends a few private minutes in her limo, looking over the strip of mini-photos she and Ingil got from a booth during her visit to Ossiriand* *has to smile (genuinely!) at the silly goofy-face/bunny-ears/sibling-choking ones* :)

*sighs and carefully puts the photos away, exiting the limo with her gameface firmly in place*

*is immediately informed that some touristy-type gawkers have just arrived on the set*

*finds herself in a rather good mood and decides to go get rid of them herself, instead of making one of the underlings do it*

*heads past the lighting and camera techs and the makeup/script/blocking crew (barely noticing that they are parting before her and her entourage like the proverbial Red Sea)*

*spots the intrepid threesome and smiles her most winning smile flavored with just a dash of blatant superiority, of course*

Hello! I'm sorry, we cannot allow anyone beyond this point--too much going on, you understand, and I do believe I would KILL cry if any of the plot points were leaked to the Internet...

*trails off as she gets a better look at one of the gawkers in particular* *tilts her head in that polite "I am not fucking seeing this" manner of hers*

*at approximately -48 C* Findaráto.
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[May. 23rd, 2008|11:36 am]

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[Mood | excited]

*is going to a real live television set!*

*has no idea what she'll see or what to expect* *packs healthy snacks for her and Finrod and finds her brand-new autograph book* *isn't familiar with any of the stars, either, not having watched much of any soap opera because her mother wouldn't let her, but thinks it might make them feel special to be asked for their autographs?*

*is briefly delayed by a phone call for her absent roommate* *carefully takes down the message word for word* Spike will bring one-half keelo (sp?) Saturday, 11, on the bridge.

*this done, heads out into town to meet Finrod at her building*
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[Apr. 3rd, 2008|05:35 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*has set up shop in Finrod's office ("shop" meaning an appropriated desk, a squeaky chair that leans back almost too far, and his laptop computer)*

*is plowing cheerfully through the mounds and mounds of red tape, slowly but surely banishing the paperwork to the easily-accessible realm of cyberspace* *is a veritable god of spreadsheets and the like, after all*

*at some point, rummages around in his bag and retrieves an X-Men special collector's edition BeastTM action figure, complete with lab coat, lab goggles and a mini-laptop of its own* *carefully stands the figure up (next to his feet, which are propped up on the desk as usual)*

*nods* *goes back to work*
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[Mar. 19th, 2008|05:52 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*is sitting in his new favorite Panera bagel-joint with his feet kicked up on the seat opposite him and his laptop planted in his lap, tapping away at the keys with surefire precision*

*pauses as a warbling rendition of the animated X-Men theme wafts up from his jacket pocket* *sticks his Bluetooth headset in his ear*

'Yello? ... Yeah, I'm in Delving right now. Just got in. ... Oh yeah? How're they working for you? ... You did get the coding I sent yesterday, right? ... And the calendar attachment? ... Did you follow the instructions I sent along with? ... *laughs in a friendly manner* Well, that would be why it's not working, then. ... Yes, I'm very sure. ... Call me if you need any more help. ... It's Edrahil. ... No, no problem. 'Bye now.

*puts the phone and earbud away, shaking his head in amusement*

*glances at the time and wonders if it's too late to make an appointment* *grins a softer, quieter, but infinitely warmer grin*
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