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Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 24th, 2011|10:08 pm]
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[Mood | cheerful]

*arrives back into Gondolin much later than anticipated due to a bunch of delays getting back after her break away* *obviously heard all about the accident at the Arch and texted Egalmoth a couple of times over the weekend (but no reply?)* *whatever*

*has to head straight to work and dumps her bag in her office before going down to the breakroom to make herself the world's biggest mug of coffee and to distribute the mandatory souvenir candy that every Fountain must bring to the office after trips abroad*

*hasn't even checked her email or, indeed, seen the paper*
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[Mar. 16th, 2011|11:21 am]

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[Mood | optimistic]

*hightails it over to a dinky record store after he calls around and ascertains that they have a used copy of Noldorin for Dummies, Vol. 3 (you'd think a title like that would be more common in such a multilingual city)*

*takes a minute or two to chat with the cute punk girl working the register and impress her with details of his new job* Yeah, I was thinking of stopping by the House of the Fountain next. It's just up the street, right? *grins* Do you know anything about this Ecthelion guy, other than that he cuddles up to guitars on billboards?

*doesn't quite know what to make of it when the girl falls completely silent, immediately turning back to a pile of CDs she was sorting after she wraps up his purchase*
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[Mar. 15th, 2011|10:56 pm]
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*holy shitballs and fuck, in that order*

*practically flies to the Arch the minute she gets the news, with Mac and a small flock of rustled-up Swallows in tow*

*jumps out of the car, directing her people to make themselves useful* *jogs right past the barricades and flashing lights and keeps her eyes peeled for her ome House-twin buddy old pal fellow lord* *and Penlodh, too, dammit, if he didn't get his dumb ass killed this time*
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[Mar. 1st, 2011|10:50 pm]

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*is going through some of his letters over breakfast: yes, it's a weekday and he's actually out of bed for breakfast with his husband; he mightn't be out of the house or, indeed, fully-clothed but he's up, damnit!*

*chewing on a pancake, gestures at a memo from the Palace* Hm, see that Celeborn is in residence. That's interesting. *looks up at his husband, a bright smile on his face* I know my House does the tourism part but I'm going to assume that our Fearless Leader has chosen you to show the young man about. *rather amused* I think you're officially the Face of Gondolin now?

[edit] *following a successful morning meeting, finishing up the last of the Special Ops debriefs, is informed that his 11.15am appointment is here*

*glances at the clock, figuring that, whoever it is, there should still be plenty of time to get to the Fountain for noon cupcakes (and, for once, that isn't a euphemism)*
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[Feb. 16th, 2011|05:18 pm]
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*can't quite believe what she's gotten herself into with this jewelry show gig* *had some little catwalk show in mind, maybe some sashaying, a twirl-snap at the end* *definitely wasn't expecting a high-society exhibit featuring the models as living art, each dripping with enough diamonds to feed a small country for a month*

*on the evening of the gala, finds herself perched on a raised pedestal set in the midst of a sparkling pool, the hem of her long silver gown trailing out into the water* *sits very still while the makeup/hair/accessory people fuss over the headdress and glitter and, of course, the diamonds* *drinks in the details while she can; as part of the VirtuesTM collection showcase, she's portraying blind(folded) Justice*

*minutes before the doors are to open, her fingers are guided around the gleaming scales and sword, and she has to stamp out the urge to giggle or kick her feet* *is solemn and serene and... and just, dammit*
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[Feb. 2nd, 2011|06:24 pm]

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[Mood | busy]

*has a wedding gift to find, and only a month left in which to find it* *and yes, that might seem like a long time, but he has no idea what to buy for the aunt who has everything and he would much rather get it all over with ASAP*

*to that end, organizes a Saturday task force consisting of himself (the wheels and complimentary lunch), Mac (the straight guy with the wedding-planner sister), and Esther (the advisor on all things girl)* *also, it's an excuse to go out with friends, and that's a habit he's building into as much as possible these days*

*by the time they exit the second department store empty-handed, has just about decided to get Carol a gift card and a bottle of champagne* *to Esther, a little helplessly* ...Look, I don't know what colors she likes. The house has been so many colors over the years—every room is different, how do I know which one she likes the best?
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[Jan. 30th, 2011|12:09 pm]

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[Mood | working]

*after a hurried conference with the king and queen, and even more hurried efforts to muster a task force made up of a number of Gondolin's best soldiers, travels to dark Menegroth to personally verify some of this crazy shit aid the marchwardens in their fight*

*coordinates with Beleg over the phone on the train and, once in the city, outlines a basic plan of attack with the other lords of Gondolin and their women and men, strictly emphasizing periodic check-ins and cooperation with the local authorities*

We're here at Lady Melian's request, people. I expect everyone to behave like any good guest despite Doriath's history of insane foreign policy, understood? *looking at each person in turn, his eyes lingering on Glorfindel for just a moment (it's dark/are you going to be okay?)* Any questions?
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[Jan. 10th, 2011|11:23 am]
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*flits about her closet office in the early-ish afternoon, humming her favorite tracks from the charity CD her boss got suckered into* *not that he's said "suckered", per se, but Salgant was involved; ergo, suckered* *never mind that her favorite tracks include a tie between Ecthelion's duet (with omfg Phoebe LaFleur) and Salgant's very pretty acoustic solo*

*gathers the morning's To-Copy stack and heads out, figuring she'll kill some time with whoever's hanging about the copy room before she heads to lunch* *on her way past Ecthelion's door, knocks lightly on the jamb and pokes her head in* Sir? Need anything copied or faxed while I'm going?
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[backdated] [Dec. 18th, 2010|10:24 pm]

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[Mood | confused]

*walks over to the Harp for a scheduled meeting with Salgant regarding his mysterious charity proposition (about which he has uncovered no further details, despite two additional phone calls and a winning and persuasive Esther)*

*can hear Salgant talking behind his closed door (on the phone?) when he reaches the outer office but is promptly told to go on in anyway*

*lightly, as he opens Salgant's office door (perhaps if he goes into this with a joking attitude, the conversation won't degenerate into petty insults, yay, optimism)* I hope you realize how much you've hyped this song business by not telling me about it over— *stops short when he sees Salgant's companion, instantly tongue-tied* Ah. Hello?.
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[Dec. 6th, 2010|01:39 pm]

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[Mood | lost]

*has traveled to Dorthonion for a long-ish weekend to attend the big winter festival there, at Ashley's recommendation*

*wakes up bright and early one morning to go and have a bit of a wander in Buckleburgh (though really, they could have picked from any number of towns to stay in—Ashley wasn't kidding about the scope of local involvement) while Glorfindel sleeps in at the tiny B&B*

*wraps up warm, complete with scarf, hat, and sunglasses (partly to protect from the elements; partly to avoid being recognized outside of Gondolin, as has become a vaguely disturbing trend), and walks down to where an ice-sculpture contest is already in full swing*

*spends some time awed by some of the sculptors at work (drips and streams may haunt his dreams but ice...)* *gets so wrapped up in trying to work out how that fish isn't going to collapse once the support struts are removed that he entirely forgets which direction the B&B is*

*takes a map of the area out of his back pocket (not a very good or detailed map, unfortunately) and stares at it for a while in bewilderment (and this isn't a big town)* Hrm. Oh, wait, no...that way's north. I think?
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[Nov. 10th, 2010|05:42 pm]
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*hadn't thought to visit Gondolin next, but after seeing Elrond and Erestor, decides he'd better drop in on that corner* *and it's not as though he has an itinerary to rearrange, anyhow*

*leaves Menegroth and makes his way north, arriving into the city early one bright, chilly afternoon* *shrugs into his grey woolen coat and scarf (an afterthought, of course) and sets off to find Glorfindel*

*is amused when, after only an hour of wandering the streets and asking some helpful passers-by, he's directed to the rather pleasant Telerin café where the Lords of the Flower and the Fountain are supposedly lunching together* *steps in unobtrusively at first, so as not to interrupt right off the bat*
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[Sep. 8th, 2010|02:22 pm]

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[Mood | anxious]

*checks out of the office a little early one afternoon, taking a pile of work with him and heading over to the Flower (it'll be a Flowery sort of night)*

*lets himself into Glorfindel's apartment and, after a bit of tinkering and hyperventilating here and there, gathers his files and papers and laptop and climbs, fully clothed, into Glorfindel's gigantic (bone-dry) bathtub*

*opens up his laptop and starts by alphabetizing everything on his hard drive (the better to not-think about yawning basins that may or may not fill up with water at any moment)*
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[Aug. 28th, 2010|01:02 pm]
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[Mood | anxious]

*hasn't really had the time to do all the thinking she's been doing recently (between seconding, thirding, being on rotation at the hospital and Eru knows what else, has been rushed off her feet)*

*still, has managed to come to the conclusion that, maybe, she should talk to her big brother* *hasn't quite made it to the I should apologise line of thought but has, over the past few months, been feeling the absence of Ehtello (even if Boss has been working her hard (though no harder than he works himself))*

*on Friday evening, nips out of work a little early to pick up a bottle of wine* *comes back to the Fountain and goes into the breakroom to get two clean mugs* *at the stroke of 5 o'clock, knocks on Ecthelion's door*
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[Aug. 27th, 2010|08:05 am]
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[Mood | working]

*sits on a bench outside the GMH (there's a pleasant treed area; nice for patients really)*

*waits for Ecthelion to come out, now things are progressing*

*in lieu of a cigarette, fiddles with a random piece of paper, folding and creasing it patiently while he keeps his mind on, well, patients*
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[Aug. 24th, 2010|07:53 pm]

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[Mood | groggy]

*remains oblivious to all of the activity around him, from tubes and needles to visitors and mainstays, and even the presence of two Valar isn't enough to shake him from his chemically-induced sleep*

*drags his eyes open a few times in the middle of the (second) night and mumbles a few nonsensical words on the morning of the third day* *tumbles into dark dreams after each glimmer of consciousness, but is ushered clear in short order (shh, sleep easy)*

*blinks and inhales deeply sometime in the late afternoon, not quite aware he's awake until he hears movement somewhere to his left* *tries to turn his head, instinctively seeking the source (hello?)*
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[Aug. 10th, 2010|01:10 am]
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[Mood | shocked]

*is having a pretty average early-morning start at the office, all told—the usual onslaught of snail mail, email, interoffice mail, and memos from every corner of the House—when one particular email near the bottom of the screen catches her eye* *blinks in surprise, instantly recognizing her brother's address (and it takes her a moment to remember that she gave him one of her business cards last time she was up, just for a laugh)*

*pops the message open and skims it* *something about an article in the Brighton paper that she'll want to read, like, now?* *goes ahead and clicks the article link, curious as to what could be so interesting that Freddy's emailing it to her at work*

*takes in the headline (oh, a break-in or something) before moving down to the main text* *...* *hits "Print" about three paragraphs in, all color draining from her face (despite everything), because there are words like shotgun and injuries, and the picture's caption reads Doc Brandt and Carol Taberer wait for news from inside the house, and the dark smears on the old lady's shirt look frighteningly like blood*

*grabs the article off the printer and hurries over to Ecthelion's office, knocking sharply as she practically bursts through the door*
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[Aug. 4th, 2010|09:40 pm]

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*awakens very sluggishly, though it really only has been about five minutes*

*doesn't need the sharpest edges of his wits to understand immediately that something's very wrong, however*

Okay. This isn't my office. I dozed off in my office, and now I'm in... *looks around more carefully* ...Salgant's office? Why am I in Salgant's office?

*spots a telephone on the desk and picks up the handset, pressing a speed-dial button at random without the first clue as to what he means to say, or to whom* *hears the staffer on the other end answer with a wary-sounding Lord Salgant?* No, this is... *freezes at the sound of his own voice* *annnd then he looks at the hand holding the phone* Oh god.
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[Aug. 4th, 2010|11:52 am]

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[Mood | annoyed]

*makes his way over to Edible Complex on his lunch break, having demanded a meeting with Ecthelion to "discuss" Ecthelion's latest fuck-ups in re allocation of shared funding*

*also has a few choice words in mind regarding the fact that he was forced to abandon his lunch plans (crispy fried chicken and buttery mashed potatoes and succulent gravy, oh my) in favor of coming to this stupid café*

*does not have any intention of bringing up his latest independent research project (but then it's not like he's learned anything interesting thus far)*
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[Jul. 18th, 2010|04:41 pm]
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*is having a pretty ahh-mazing time in Gondolin, so far, between his family (nuclear and extended) and the high-roller craziness that is the Big City* *plus there are entirely new throngs of fans to schmooze and/or dodge!*

*finds himself and his twin at loose ends one afternoon, with his mother and Glorfindel out to lunch, his father off on his own somewhere raiding a library probably, and Erestor gone MIA (vacation or sick leave or something?)*

*after a brief exchange with Ethan, winds up in one of the Flower's larger sitting rooms with a book and a lemonade* *lounges on the couch and doesn't actually read, but instead watches his brother tinkering with the nearby piano (a bit of melody here, half of a song there, ever accompanied by small notations on the sheet music)*
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[Jun. 24th, 2010|09:41 pm]

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*walks for hours, his steps growing progressively slower and more unsteady* *finally, at the end of his rope, limps into a twenty-four-hour diner* *haunts a corner table and nurses coffee until he hears the birds singing outside*

*drags himself to his (empty) house—car neatly parked, keys tucked under the rock by the drive—and sits in his (empty) kitchen for a few minutes or an hour, draining another pot of coffee* *hears his phone go off a few times* *ignores it*

*stumbles into his (empty) bedroom sometime after and loses himself to drugged oblivion* *wakes every few hours, just long enough to look at the other side of the bed (empty, oh, empty) and swallow more pills*

*by the next sunrise, musters the will to get things around and head up to his aunt's (or maybe he can't bear the emptiness any longer)* *hunts for the most recent bills before remembering his suspicion of days past* *damn it*

*cleans up and drives to the Fountain late in the workday, when most of the staff have gone home and the halls will be mostly empty* *enters through a side door and uses the back stairwells, moving silently down deserted corridors until he reaches his office* *slips inside, closes the door behind him, and flips the light on*
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