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Opus Two RPG

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[Feb. 13th, 2011|08:59 pm]
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*putters around his boyfriend's kitchen in the late morning, waiting for said boyfriend to get back from his therapist's office* *was very happy when Jackie mentioned he had this appointment, actually—it's just another sign he's trying to keep the new and improved him... well, improved*

*has pancakes and bacon in full swing when he hears the front door open* *calls out* Hope you're hungry, food's almost done. Do you want eggs?
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[Feb. 12th, 2011|02:14 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*on the run-up to her holiday, is a blur of activity, sprinkling a little love and tenderness into as many little hearts as possible before the big day!*

*spends some time dreaming up the perfect gifts for the family, as it were: a bottle of wine for Manwë, along with an embossed note reminding him to get the red and white camellias for Varda; a similar bottle and note for Aulë (but she suggests a home for orphaned bunnies instead of flowers); for Irmo and Estë, warm fuzzy slippers and tea-candies galore; a dozen rabbit hearts hence the bunny home for Oromë, poor thing, and she doesn't know how or what to send to Vána but maybe next year hopefully?* *never has any clue what to get for Námo and Nienna, so that'll be a gift card* *annnnd for Yérë, she has chocolate, daffodils, and a nice friendly card with the words BEHAVE YOURSELF printed inside*

*also arranges for special deliveries of candy hearts to those most deserving of their saccharine messages (i.e., those who will hate them the most)* *hmph!*
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[Aug. 6th, 2010|08:32 pm]

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[Life becomes less a continuous reel and more a series of snapshots;

Scenes and sounds so vivid as to be dreams (except he doesn't remember sleeping);

Fragments of a life, or a dreamed life, but he may not know the difference.]
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[Jun. 16th, 2010|09:01 pm]
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*is out walking the invisible cat, leaving his boyfriend to have a talk with Glorfindel* *can't help but be a little hurt, but is making a supreme effort to muscle that down right quick; Glorfindel's known Jackie a helluva lot longer, and it's not like he, Doc, is having any kind of luck* *which hurts, too*

*doesn't know where to go, really, but figures he might as well wander a circuit around the biggest landmark nearby—the House of the Fountain, looming large and pristine just a block or two away* *heads in that direction, nice and easy, enjoying the lazy, sunny-Saturday weather for all that it's a feeble distraction from his worry*

*eventually comes within view of the House's back end, where the green lawns and glittering fountains catch his eye* *smiles at the thought that this truly is such an Elvish city (a place past any simple Halfling's understanding, even if they're all a collection of plain janes these days, Elf and hobbit alike)*

*hears a loud, pitch-perfect whistle and, in answer, a dog's rambunctious barking* *follows the sounds curiously, if only because he has nothing else to do*
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[Jun. 12th, 2010|08:35 pm]

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*on Saturday afternoon, following a very pleasant morning spent with his husband, including a nice breakfast in a little place off the beaten track, with outside seating where it seemed perfectly acceptable to bring their dog, decides to visit Erestor*

*hopes enough time has passed that Erestor has absorbed what has happened (and how it is support) and figures that, really, he cannot stay away any longer than this*

*makes his way to Erestor's house and knocks on the door, rocking on the balls of his feet and brimming with cheer, because the weather is fine, his cast is off and he is happy*
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[Jun. 8th, 2010|08:13 pm]

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*has had an... interesting week even discounting the part he's ignoring*

*is glad Doc's felt well enough to ambush him for lunch the past four days, but it's a little hard to ignore food and catch up on the work backlog when there's an adorable and well-meaning boyfriend at the door* *strongly suspects Esther had something to do with this*

*and then there was today, which started with the usual morning hassles and (literal) headache, and ended with himself and Ecthelion closeted in the latter's office for an unofficial catch-up* (*which might have been the most exhausting part of Ecthelion's vacation, actually*)

*gets home and collapses on the couch, throwing his arm over his face* *pre-emptively* No, I'm not hungry, and I'm never moving again. Ever.
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[Apr. 6th, 2010|10:24 pm]
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*somewhere around the eight-day mark, stops trying to fix every typo and transposition, and instead focuses on regulating traffic at a constant, relatively orderly pace* *keeps running post-it lists of Things To Do and People To Call, separating each heading into subheadings (Urgent, Standby, Backburner) and sticking the lists to Erestor's computer monitor every time she visits his office to make sure he's still conscious* *sends the stuff requiring a lot of higher thought processes to Tanya*

*has also started wearing her comfortable clogs to work instead of her pumps, since now her direct report isn't right next door and she's making a lot more trips around the House* (*keeps the good shoes under her desk just in case, though!*)

*slips into Erestor's office around lunchtime on day nine, post-its in one hand, her purse in the other* *without preamble* Gage called for you, I sent him to voicemail. Something about tomorrow's one-thirty. *leaning over to stick the fresh post-its to the monitor* So, where to today? Mafia? Which Sands?
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[Apr. 3rd, 2010|09:04 pm]

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[Mood | drained]

*by the second night of Doc's stay, has realized how truly fucked he is*

*it's not so much the wide-eyed up-down Doc gives him when he (reluctantly) undresses to get them both into the shower (god, Jackie, I wasn't kidding about the grass diet), or the somewhat confused blink when he (hastily) pulls his clothes on afterward (do you want to watch TV, or...?)*

*it isn't even the new (conscious) recklessness with which he's plowed through his work the past two days, because he can't bear to leave anything undone but he has to get home; hourly check-in calls to Doc just aren't enough (I could have lost him)*

*no, the reality check comes in the form of zombie-exhaustion, faint hand-tremors and a blinding headache, after a restless night sans helpful chill-pill (the first time he's skipped in... two weeks? three?)* *couldn't bring himself to sneak one down (only addicts sneak) with Doc sleeping lightly in the bed next to him, but he does know one thing now: he won't make it another night without*

*is truly, inescapably fucked*
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[Feb. 13th, 2010|07:06 pm]
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*would be spending Vendórë's Day in Gondolin, with the boyfriend, but changing his schedule involved picking up the holiday shift* *instead, makes other arrangements by phone*

*feels a little guilty about leaving Gandalf to his own devices for most of the day, until he's reassured (reminded?) that "a wizard is never without his own devices, Meriadoc Brandybuck!"* *well, all righty then!*

*gets back home around suppertime and flits about the house, full of excited energy, eyeballs practically glued to the clock, until Gandalf (laughingly) persuades him to do something productive before he punches holes through the ceiling* *to that end... bakes!*

*is making good progress on some scratch cookie dough when his mobile goes off* Crap, crap. *waves his floury hands at his houseguest, rather frantically* Pick it up pick it up—!
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[Jan. 29th, 2010|12:13 am]
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*goes home Sunday evening, and is in such a terrible mood that he begs off the planned baking party with Hil's kids* *it's just that he can't take four steps without remembering Theo's "pet" mouse (oh, how Estella screeched), or Wynnie losing her first tooth, or Perry and Pippin making faces at each other through the window*

*finally throws himself in bed when he can't stand to be awake anymore, but is jolted from his sleep by the worst nightmare he's had in years (or possibly ever)* *and some part of him is grimly satisfied with the memory of a glinting blade sinking into that Shadowy leg (the scrape of metal on metal, the shock of cold and pain lashing up his arm)... but another part would give anything to go back to plain, simple Doc Brandt*

*the next morning, calls Dill and jockeys schedules around, then calls his reliable third cousin at the travel agency* *one hastily packed bag and several hours of drowsy, restless train- and taxi-travel later, finds himself at his boyfriend's door, completely unannounced and utterly drained*
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[Jan. 10th, 2010|07:16 pm]

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*has been doing a lot of thinking since he returned from Dorthonion* *has come to the conclusion that, though he's probably the party with the most right to be offended here, he's also the one with the most sense—which means it's up to him to try to set things right. again.* *yes, despite his earlier assertion that he wouldn't*

*to that end, waffles for an entire day before finally picking up his phone and texting a short, simple message to a (speed-dial) number he hasn't dialed in weeks* This is ridiculous, you know. Thai at mine tonight?
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[Dec. 17th, 2009|12:01 am]
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*not counting short texts and a rushed go-over of holiday scheduling, hasn't actually spoken to the boyfriend in a solid week, which is unusual*

*curls up on his couch one howling snowy night, all bundled for bed in thick socks and his new woolen scarf, with a steaming mug of eggnog in one hand and his phone in the other* *settles back, hits the speed-dial, and sips (ow hot) while the other end rings*
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[Nov. 4th, 2009|05:08 pm]
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[Mood | relaxed]

*on the minus side, the onset of cold weather up north has (predictably) cut into the ballooning schedule, to the point where he's limiting his flights to certain weekends only*

*on the plus side, this means he has actual weekends off!* *and after a bit of day-job rearranging (and sucking up to a certain third cousin), decides the best way to take advantage of this new freedom is with a proper visit to the boyfriend* (*called first this time, though*)
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[Nov. 2nd, 2009|07:07 pm]
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*following a somewhat useful session with his star witness number one ("somewhat useful" in that nothing new was presented, but a great many things were confirmed), has decided to move on with star witness number two (or perhaps he should be considered number one, after all)*

*folds his hands neatly atop his open files—Amir and Samantha, as before, and a third detailing the damage to the Houses themselves* *directly and sincerely, as ever* ...you may find some of my questions difficult to answer, but I would ask that you do so as honestly and as completely as possible. A great deal of this project hinges on the details.
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[Oct. 17th, 2009|01:54 pm]

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*returns from Menegroth with vacation days to spare, but has been forbidden to show his face around the House (for work purposes, anyway) until such-and-such date*

*is glad for the extra time, though, because it's a prime opportunity to have Carol down for a visit before the weather gets terribly cold* *picks her up from the train station and, after a minor squabble over who's sleeping where (which mostly consists of him threatening to put her out on the lawn if she tries to take the couch), sets her up in his bedroom and introduces her to his modest little kitchen (which she promptly commandeers, of course)*

*some time thereafter, is instructed to invite friends over for supper, and so dutifully calls Ecthelion ("take your antihistamine, sir") and Glorfindel* *hangs up with the latter and turns to Carol with a chipper smile* They'll be here in a little while. *steps back in to stir the beans* These are about done, I think. When do you want the roast out?
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[Aug. 3rd, 2009|10:13 pm]

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*is rushing around his place in the late afternoon/early evening, getting ready to go out* *is pretty well worn to the bone (work's been a nightmare lately), but thinks it'll do him some good to down a few beers with Mac, listen to a few mediocre bands, and generally laugh at the hellishness of House life these days*

*has his phone tucked between his cheek and shoulder while he tidies up in the kitchen, his tone dry and amused as he fends off piteous requests from the other end of the line* ...No, I'm not begging off tonight to stay on the phone. ...Nope. ...Yep, that's exactly how you rate. ... *chuckles* I know, I'm your meanest boyfriend. One of these days I'll ditch my teeming social life and you'll have me all to yourself, all right? But today is not that day.

*hears a knock at his front door and heads that way curiously* *into the phone* Hang on a sec, somebody's at the front. Bets on whether it's a Manwë's Witness?
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[Jul. 29th, 2009|08:13 pm]
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[Mood | tired]

*all but collapses on the crappy people-eating couch in his front room, his hair and shirt damp from the shower* *between two flights and a sandwiched inspection-shift with Dill, is pretty well tuckered out (and not in the family-joke sense, either!)(not that the Tuckers think it's all that funny)*

*yawns and hits his speed-dial, tucking the phone between his ear and shoulder as he sets about pulling his socks on*
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[Jun. 13th, 2009|08:33 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*thinks it's sort of poetic, a bright and sunny morning after* *or actually, a bright and sunny mid-morning after* *woke up at a reasonable hour, as usual, but then Jackie gave him a look and did that thing with his tongue and they were both so conveniently naked and yeah, this could get to be a habit*

*is now puttering around the kitchen, fulfilling his other duty as boyfriend and chatting away* ...anyway, this is the biscuit recipe the grandmas swear by, so if you no like, you might want to keep it to yourself when you meet them? *chipperly, adding a little more buttermilk to the mixing bowl* But you'll like it, no worries. Might not beat your aunt's, but I can guarantee you'll like it.

ETA: *following brunch (which turned out very well if he does say so himself), a somewhat... delayed interlude to get around for the day, and a careful stint on the doughnut, finds himself leaving the auto shop with Jackie*

*tucks his hands into his pockets and just enjoys the fresh after-rain air as they walk along* *conversationally* You know, there's a lot more green than I'd've expected in a big city. Sorta like old downtown Brighton? *squints* But a lot shinier.
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[Jun. 12th, 2009|08:02 pm]

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[Mood | cheerful]

*the good: picked Doc up from the train station in the early evening (and one of his favorite significant-other perks is the hel-lo kiss)*

*the bad: blew a tire on the way back to his place, necessitating a roadside jack-up to switch in the doughnut (which turned out to be a ridiculously funny affair, all told)*

*the ugly: Gondolin is currently experiencing a howling thunderstorm of near-Biblical proportions (complete with unseasonably cold rain—buckets and buckets and buckets of it)*

*finally gets into the house, chilled and sopping wet, but in high spirits all the same* *waves Doc in behind him* C'mon in. Don't worry about staying on the rug, the carpet'll dry.
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[Jun. 6th, 2009|03:09 pm]
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[Mood | chipper]

*is feeling much more civilized after a long shower to get rid of the ten pounds of dust and cobwebs he accumulated in his cousins' attic* *seriously, spring-cleaning is supposed to be a yearly event, not a once-a-decade ordeal* *did get an awesome old-fashioned eggbeater out of the deal, though*

*wanders around the house in a towel and socks to let himself air-dry while he putters, putting some books away, doing up a few dishes, poking through the spices* *has his phone on and the ringer turned all the way up, but keeps checking it anyway to be sure he hasn't missed Jackie's call*

*abruptly wonders if this is what it's like to be a clingy chick?* *...* *no, because he actually has something exciting to tell his boyfriend, so of course he's glued to the phone* *so there*
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