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Opus Two RPG

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[Feb. 13th, 2011|08:59 pm]
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*putters around his boyfriend's kitchen in the late morning, waiting for said boyfriend to get back from his therapist's office* *was very happy when Jackie mentioned he had this appointment, actually—it's just another sign he's trying to keep the new and improved him... well, improved*

*has pancakes and bacon in full swing when he hears the front door open* *calls out* Hope you're hungry, food's almost done. Do you want eggs?
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[Feb. 12th, 2011|02:14 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*on the run-up to her holiday, is a blur of activity, sprinkling a little love and tenderness into as many little hearts as possible before the big day!*

*spends some time dreaming up the perfect gifts for the family, as it were: a bottle of wine for Manwë, along with an embossed note reminding him to get the red and white camellias for Varda; a similar bottle and note for Aulë (but she suggests a home for orphaned bunnies instead of flowers); for Irmo and Estë, warm fuzzy slippers and tea-candies galore; a dozen rabbit hearts hence the bunny home for Oromë, poor thing, and she doesn't know how or what to send to Vána but maybe next year hopefully?* *never has any clue what to get for Námo and Nienna, so that'll be a gift card* *annnnd for Yérë, she has chocolate, daffodils, and a nice friendly card with the words BEHAVE YOURSELF printed inside*

*also arranges for special deliveries of candy hearts to those most deserving of their saccharine messages (i.e., those who will hate them the most)* *hmph!*
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[be kind, rewind] [Dec. 27th, 2010|08:02 pm]

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[Ashes, ashes, pocket full of posies, snapshots of a life in nightmares;

He opens his dream-eyes wide, swallows his first clean breath beyond the dream-walls;

So the fragments bind, the reel flies anew, and he must return to the beginning (to there begin again).]
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[Dec. 6th, 2010|01:39 pm]

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[Mood | lost]

*has traveled to Dorthonion for a long-ish weekend to attend the big winter festival there, at Ashley's recommendation*

*wakes up bright and early one morning to go and have a bit of a wander in Buckleburgh (though really, they could have picked from any number of towns to stay in—Ashley wasn't kidding about the scope of local involvement) while Glorfindel sleeps in at the tiny B&B*

*wraps up warm, complete with scarf, hat, and sunglasses (partly to protect from the elements; partly to avoid being recognized outside of Gondolin, as has become a vaguely disturbing trend), and walks down to where an ice-sculpture contest is already in full swing*

*spends some time awed by some of the sculptors at work (drips and streams may haunt his dreams but ice...)* *gets so wrapped up in trying to work out how that fish isn't going to collapse once the support struts are removed that he entirely forgets which direction the B&B is*

*takes a map of the area out of his back pocket (not a very good or detailed map, unfortunately) and stares at it for a while in bewilderment (and this isn't a big town)* Hrm. Oh, wait, no...that way's north. I think?
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[Nov. 13th, 2010|01:15 pm]

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*wakes up one morning and, upon seeing the snowglobe glittering prettily on the bedside table, decides it's time to reach past Menegroth's safe, closed walls*

*dials his aunt and spends a good hour on the phone, surprising himself with how light he feels once he hangs up (he hadn't expected to laugh so much, maybe—was Carol always this funny, or is it the simple relief of hearing her voice again?)*

*is still riding the high when he hits the next speed-dial, almost without thinking*
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[Nov. 1st, 2010|09:30 pm]
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*follows Doc out to the truck after a post-evening-flight run to the store, mostly brought on by a shared craving for beer and Doc's homemade triple-mushroom pizza*

*isn't really sure how they ended up in the pet aisle (it's on the other side of the store?), but has found himself the bearer of various cat-items along with the beer*

*hefts the fifty-pound bag of cat food over his shoulder and snorts* Dude, you planning on starting a shelter? How much's this cat eat?
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[Sep. 13th, 2010|08:34 pm]
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*is busily forwarding the last batch of pre-lunch emails, including several destined for the newly-appointed Fountain Second, when her cell phone goes off in her purse*

*fishes it out one-handed without taking her eyes from the screen (hmm, Tanya or Toby, Tanya or Toby?)*, figuring it's one of her housemates inquiring about her lunch plans* *ha, has wrangled a date today!*

*glances at the caller ID and nearly drops the phone in shock* *quickly answers before she can think better of it* Hello?
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[Sep. 1st, 2010|07:14 pm]
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[Mood | melancholy]

*loiters on a bench at the train station with Carol and Jackie Lee, waiting to see the latter off to Delving*

*can't think of a single cheering thing to say, when the reality is that he probably won't see his lover again for some time* *keeps silent but vigilant contact instead, stroking the nape of Jackie 's neck and occasionally trading comments with Carol*
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[Aug. 28th, 2010|03:46 pm]

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*stirs awake slowly and peacefully, becoming aware by inches that he is not alone* *first recognizes the solid warmth tucked at his back, the arm draped over his middle, and dimly recalls Doc being here last* *...also vaguely remembers completely losing his mind at some point along the way*

*exhales* *eventually pries his eyes open, blinking against the light, and only then notices the other presence in the room* *experiences a flicker of half-formed recognition, prompting him to swallow a few times and try out his voice* H... hello?.
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[Aug. 24th, 2010|07:53 pm]

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[Mood | groggy]

*remains oblivious to all of the activity around him, from tubes and needles to visitors and mainstays, and even the presence of two Valar isn't enough to shake him from his chemically-induced sleep*

*drags his eyes open a few times in the middle of the (second) night and mumbles a few nonsensical words on the morning of the third day* *tumbles into dark dreams after each glimmer of consciousness, but is ushered clear in short order (shh, sleep easy)*

*blinks and inhales deeply sometime in the late afternoon, not quite aware he's awake until he hears movement somewhere to his left* *tries to turn his head, instinctively seeking the source (hello?)*
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[Aug. 17th, 2010|11:37 pm]
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[Mood | working]

*returns from errands to receive the latest news about the Children*

*can't help but be concerned especially what with all those two boys have been dealing with, never mind the other ones*

*accompanies Irmo to Gondolin so he can listen out on his best receiver iPod* *follows his trail to the GMH*

*while Irmo sits in the main waiting room to keep listening, uses her OU faculty credentials to ask around about Erestor's treatment (all holistic remedies can be attempted you know? even in dire cases you'd just be amazed...)*

*stops outside his room to assess the situation and see how his visitors are doing*
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[Aug. 10th, 2010|01:10 am]
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[Mood | shocked]

*is having a pretty average early-morning start at the office, all told—the usual onslaught of snail mail, email, interoffice mail, and memos from every corner of the House—when one particular email near the bottom of the screen catches her eye* *blinks in surprise, instantly recognizing her brother's address (and it takes her a moment to remember that she gave him one of her business cards last time she was up, just for a laugh)*

*pops the message open and skims it* *something about an article in the Brighton paper that she'll want to read, like, now?* *goes ahead and clicks the article link, curious as to what could be so interesting that Freddy's emailing it to her at work*

*takes in the headline (oh, a break-in or something) before moving down to the main text* *...* *hits "Print" about three paragraphs in, all color draining from her face (despite everything), because there are words like shotgun and injuries, and the picture's caption reads Doc Brandt and Carol Taberer wait for news from inside the house, and the dark smears on the old lady's shirt look frighteningly like blood*

*grabs the article off the printer and hurries over to Ecthelion's office, knocking sharply as she practically bursts through the door*
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[Aug. 6th, 2010|08:32 pm]

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[Life becomes less a continuous reel and more a series of snapshots;

Scenes and sounds so vivid as to be dreams (except he doesn't remember sleeping);

Fragments of a life, or a dreamed life, but he may not know the difference.]
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[Aug. 4th, 2010|12:30 am]
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*twenty-one minutes and one breakneck drive through the mountains later, rips around the corner onto Carol's street*

*slams the pickup into park and jumps out, leaving the door ajar and the keys in the ignition, his heart in his throat as he takes in the swarm of flashing lights and the gathering flock of neighbors* *sprints past the gawkers and skids to a stop in front of the first officer he sees* Where's Jackie? —Jackson Taberer? His aunt lives here, he called me—what's going on?

*off the man's non-answer (sir, I need you to stay back until it's all clear), immediately pushes past and cranes his neck for a glimpse of his ex-lover's familiar shape, or a less-familiar but recognizable small-aunt shape* *dodges the officer's attempts to herd him back, calling out a little desperately* Jackie? Carol?!
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[Jul. 27th, 2010|07:41 pm]
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*goes home to his shithole apartment, half-drunk and fuming* *grabs the half-empty bottle next to the TV, first thing, and flips the tube on*

*swigs in mostly-silence for the last ten minutes of some dumb sitcom, the liquor doing nothing to calm him (when his arm aches and he can still feel that skinny faggot's weight on him)* *keeps replaying it over and over in his mind: Mae Ellen sticking up for Jackie fucking Lee, and her letting her dickhead of a husband kick him, Joe, out on his ass* *he didn't mean to, goddammit, stupid bitch should know better by now*

*snarls and throws the empty bottle across the room to smash against the far wall* If this were fucking Chetcombe and I fucking knew where you lived, Jack-a-lene...! *belches and gives a wordless snarl of rage, scrubbing his hand off on his shirt in disgust* Fucking fag, don't touch me...

*out of the corner of his eye, catches the light glinting off the purple-stone necklace dangling from the shelves [least he don't go around shaming his daddy]* *squints hard at that thin golden chain, some vague memory niggling for attention* *...*

*pushes to his feet, grabs something from behind the TV and heads out, slamming the door behind him*
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[Jul. 8th, 2010|10:00 pm]
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*stops into Doc's place unannounced, as usual, having received a short and uninformative text (back in town) two days earlier*

*walks in and kicks his boots off by the door before making his way back into the kitchen* *pauses to take in the scene: pies and pies and pies, sitting on every flat surface available (and a few not-so-flat surfaces, too)*

*raises his brows briefly* Dude. You have an illness.
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[Jun. 21st, 2010|07:37 pm]
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[Mood | excited]

*on the eve of Danielle's last show at the Cat's Eye, spends a good two hours flailing around the house with her roomies, dolling up to absolute perfection (favorite emerald-green strapless mini, check! favorite red four-inchers, check!)* *it's a big deal, after all—the last of their trio is finally getting out of the biz for good, and they're going to have extra (special) company along for the ride!* *is determined to be excited about this, yes, because any alternative will have her drowning some degree of mortification in booze which is a distinct possibility anyway*

*some hours later, finds herself thoroughly ensconced within the club's booming-bass, smoking-neon atmosphere* *procured a table right up by the stage, of course, so they'll have a great view of the main event* *in the meantime, makes herself busy by keeping her dress tugged up/down, ignoring former clients' curious stares, and maintaining a semblance of sobriety* *...is having a bit more luck with the first two*
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[Jun. 16th, 2010|09:01 pm]
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*is out walking the invisible cat, leaving his boyfriend to have a talk with Glorfindel* *can't help but be a little hurt, but is making a supreme effort to muscle that down right quick; Glorfindel's known Jackie a helluva lot longer, and it's not like he, Doc, is having any kind of luck* *which hurts, too*

*doesn't know where to go, really, but figures he might as well wander a circuit around the biggest landmark nearby—the House of the Fountain, looming large and pristine just a block or two away* *heads in that direction, nice and easy, enjoying the lazy, sunny-Saturday weather for all that it's a feeble distraction from his worry*

*eventually comes within view of the House's back end, where the green lawns and glittering fountains catch his eye* *smiles at the thought that this truly is such an Elvish city (a place past any simple Halfling's understanding, even if they're all a collection of plain janes these days, Elf and hobbit alike)*

*hears a loud, pitch-perfect whistle and, in answer, a dog's rambunctious barking* *follows the sounds curiously, if only because he has nothing else to do*
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[Jun. 12th, 2010|08:35 pm]

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*on Saturday afternoon, following a very pleasant morning spent with his husband, including a nice breakfast in a little place off the beaten track, with outside seating where it seemed perfectly acceptable to bring their dog, decides to visit Erestor*

*hopes enough time has passed that Erestor has absorbed what has happened (and how it is support) and figures that, really, he cannot stay away any longer than this*

*makes his way to Erestor's house and knocks on the door, rocking on the balls of his feet and brimming with cheer, because the weather is fine, his cast is off and he is happy*
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[Jun. 8th, 2010|08:13 pm]

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*has had an... interesting week even discounting the part he's ignoring*

*is glad Doc's felt well enough to ambush him for lunch the past four days, but it's a little hard to ignore food and catch up on the work backlog when there's an adorable and well-meaning boyfriend at the door* *strongly suspects Esther had something to do with this*

*and then there was today, which started with the usual morning hassles and (literal) headache, and ended with himself and Ecthelion closeted in the latter's office for an unofficial catch-up* (*which might have been the most exhausting part of Ecthelion's vacation, actually*)

*gets home and collapses on the couch, throwing his arm over his face* *pre-emptively* No, I'm not hungry, and I'm never moving again. Ever.
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