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Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 24th, 2011|10:08 pm]
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[Mood | cheerful]

*arrives back into Gondolin much later than anticipated due to a bunch of delays getting back after her break away* *obviously heard all about the accident at the Arch and texted Egalmoth a couple of times over the weekend (but no reply?)* *whatever*

*has to head straight to work and dumps her bag in her office before going down to the breakroom to make herself the world's biggest mug of coffee and to distribute the mandatory souvenir candy that every Fountain must bring to the office after trips abroad*

*hasn't even checked her email or, indeed, seen the paper*
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[Jan. 10th, 2011|11:23 am]
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*flits about her closet office in the early-ish afternoon, humming her favorite tracks from the charity CD her boss got suckered into* *not that he's said "suckered", per se, but Salgant was involved; ergo, suckered* *never mind that her favorite tracks include a tie between Ecthelion's duet (with omfg Phoebe LaFleur) and Salgant's very pretty acoustic solo*

*gathers the morning's To-Copy stack and heads out, figuring she'll kill some time with whoever's hanging about the copy room before she heads to lunch* *on her way past Ecthelion's door, knocks lightly on the jamb and pokes her head in* Sir? Need anything copied or faxed while I'm going?
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[Dec. 1st, 2010|04:44 pm]

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[Mood | bored]

*wanders over to the Fountain one afternoon, without an appointment and on the very thin pretense that he has a music-y piece of business to discuss with Ecthelion*

*and it's not that he doesn't have a hilarious music-y piece of business to discuss with Ecthelion, it's just, you know, he needs an excuse and he's too annoyed with his staff for forgetting his birthday to be around them right now without throwing a fit*

*flips off Pete at the front desk before making his way down to Esther's open door and peering inside*

I get that "holiday cheer" likely translates to "overtime" with you lot, but you could at least cut a window in the damn wall.
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[Sep. 13th, 2010|08:34 pm]
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*is busily forwarding the last batch of pre-lunch emails, including several destined for the newly-appointed Fountain Second, when her cell phone goes off in her purse*

*fishes it out one-handed without taking her eyes from the screen (hmm, Tanya or Toby, Tanya or Toby?)*, figuring it's one of her housemates inquiring about her lunch plans* *ha, has wrangled a date today!*

*glances at the caller ID and nearly drops the phone in shock* *quickly answers before she can think better of it* Hello?
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[Aug. 28th, 2010|01:02 pm]
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[Mood | anxious]

*hasn't really had the time to do all the thinking she's been doing recently (between seconding, thirding, being on rotation at the hospital and Eru knows what else, has been rushed off her feet)*

*still, has managed to come to the conclusion that, maybe, she should talk to her big brother* *hasn't quite made it to the I should apologise line of thought but has, over the past few months, been feeling the absence of Ehtello (even if Boss has been working her hard (though no harder than he works himself))*

*on Friday evening, nips out of work a little early to pick up a bottle of wine* *comes back to the Fountain and goes into the breakroom to get two clean mugs* *at the stroke of 5 o'clock, knocks on Ecthelion's door*
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[Aug. 10th, 2010|01:10 am]
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[Mood | shocked]

*is having a pretty average early-morning start at the office, all told—the usual onslaught of snail mail, email, interoffice mail, and memos from every corner of the House—when one particular email near the bottom of the screen catches her eye* *blinks in surprise, instantly recognizing her brother's address (and it takes her a moment to remember that she gave him one of her business cards last time she was up, just for a laugh)*

*pops the message open and skims it* *something about an article in the Brighton paper that she'll want to read, like, now?* *goes ahead and clicks the article link, curious as to what could be so interesting that Freddy's emailing it to her at work*

*takes in the headline (oh, a break-in or something) before moving down to the main text* *...* *hits "Print" about three paragraphs in, all color draining from her face (despite everything), because there are words like shotgun and injuries, and the picture's caption reads Doc Brandt and Carol Taberer wait for news from inside the house, and the dark smears on the old lady's shirt look frighteningly like blood*

*grabs the article off the printer and hurries over to Ecthelion's office, knocking sharply as she practically bursts through the door*
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[Aug. 4th, 2010|09:40 pm]

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*awakens very sluggishly, though it really only has been about five minutes*

*doesn't need the sharpest edges of his wits to understand immediately that something's very wrong, however*

Okay. This isn't my office. I dozed off in my office, and now I'm in... *looks around more carefully* ...Salgant's office? Why am I in Salgant's office?

*spots a telephone on the desk and picks up the handset, pressing a speed-dial button at random without the first clue as to what he means to say, or to whom* *hears the staffer on the other end answer with a wary-sounding Lord Salgant?* No, this is... *freezes at the sound of his own voice* *annnd then he looks at the hand holding the phone* Oh god.
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[Jul. 20th, 2010|07:51 pm]
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*accompanies her mom around Gondolin, sightseeing*

*has maps and cell tucked in her bag and remembers a lot from last time actually really is kind of sort of positive she could make it around on her own and is totally old enough maybe except her mom seems a little quieter than usual*

*asks to stop by the Fountain to get some pictures in front of the main fountain (naturally)*
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[Jun. 27th, 2010|06:48 pm]
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*okay, so family vacations by definition aren't cool, except that his family is sort of awesome and they're in Gondolin for a week (also awesome)*

*has been permanently bug-eyed since they stepped off the train in this shiny, shiny city* *remembers very clearly the stories Glorfindel and Erestor used to tell himself and his brother, back in the day (Ondolindë the Fair) (lords and banners and the fairest princess of all—your great-grandmother, you know)*

*wanders into the House of the Fountain's main foyer with Elliott at his side, the rest of their family right behind them* *signs slowly, awed* This place is... *shakes his head, his expression finishing the sentence (wow) better than any words*
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[Jun. 24th, 2010|09:41 pm]

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*walks for hours, his steps growing progressively slower and more unsteady* *finally, at the end of his rope, limps into a twenty-four-hour diner* *haunts a corner table and nurses coffee until he hears the birds singing outside*

*drags himself to his (empty) house—car neatly parked, keys tucked under the rock by the drive—and sits in his (empty) kitchen for a few minutes or an hour, draining another pot of coffee* *hears his phone go off a few times* *ignores it*

*stumbles into his (empty) bedroom sometime after and loses himself to drugged oblivion* *wakes every few hours, just long enough to look at the other side of the bed (empty, oh, empty) and swallow more pills*

*by the next sunrise, musters the will to get things around and head up to his aunt's (or maybe he can't bear the emptiness any longer)* *hunts for the most recent bills before remembering his suspicion of days past* *damn it*

*cleans up and drives to the Fountain late in the workday, when most of the staff have gone home and the halls will be mostly empty* *enters through a side door and uses the back stairwells, moving silently down deserted corridors until he reaches his office* *slips inside, closes the door behind him, and flips the light on*
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[Jun. 16th, 2010|09:01 pm]
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*is out walking the invisible cat, leaving his boyfriend to have a talk with Glorfindel* *can't help but be a little hurt, but is making a supreme effort to muscle that down right quick; Glorfindel's known Jackie a helluva lot longer, and it's not like he, Doc, is having any kind of luck* *which hurts, too*

*doesn't know where to go, really, but figures he might as well wander a circuit around the biggest landmark nearby—the House of the Fountain, looming large and pristine just a block or two away* *heads in that direction, nice and easy, enjoying the lazy, sunny-Saturday weather for all that it's a feeble distraction from his worry*

*eventually comes within view of the House's back end, where the green lawns and glittering fountains catch his eye* *smiles at the thought that this truly is such an Elvish city (a place past any simple Halfling's understanding, even if they're all a collection of plain janes these days, Elf and hobbit alike)*

*hears a loud, pitch-perfect whistle and, in answer, a dog's rambunctious barking* *follows the sounds curiously, if only because he has nothing else to do*
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[Jun. 16th, 2010|10:00 pm]

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[Mood | blah]

*spends a fairly calm workday at the Fountain, despite being down one very important man*

*has Marigold to keep him company for the day, at least, and apart from cheering him up somewhat, it's a good opportunity to practice her training whenever he takes a walk through the house on various errands*

*is walking down the corridor on his way to one such task when Marigold, who is trotting by his side, suddenly takes off tearing down the hall* *pauses in his step to look after her in surprise* Hey, girl, what's the hurry?
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[Jun. 8th, 2010|09:02 pm]

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[Mood | content]

*heads down to the office bright and early his first morning back, after a concerted physical effort and many promises of a long lunch made to his half-asleep husband*

*still feels weird about not missing work while he was away, but by the time he's settled in and checking his email, he feels almost back in the swing of things (never mind that Elemmakil is still not talking to him and his debriefing with Erestor was...wobbly, if polite)*

*is interrupted by a knock on the door at about 8:30, which turns out to belong to a deliveryman wielding a huge bouquet of roses in every color a tasteful rose can come in* *is thoroughly mystified by this (if they're from Glorfindel, why did Glorfindel try his typical morning delay tactics? and anyway, flowers from his Flower aren't really their thing, funnily enough)*

*reads the card, which is addressed to Esther via him (and now he's really confused) and contains detailed instructions on exactly how the flowers should be arranged in her office (and leading up to her door), along with the cryptic plea help a lovelorn dragon out*

*gamely follows these instructions to the letter (he's feeling loved-up, what can he say?) before returning to his desk and getting straight back to work*
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[Jun. 7th, 2010|09:35 pm]

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[Mood | chipper]

*arrives back in Gondolin with his husband on the afternoon following the Virtuoso Awards with the express intention to let the senior staff of the Flower and the Fountain know about their lords' new marital status before their respective agents issue the press release*

*in order to maintain some privacy, he and Ecthelion travel separately to the Palace* *while Ecthelion goes to face the music speak with Turgon, goes to find their dog and to break the news to Idril* *only manages to extricate himself with promises that he and his husband will have lunch with Idril and Tuor the following day*

*en route, texts Aerandir to ask that he and Sophie meet him at the conference room at the House of the Fountain in half an hour* *arrives back (home) at the Fountain and goes to the conference room himself, genuinely entertained by how excited Marigold is to be back here again* *tips a salute to Pete as he walks past the front desk*
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[Jun. 1st, 2010|10:56 pm]
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*on the evening of the Virtuosos, makes a concerted effort to work towards House unity* *commandeers the main conference room in the Fountain and invites over any and all Flower and Fountain staff to watch the show*

*sets up plenty of drinks and snacks while Aerandir sets up two flipcharts* *is slightly concerned that there has been no sign of either the Lord of the Fountain or the Lord of the Golden Flower (as the television commentators have re-emphasised at quarter-hourly intervals*

*is entirely relieved when Glorfindel appears onscreen to present an award*

*is finally starting to relax when television cameras show Ecthelion sitting (rather awkwardly) in the auditorium, looking tanned, at least, if very bearded*

(*aaaand that relaxed feeling promptly vanishes*)
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[Apr. 6th, 2010|10:24 pm]
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*somewhere around the eight-day mark, stops trying to fix every typo and transposition, and instead focuses on regulating traffic at a constant, relatively orderly pace* *keeps running post-it lists of Things To Do and People To Call, separating each heading into subheadings (Urgent, Standby, Backburner) and sticking the lists to Erestor's computer monitor every time she visits his office to make sure he's still conscious* *sends the stuff requiring a lot of higher thought processes to Tanya*

*has also started wearing her comfortable clogs to work instead of her pumps, since now her direct report isn't right next door and she's making a lot more trips around the House* (*keeps the good shoes under her desk just in case, though!*)

*slips into Erestor's office around lunchtime on day nine, post-its in one hand, her purse in the other* *without preamble* Gage called for you, I sent him to voicemail. Something about tomorrow's one-thirty. *leaning over to stick the fresh post-its to the monitor* So, where to today? Mafia? Which Sands?
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[Mar. 26th, 2010|10:06 pm]
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[Mood | sore]

*is carefully deposited on his couch, where he immediately slumps back into the people-eating cushions and blinks at the late afternoon sunlight streaming through the window* *mumbles* Feels weird bein' home so early. Like. Really weird.

*wrinkles his nose and forces a yawn, sighing grumpily* Ears're still ringing. *directs a woeful (if somewhat unfocused) look up at his transportation for the day* So much for the spotless record, huh?
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[Mar. 17th, 2010|10:17 pm]
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*on the third morning after Ecthelion's departure from Gondolin, turns up at the Fountain with five mental post-its firmly in place and two steaming coffees in hand* *fully expects to find Erestor in his office (his hours are now stupid o'clock to stupid o'clock, as expected) and figures she'll at least pop by with a caffeine offering before the grind officially starts*

*drops her things off at her office before heading toward Erestor's* *is a little surprised to see that his door is closed, but grins to herself and readies a dumb joke (can't hide from me, sir, I know where you work)*

*balancing the coffees in one hand and turning the doorknob with the other, sing-songs in her sunniest voice* Can't hide from me, sir, I know where you... oh my God.
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[Mar. 12th, 2010|02:50 pm]

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[Mood | horny]

*early on the day on which he is due to have one of his casts (the left one) off, attempts to do some tidying in his apartment* *encounters the cards he retrieved from his safety deposit block and, in a fit of curiosity and endeavour, manages to figure out that they can fit into the side of his laptop*

*jumps as a moving image appears onscreen (it appears to be Ecthelion, working in his office)* *confused, peers a little closer and, a moment later, sees himself (himself-that-was) walk into the office* *turns up the volume to listen to the initial exchange and, for no reason that he can think of, feels his mouth go dry as video-Ecthelion stands up and walks (or stalks) towards video-him*

(*cannot, cannot tear his eyes away (kissing) (shirts being ripped) (laughter, oh laughter) (tumbling and wrestling and more clothes shed) (and so on and so forth and oh my)*)

*really unsure of what he is doing (except that he aches and cannot do a thing about it), has an appointment made for lunchtime*

*cheeks flushed, lips almost aquiver, goes to the House of the Fountain*
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[Feb. 19th, 2010|02:47 pm]

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*as requested, calls Gil-galad and asks him to come up to his office Saturday morning* *hesitates a moment before calling Esther and asking her to relay the same request to Ecthelion* *...which probably counts for chickening out, but he would much rather talk to Ecthelion in person than try to explain the reason for Mithrandir's visit over the phone*

*lets himself into the office a little early on the day of the meeting, half a cup of coffee in hand (last night was a pill night, as he's come to uncomfortably think of them, so he's actually feeling halfway okay)* *plunks down behind his desk and idly fusses with the single rose occupying the space between his photographs, before deciding he might as well get a few little sign-offs out of the way while he waits for everyone else to show*
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