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Opus Two RPG

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[Dec. 28th, 2009|06:17 pm]
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*after a family-oriented festive season, spent with her mother and her aunts (and the never-ending series of questions about why she isn't married yet), is only too happy to throw herself back into work and socialising with people she actually likes*

*one evening, after a long day at work (and following quite a bit of bribery and emotional blackmail), arranges to meet Ecthelion at a classy little pub/club just at the edge of Gondolin's gay district*
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[Aug. 11th, 2009|11:48 am]

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[Mood | excited]

*on the evening of the ball, gets all dressed up in her bright yellow gown (it's poofy!) and her jeweled mask and goes downstairs to join the gathering throng*

*wanders among all the people (there are a lot of them throughout the palace, considering she's invited all the staff from all the Houses), oohing and ahhing at all the beautiful, colorful costumes and trying to guess who's who*

*thinks that tall and muscly one over there is probably Egalmoth, and oh, there's her aunt, surely, resplendent in white, and her little cousin (and she breathes a little sigh of relief because it seems Lómion must have gone back to Uncle Fingon's after all)*

*can't guess who most people are (even the really obvious ones), though she never forgets a name, but it's great fun to try!* *collects a glass of champagne and whirls and twirls around the ballroom, humming to herself and eagerly awaiting Tuor's arrival*
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[May. 12th, 2009|02:52 am]

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[Mood | scared]

Glorfindel is puzzled; he cannot open his bedroom door but the panicky edge that should be sharp, that should make his heart pound and hurt and ache, is dulled. It might be the whiskey although he did not think he had had that much to drink and he would not notice if this fine double malt looked a little cloudier than usual. He is thirsty. He cannot sleep. There is something like electricity running through his veins, keeping him awake all night. There is three-quarters of a bottle of whiskey on the bedside table. There is a bottle of bleach under the bathroom sink, and any number of liquid toiletries. The taps are not running (he has tried). There is the toilet bowl. He is not that thirsty. She will surely be back soon and realise that he is trapped. She will let him out, he is (almost) sure.

He ventures out onto his balcony for the first time and the sun is almost blinding. He is pale (he looks like a no-good, loser junkie and he swallows down a lump in his throat) and he moves like an old man, fumbling along the wall of the balcony so that he doesn’t fall. It is not a long way down to the ground but it might kill him, if he went headfirst. He runs his fingertips along the rough-smooth bricks and smiles a little (look, he can still feel). His eyes are half-closed and he could be anywhere but here (if he went headfirst). He frowns when his fingers encounter something soft and it is half of a fluffy white dandelion, just sitting on the grainy wall, and he cannot imagine how it soared so high. For a brief, mad-hopeful moment, he wonders if it is a message from an outside world that doesn’t seem to miss him much and he giggles to himself as he rubs the white sprigs between his fingertip and thumb (yellow flower turned poof). His world has already crumbled; it is too late for secret messages and conspiracy theories; his world has come apart and it took little more than a stiff wind. He does not notice that he is crying because his tears are hot like the sun is hot, and it’s just a sun-shower, and it will pass him by soon enough, like most things pass him by. Every time he tries to dial a number, he is informed that his call cannot be connected. It is just as well; no one seems to want to talk to him anymore and he has no calls to return. He dials his voicemail and he has no new messages and the Beloved was just more wool over his eyes (another rug to be pulled from under him).

He sinks down to curl up in the corner, in the shade, and supposes that it cannot be long before his mother forgets him too and he will be alone and so he continues to press the speed dials in turn: #1 is E mobile and #2 is E office and #3 is E admin and #4 is E home and #5 is E security and he is all out of speed dials. His throat begins to close up and he shuts his eyes and he is shaking because there is the burning and there is the darkness (and there is his terror and she is pulling off her gloves).
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[Jan. 12th, 2009|09:44 am]

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[Mood | contemplative]

*ever since having lunch with Glorfindel and Ecthelion and their (very nice) friend Ava, hasn't been able to shake the feeling that she'd like to know the girl better (or maybe that she's known her before?)*

*finds some pretty stationery on which to write a short note asking whether Ava would like to meet her some afternoon for lunch, perhaps somewhere near the hospital, if it's convenient?* *do busy doctors get lunch breaks?* *thinks the world's etiquette mavens (and her mother) would be impressed by the personal touch*

*has one of her father's servants deliver the message*
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[Dec. 15th, 2008|06:35 pm]

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[Mood | calm]

*leaves (home?) the House of the Fountain, dressed smartly in a suit (designer) and open-necked shirt (designer)*

*makes his way (home?) to the Flower, a good hour before the official start time of the party to make sure that everything is in place: lights throughout the tent, Erumas trees in each corner of the tent, mistletoe, long trestle-tables with food and drink, an area for the DJ, a stage for the band, a dancefloor and very comfortable couches lining the wall of the tent*

*really has to hand it to Pete for putting so much work into this evening and gives her a wrapped present to thank her for all her hard work*

*is promptly rewarded with a glass of orange juice and an exhortation to stay virgin (when it comes to drink, at least) tonight*
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[Dec. 7th, 2008|02:54 pm]
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[Mood | working]

*is driving back from seeing Penlodh back home (his Seconds are going to have such fun!) when he's stopped at a light crossing Market*

*rolls to a stop as the car coming up behind... doesn't* *oh NO you didn't*

*sets the siren on the roof of his sedan and gives chase*
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[Nov. 17th, 2008|12:02 pm]

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[Mood | inaccurate]

*returns from assignment abroad to find her desk at Inside Gondolin littered with post-its covered in scrawls reading "Sorry; play again" and "Charisma called; she wants her job back!" and "Where's your insider now?"*

*is utterly perplexed until she picks up a copy of yesterday's Daily News and gets a good look at the photo on the cover (and they claim not to be a rag. HA.)*

*sprays a mouthful of coffee all over her monitor and fumbles for her cell phone, dialing her daughter's emergency number because by Eru this is an emergency*
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[Oct. 15th, 2008|09:15 am]

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[Mood | scared]

*opens his eyes sometime around noon the following day*

*is instantly struck by the almost overpowering perfumed scent in the air and, when he looks around, has the crazy first impression that he wandered into the Botanical Gardens and fell asleep there* *sneezes*

*feels his heart skip a beat or two when the memories of the previous day's events hit him in a flood* *hastily pushes them out of his head before the panic can overwhelm him, focusing his thoughts on the tasks at hand*

*tries to shake off his grogginess as he sits up and, shoving the covers off using the arm (and the useless bandaged lump on the end of it) not immobilized by a sling, swings his legs out of bed and sets his feet on the cold floor*
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[Oct. 14th, 2008|07:37 pm]
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[Mood | exhausted]

*having had a very busy day - which is odd, given that her operating list was cancelled to accomodate the enaction of the Hospital Emergency Plan - makes her way along a darkened corridor towards the hospital entrance, with every intention of getting the Mandos out of work*

*is stopped en route by a patient's family (asking directions), a nurse from her own ward, two of her medical colleagues and three bleeps from the casualty department but does eventually reach the stairwell*
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[Oct. 9th, 2008|01:31 pm]

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[Mood | pleased]

*on her afternoon break, settles down on an empty park bench (so many of them are empty these days) with her salad and the latest issue (hot off the press) of Inside Gondolin*

*leafs through the magazine until she finds the feature she's looking for, i.e. the most recent testament to her amazingness*

*begins to read* )

*sighs and sets the magazine aside to eat, satisfied with a job well done*
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[Sep. 28th, 2008|12:57 pm]
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[Mood | pensive]

*after well recovering from his night of friendly debauchery with Duilien, gets back to the routine of House work*

*which is rather alarmingly routine, now that the "population management" is complete and the streets are much emptier*

*goes out for a walk to check in with the Fountain (after hearing about the (now notorious) incident)* *ends up leaving a note with his staff to get in touch with him, and goes back out to cruise the streets investigate a bit more*
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[Sep. 8th, 2008|07:33 pm]

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[Mood | hot]

*patiently waits for the crowd to spit him out near the corridor to the bathrooms*

*goes inside the men's and makes a beeline for the sink* *turns on the cold water full blast and splashes some on his face and neck*
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[Sep. 8th, 2008|07:06 pm]
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*gets out of work at a fairly reasonable time and is immediately dragged to the pub across the road* *after a couple of drinks (never wise post-call), recalls her promise to Erestor*

*excuses herself and makes a brief phone call before getting a cab to the House of the Fountain*

*is a little bit gratified when the guy at front desk waves her through but is less pleased to learn that Ecthelion is still in his office*

*knocks on the door*
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[Sep. 6th, 2008|06:19 pm]

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[Mood | uncomfortable]

*sits uncomfortably in a wheelchair, waiting to go in for yet more X-rays*

*really thought his day-to-day posture was pretty good, but holding himself completely upright at all times is getting old fast* *would almost give anything to be able to slouch a little, without his chest shrieking in protest*

*on the plus side, finally got to eat his turkey sandwich!* *on the minus side, Glorfindel's flowers make him sneeze every once in a while and sneezing? is a tiny death all its own* *will never ever tell him so, though*
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[Sep. 3rd, 2008|12:23 pm]

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[Mood | gloomy]

*has been doing his very best to concentrate on work, but there are only so many hours a man can stay locked up in his office before the word "intervention" starts to get bandied about*

*also, the lack of any leads whatsoever in Thuringwethil's case has been frustrating him to the point where he can hardly think on the situation clearly and rationally*

*returns to the hospital, where he inquires about Erestor (but doesn't stop in to see him) and then heads to the Pediatric ward to see if he can't track down Ava for what promises to be no less difficult a conversation*
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[Aug. 24th, 2008|02:26 pm]

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[Mood | confused]

*wakes early in the morning to find the other side of the bed empty, which gives him a moment's pause*

*sits up and rubs his eyes, smiling to himself when he hears sounds coming from elsewhere in the apartment*

*finds his jeans from the night before and pulls them on, then reaches for his phone on the bedside table and sits back down on the edge of the bed*

*checks for texts or voicemail and finds none, which strikes him as rather odd* *frowns*
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[Aug. 22nd, 2008|07:55 pm]
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[Mood | exhausted]

*is coming to the end of her latest long shift (well, is into the last third of it, anyway)*

*heads out onto the ward between cases to check up on a few of the post-op kids and to write up fluids*

*sits down at the nurses' station and puts her feet up on the desk* *picks up the nearest phone and asks the hospital switchboard to connect her to a cellphone number*
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[Aug. 18th, 2008|02:12 pm]

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[Mood | mellow]

*breaks for lunch and decides to ring Ava (since it's her day off) to find out whether she'd like to meet up with him*

*is really barely nervous at all, which he imagines can only be a Good Thing*
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[Aug. 16th, 2008|10:36 pm]
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[Mood | rushed]

*finishes her shift about two hours after she thought she would which would be fine except that her mobile phone battery has died and his number is on her phone and she's no good at remembering numbers (that aren't blood test results or vital signs)*

*grabs a quick shower in the on-call room and dashes out through the paeds wing of the hospital* *is stopped by a couple of the nurses from the paediatric ward* No no no, I'm officially not here. Page Dwight, he's on now! *scurries off and calls, over his shoulder* No, it's not a date, I'm not even wearing make-up!

*makes her way to a Telerin bistro on Court Street and thinks it looks sort of like they're shutting down for the night??*
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