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Opus Two RPG

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[May. 30th, 2010|09:03 pm]

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[Mood | happy]

*after a blissful and relaxing honeymoon, is on his way to Vinyamar with Glorfindel to attend the Virtuoso Awards, tanned and stress-free (and sporting a bit of a pulled muscle in his thigh)*

*or at least they would be properly on their way, if they hadn't been sidelined at the airport in Harad with flight delay after flight delay*

*finally arrives in Vinyamar (very, very late) and, once in the waiting car, exchanges a flurry of frantic texts with Roxy (or at least she seems rather frantic about it) to tell her he's still en route, although he'll miss most of the show at this point)*

*returns his phone to his jacket pocket and turns to Glorfindel with a smile* Apparently I've won awards. And here I thought I was going to have to come up with my own excuse to miss all the fun.
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[Apr. 13th, 2009|07:16 pm]
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[Mood | anxious]

*is relieved when the awards show doesn't go on for so long, so she can get back to the hotel and rest* (*as nice as it was to be dressed up and out for the first time in... well, Eru knows how long, really*)

*waves off Maglor's suggestion to find a second room if she needs it, because there's two beds aren't there, and there's no sense forgoing practicality at this stage*

*settles in after some post-mortem chatter ("It was rather bizarre, the whole thing?" "Indeed, what some people won't do for attention..."), to a light sleep*

*isn't sure what time it is when she wakes, awash in a sudden wave of panic, her heart pounding, surprising her enough to shout herself awake* *grasps awkwardly for the bedside lamp and pushes herself up to sit still, realizing she's awake*
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[Apr. 13th, 2009|06:21 pm]

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*wakes up late the morning after the Virtuosos, having slept deeply through the whole night* *sits up and immediately feels woozy and nauseated* *rubs his head and forces his eyes open*

*looks around his hotel room with a sinking feeling (because he hasn't been responsible for this kind of carnage for months and months)* *swallows thickly and registers the empty mini-bottles of wine and an entirely full litre-bottle of water* *sees his clothes strewn around the room and blinks, startled (and cannot remember the frenzied search for his mobile phone at some point during the previous evening)* *examines a couple of blister-packs of medication and they seem legitimate enough (anti-nausea and anti-emetic) but isn't quite sure how the loose tablets on the bedside table fit in to the picture*

*shakily gets to his feet and feels slightly better after a hot shower* *gets dressed with painstaking slowness and packs his bag* *puts the medicine packets into his bag but sweeps the loose tablets and the bottles of wine into the waste paper bin (it is damage control and he doesn't want to think about it)* *grabs the bottle of water and makes his way out into the living room (and he is already cringing)*
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[Apr. 8th, 2009|07:42 pm]
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*in accordance with the evil plot afoot, finds herself loitering near the main entrance of the Mount Taras Pavilion, home of the Virtuosos for six years running* *is all gussied up for the evening in a just-snug-so red formal, with her (temporarily blonder) hair piled atop her head and more dramatic makeup than usual (akin to what she'd wear at the Cat's Eye, really)*

*is staying out of the way for the most part, so as not to attract attention or stumble into a 'razzi frenzy—does not want to accidentally end up in a front-page photo tomorrow*

*keeps her eyes peeled for her target, hoping beyond hope she doesn't miss him in all the commotion*
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[Apr. 6th, 2009|09:20 pm]

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[Mood | optimistic]

*decides to tune into the Virtuoso Awards after all, if only to try and catch a glimpse of Glorfindel* *winged another quick text his way (good luck; gondolin's rooting for you. xoxo -e) earlier in the day but hasn't heard back yet (hasn't spoken to Glorfindel at all since he left town, actually, which is a bit of a bummer, but then he's sure Glorfindel's really busy)*

*as day gives way to evening, puts the sax away a little earlier than he'd planned and sends Elemmakil a text this time (drinks and v awards w/e? we can be the fan club but i'm not wearing a flower in my hair. -e)*

*dials up Erestor next*
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[Apr. 5th, 2009|08:57 pm]
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*having arrived in Vinyamar, is on the phone to (the real) Beryl Estes* No, no, I can't apologise enough. Oh, you're too kind. [...] Yes, it could happen to anyone. It's just so unfortunate. *with a light laugh* No, no, I think it will be a lesson to us all: Never eat seafood on a plane, even in first class. [...] Oh, no. I'm sure we'll be fine without a doctor. I rather think I got off lightly. I didn't much like the look of the prawns. [...]I will. [...] Yes, I will. He'll be delighted and honoured, I'm sure. Yes, you can quote me on that.[...] [...] Many thanks.

*hangs up and mutters* Eru, does that woman ever shut up? *smooths down her hair and walks through the hotel suite living area into her son's room, rapping sharply on the door on her way in, frowning at the blazing lights and drawn curtains* Eru. What a state.
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[Sep. 10th, 2008|12:32 pm]

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[Mood | morose]

*after arriving back in New Haven, leaves his mother and sister to their packing to wander the shores beach in pain and regret*

*despite being the one who didn't want to move here, has had a lot of fun and will miss it* *also, despite Ambarussa's insistence, isn't thrilled about the idea of getting his parents back together*

*looks for a dead shark or a beached whale or even a misplaced jellyfish for old time's sake*
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[Jun. 13th, 2008|09:43 pm]

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*has been feeling unbelievably better ever since the news that Olwë fled to Balar after the destruction of his house* (*isn't asking questions, doesn't want to know, but thank you*)

*even thinks she might be ready to go out into town again*

...*but maybe not alone?*

*goes into her mother's studio to see if she's busy*
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[May. 4th, 2008|10:01 am]

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[Mood | cranky]

*is exceptionally bored, holed up in a motel on the outskirts of Vinyamar*

*has run out of things to watch on telly (and, yes, that does include the pay-per-view adult channels)*

*lies on one of the beds with a can of lukewarm beer resting on his stomach and glares at the closed door*
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[Apr. 10th, 2008|08:33 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*diverts to Vinyamar, instead of going to Delving, on the instruction of his eldest brother*

*does not make his presence known to any of his family*

*simply goes about his business quietly and efficiently, setting up surveillance on the subject's house*

*settles on a bench overlooking the pier, an earpiece in his ear, as he texts Maedhros* M1.A-OK.C2.
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[Apr. 5th, 2008|10:06 pm]

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[Mood | frustrated]

*has by now been thoroughly briefed on the latest charges being filed against his father-in-law*

*spends the better part of the evening sitting alone on the beach, considering the choices he's made (and second-guessed), much as he'd done the evening before...and the evening before that*

I don't suppose I could finally get a little intervention my way, could I?
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[Apr. 3rd, 2008|02:26 pm]

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*very seriously considered visiting her daughter in her new home and cementing some sore of bond of motherly love*

*then took a stroll by the place, saw exactly the state the girl would be living in, and changed her mind utterly*

*it's best to break ties now before she chances growing attached to her HAHAHAHAHA*

*packs her thingshas her things packed and leaves on the next private train to Vinyamar*

*establishes herself in a hotel before walking down to the boardwalk*

*sits at a café, sipping an iced latté and enjoying the feeling of superiority she gets through people-watching*
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[Mar. 30th, 2008|06:58 pm]
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[Mood | rushed]

*Arrives at the airstrip in Vinyamar with Maedhros.*

*Steps off the private plane and turns around to give the contraption an appraising look.*

*Might just have found a modern invention he actually likes.*

*Really wishes he'd had these plane things during the flight of the Noldor.*
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[Mar. 29th, 2008|05:50 pm]
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*finds herself in Vinyamar, organising terms for a television documentary on the last two races of the racing season*

*having suitably frightened the television execs with dire warnings of what will happen if they ever try to unearth her client's identity, makes her way down to a rather quaint hotel by the sea front*

*sits up at the bar* So, a woman walks into a bar and asks what she's got to do to get some service around here.
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[Mar. 24th, 2008|04:07 pm]
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*lets dinner wind down and catches a moment with Erendis*

*wonders if the family setting was all a little too much*
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[Mar. 20th, 2008|11:50 am]

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[Mood | pleased]

*takes Eärwen and Galadriel to the restaurant and orders drinks while they wait for Nerdanel, Maglor, and the twins*

*made the reservation at the ritziest place in town, of course, and tipped off a couple of photogs for celebrity/gossip rags* *knows how those boys like to have their audiences*
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[Mar. 16th, 2008|06:20 pm]
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*enjoys a very pleasant evening out with Erendis, with dinner at his favourite bistro and finishing with a blues-jazz performance*

*escorts her back to the hotel for a drink in the lobby*
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[Mar. 2nd, 2008|05:13 pm]
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[Mood | listless]

*spends a few days in the comfort of the hotel and surrounding boardwalk, doing very little and admitting she should probably try to put herself together*

*is terribly unaccustomed to this holiday bit* (*and exchanging her business wardrobe for properly flattering all the same sweaters and slacks*)

*takes some time out to window-shop rather half-heartedly until she comes to a realtor*

*looks at some of the properties in the window for quite some minutes, then eventually requests a copy of the listings*

*tucks it under her arm and goes to watch the activity near the shoreline for a while*
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[Feb. 18th, 2008|06:14 pm]
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[Mood | uncomfortable]

*makes the final arrangments to close up the Star, collecting a significant insurance settlement in the process*

*relocates her business affairs to the Garden Path, finding placements there for as many of her staff as possible, and bids Delving goodbye*

*isn't sure whether she needs a new property to focus on, or just a holiday*

*wonders if there's a way to combine the two*

*leaves word with her business manager to forward any and all relevant communications while she's away* *very uncharacteristically goes to the airport and chooses a destination at random*

*half a day later, is booked into a hotel in Vinyamar, and seated at its beachside bar*

*blankly asks the bartender for a dry martini*
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[Feb. 10th, 2008|07:28 pm]
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[Mood | shocked]

*after an exhausting entertaining fortnight spent with his granddaughter, plans to return her to the custody of her parents in Vinyamar*

*knows that Maedhros was in Vinyamar and wonders if he's still in residence*

*calls him and leaves a message* Hi, Russandol? *rubs his hair and wrinkles his nose* 's 'káno. Just to say I'm dropping Galadriel back to Vinyamar? If you're still around? And, I don't know, want to meet up or something? I've to be back in Hísilómë to-tomorrow, for a security meeting but I'm yours till then.

*hangs up and stares at the phone, unable quite to believe how forward he just was albeit to an answering service*

*deposits Galadriel with her parents, refusing any entreaties to stay for tea and escapes from the palace at Vinyamar with haste*
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