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Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 1st, 2011|10:50 pm]

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*is going through some of his letters over breakfast: yes, it's a weekday and he's actually out of bed for breakfast with his husband; he mightn't be out of the house or, indeed, fully-clothed but he's up, damnit!*

*chewing on a pancake, gestures at a memo from the Palace* Hm, see that Celeborn is in residence. That's interesting. *looks up at his husband, a bright smile on his face* I know my House does the tourism part but I'm going to assume that our Fearless Leader has chosen you to show the young man about. *rather amused* I think you're officially the Face of Gondolin now?

[edit] *following a successful morning meeting, finishing up the last of the Special Ops debriefs, is informed that his 11.15am appointment is here*

*glances at the clock, figuring that, whoever it is, there should still be plenty of time to get to the Fountain for noon cupcakes (and, for once, that isn't a euphemism)*
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[Jan. 30th, 2011|02:42 am]
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[Mood | cranky]

*Is glued to the front desk because the phones have been going mad all day (an unspecified crisis in another province will do that).*

*This is stressful enough but she wouldn't let it bother her under normal circumstances but circumstances are not normal because someone has stolen her cigarettes and replaced them with a pack of nicotine gum.*

*Unwraps a stick of gum and starts chewing while she cross-references phone messages by time-stamp and alphabetically (has already arranged her pens by size and colour).*

Urgh. This tastes like ass.
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[Jan. 8th, 2011|03:23 pm]

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*arrives into Gondolin very quietly and spends a few days getting himself and his cat settled* *emails and calls the university, as well, and breathes a sigh of relief when it's clear that he'll be able to re-do his last semester without any hangups (aside from cost, of course)*

*as soon as he has himself and his schooling sorted, immediately starts catching up on the city's recent goings-on, paying particular attention to anything related to "his" people (aside from Ecthelion's charity CD collaboration, there's nothing much in the news)* *is just glad he hasn't missed out on anything huge, at least*

*for lack of any clever plan (how do you fix a tree after it's been run through a woodchipper?), decides it's time to step out on one of the strongest limbs* *calls round to the Flower in the late morning and, surprisingly (to him), is directed to wait in Glorfindel's office (he's just stepped out for a bit with Marigold, but he should be back soonish)*

*perches on the edge of the couch and fidgets, waiting* *five minutes pass, and the perch relaxes to a slouch* *ten minutes pass, and he leans his cheek on his knuckles, nerves giving way to drowsiness (it's the sunshine streaming in through the windows, the lulling scent of books and carpet and familiarity)*

*closes his eyes, thinking to keep an ear out (I'll hear them coming a mile off)* *fifteen minutes past, and he's slumped against the arm of the couch in a warm, cozy doze*
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[Sep. 8th, 2010|02:22 pm]

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[Mood | anxious]

*checks out of the office a little early one afternoon, taking a pile of work with him and heading over to the Flower (it'll be a Flowery sort of night)*

*lets himself into Glorfindel's apartment and, after a bit of tinkering and hyperventilating here and there, gathers his files and papers and laptop and climbs, fully clothed, into Glorfindel's gigantic (bone-dry) bathtub*

*opens up his laptop and starts by alphabetizing everything on his hard drive (the better to not-think about yawning basins that may or may not fill up with water at any moment)*
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[Aug. 4th, 2010|09:40 pm]

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*awakens very sluggishly, though it really only has been about five minutes*

*doesn't need the sharpest edges of his wits to understand immediately that something's very wrong, however*

Okay. This isn't my office. I dozed off in my office, and now I'm in... *looks around more carefully* ...Salgant's office? Why am I in Salgant's office?

*spots a telephone on the desk and picks up the handset, pressing a speed-dial button at random without the first clue as to what he means to say, or to whom* *hears the staffer on the other end answer with a wary-sounding Lord Salgant?* No, this is... *freezes at the sound of his own voice* *annnd then he looks at the hand holding the phone* Oh god.
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[Jul. 25th, 2010|08:49 pm]

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[Mood | cheerful]

*has really enjoyed having Elrond, Celebrían and family to stay and makes every attempt to persuade Elrond that there are enough crazies in Gondolin to make it worth his while moving her (Eru, there are enough crazies in the House of the Golden Flower for that matter)*

*in spite of the failure to keep them here for ever, decides to have a barbeque towards the end of their stay, which will obviously not be on a level with the Fountain barbeque, which is coming up soon* *after some brief dithering, decides to invite Elemmakil and Egalmoth even though he's pretty certain that Elemmakil isn't talking to either him or Ecthelion as yet*

*is, of course, not doing any of the barbequing himself (these people didn't sign up for food poisoning, after all!) and contents himself with making sure that the drinks are in order as he waits for the others to join him out in the garden of the Flower*

*does wish that Erestor was (a) in the vicinity and (b) not on the outs with most of Gondolin because his absence is all the more obvious in such familiar company*
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[Jul. 18th, 2010|04:41 pm]
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*is having a pretty ahh-mazing time in Gondolin, so far, between his family (nuclear and extended) and the high-roller craziness that is the Big City* *plus there are entirely new throngs of fans to schmooze and/or dodge!*

*finds himself and his twin at loose ends one afternoon, with his mother and Glorfindel out to lunch, his father off on his own somewhere raiding a library probably, and Erestor gone MIA (vacation or sick leave or something?)*

*after a brief exchange with Ethan, winds up in one of the Flower's larger sitting rooms with a book and a lemonade* *lounges on the couch and doesn't actually read, but instead watches his brother tinkering with the nearby piano (a bit of melody here, half of a song there, ever accompanied by small notations on the sheet music)*
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[Mar. 14th, 2010|08:49 pm]
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[Mood | infuriated]

*is nowhere near Gondolin when he feels a tremendous and truly horrible vibration that make his teeth rattle* *with an Eru-almighty scream, makes his way to Gondolin, arriving in the dead of night*

*pitches up in the garden of the Flower and listens and such is his rage that he uproots a strong but withered tree*

*roaring so loudly that it might be thunder (without lightning)* QUALMË!!
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[Feb. 15th, 2010|12:47 am]
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*true to his word, arrives in Gondolin on the second morning and immediately makes his way to the Flower, traveling in the rare straight line (lightning quick and no departure) that means he's concerned*

*bypasses the front desk entirely, unnoticed, and only really comes back into focus (here I am) when he reaches the door to Glorfindel's apartment* *tucks the tin of cookies under his arm and knocks three times*
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[Feb. 14th, 2010|05:56 pm]
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[Mood | cynical]

*Is enjoying another fun day of job (in)security.*

*Answers the phone and answers in the same way for the umpteenth time.*

Good morning, House of the Flower, Becky speaking, how can I help you? No, I'm sorry, he's indisposed. No. Can I take a message? No, indisposed. Mm-hm. Ye-es, indisposed. No, I can't, I'm sorry. No, you can't speak to my superior because I told you already, he's indisposed. thanks you, good-bye.

*Decides to stick on the radio to pass the time until-*

*sighs* Good morning House of the Flower Becky Speaking how can I help you sorry the lord of the house is indisposed can I take a message no all right then thank you good bye.

*Turns on the radio.*
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[Feb. 11th, 2010|06:33 pm]

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*after that embarrassing wake-up call from Esther, decides he's going to have to do something fairly drastic to catch up and keep up* *taking careful stock of everything, concludes that sleep is the only part of the equation he's really missing (the only part over which he's utterly lost control, with work overflow and caffeine keeping him up too late and nightmares waking him too early)*

*bites the bullet and, after some careful research, finally breaks the seal on the second bottle residing in his nightstand (apparently they function as sleep aids, too—and he hates himself a little but he can't see any other way up)* *and it's not as though he'll need the stupid things forever, just until he can get back into the usual rhythm*

*four days and two pills later (day-on day-off makes him feel less like Glorfindel an addict), is feeling a bit more like himself (read: productive)* *is also a bit more equipped to handle the latest news* *heads over to the Flower as soon as he can determine that Glorfindel is back in residence*
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[Feb. 4th, 2010|09:17 pm]
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[Mood | curious]

*has been loitering around the gardens of the Golden Flower every night since her encounter with that house's lord*

*is waiting for the day when he decides to leave his home for the last time but is in no rush, seeing as she is the sort of Ainu who savours anticipation*

*is considerably alarmed when he returns with a new injury but doesn't associate it with any other Maiar until later in the evening, when it is as dark as can be, and she realises she is not on her own as she perches on the withered branch of a dying tree*
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[Jan. 28th, 2010|09:27 pm]
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[Mood | cheerful]

*perhaps unsurprisingly, finds herself back in Gondolin (for such a small, secret city, it is a hive of activity)* *occupies herself in the hospital and in the nursing home, delaying the inevitable and savouring the promise of what is to come*

*finally, makes her way to a particular House and has no trouble 'reminding' the receptionist that she does, in fact, have a twelve o'clock appointment with the Lord of the House* *shows herself to the office and, as soon as she is gone, the receptionist has no recollection of what she looked like (and that tingle down his spine when she crossed the threshold is a vague memory)*

*settles down in the office, unsurprised that the Lord of the House has not yet emerged for the day* *potters about and looks at the photographs and scrawled notes and (lack of) filing system and tingles with anticipation that this is one for the taking*
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[Jan. 25th, 2010|10:59 pm]

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[Mood | sore]

*is discharged the day after his operation and makes an immediate attempt to return to work (it doesn't take)*

*spends much of the first day circling his coffee table, eyeing the prescription painkillers but determined not to take them* *in a flash of insight, realises that maybe drinking alcohol really isn't a sensible alternative and so pours out the contents of the remaining bottles of whiskey and bourbon and gin and vodka (and and and) in his apartment* *has no real clue how long that resolution will last but is determined for today, at least*

*attempts to go to work the second day but finds it very frustrating, between the pain in his arm and the fact that he can only finger-peck at the keyboard, resulting in short, typo-filled emails which he has to correct painstakingly*

*finally, cuts out for a very early lunch and takes Marigold for a nice long walk on a circuitous route through the city*
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[Jan. 10th, 2010|07:16 pm]

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*has been doing a lot of thinking since he returned from Dorthonion* *has come to the conclusion that, though he's probably the party with the most right to be offended here, he's also the one with the most sense—which means it's up to him to try to set things right. again.* *yes, despite his earlier assertion that he wouldn't*

*to that end, waffles for an entire day before finally picking up his phone and texting a short, simple message to a (speed-dial) number he hasn't dialed in weeks* This is ridiculous, you know. Thai at mine tonight?
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[Jan. 6th, 2010|12:35 am]

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[Mood | nauseated]

*after what might just have been the worst evening of his life (encounters with Balrogs notwithstanding), went home and headed straight for the drinks cabinet, which is remarkably well-stocked for a recovering alcoholic (but he always wanted to have something on hand for visitors)*

*doesn't remember a whole lot of the rest of the night though is sure he didn't sleep that much*

*wakes up the following morning with a loud angry buzzing in his head, a loud angry buzzing next to him on the pillow, a loud angry buzzing on the nighstand and a wet face* *registers what these are in turn (hangover, phone ringing, alarm clock alarming and puppy licking his face)*

*struggles upright, screwing his eyes shut in an attempt to counteract the swelling nausea and answers his phone* 'lo?

*reaches out to scratch under Marigold's chin ('I'll feed you in a minute, girl'), inwardly cursing the brightness of the day around him*
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[Dec. 19th, 2009|09:10 pm]

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[Mood | infuriated]

*has spent the past few days in a rather angry daze which has only be interrupted by brief moments of uncertainty (such as when he wakes up in the morning and Ecthelion isn't in his bed) (such as when he goes to text Ecthelion I'm sorry, I'm being an idiot but stops himself)*

*topples into a whole new rage when a number of boxes arrive at the Flower (so soon) and all thoughts of making any apologetic gesture are quickly crushed* *fueled by continuing anger, becomes remarkably efficient, tearing through his work at the Flower and with Special Ops (the sort of efficiency not seen since Rivendell in the Third Age)* *takes the time to package up Ecthelion's belongings and send them to the Fountain in the very same boxes (except for a single t-shirt which now resides in Marigold's basket to keep her from pining overly)*

*finally, on the fifth day, having woken up yet again, hard and lonely and disorentiated (is it dark?), marshals his defences and goes to work, barely noticing that his own staffers do their utmost to avoid him*

*eventually, almost on a whim, picks up the phone and presses a speed-dial that, by rights, shouldn't still be on his phone*
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[Dec. 15th, 2009|07:20 pm]

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*heads straight to the Flower at the end of the shift*

*has been completely closeted in his office all day, with only a short visit from Ecthelion to break up his quiet oasis of paper-churning and mouse-clicking* *was the very image of a polite and considerate subordinate, but thinks that if he ever has to hear the words "professional help" again—from anyone—he'll throw something large and heavy through a window*

*has subsided to his now-usual reserve by the time he reaches the Flower's front desk* *asks whether Glorfindel is in his office, and upon learning that the lord of the House has retired for the night, heads straight up to the apartment without waiting for the receptionist to call ahead* *reaches the door and hesitates only a heartbeat before knocking*
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[Dec. 13th, 2009|04:41 pm]
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[Mood | anxious]

*has begun to settle back into life in Gondolin as quickly as might have been expected* *is cheered enormously by the simple knowledge that Idril and Eärendil seem happy to have her around*

*is absolutely furious, however, when she reads the headlines from Ossiriand and immediately texts Curufin (What do you know about this? Amarie is not Finduilas. I don't want her near my child.)* *frets enormously and considers flying back to Ossiriand at least eighteen times in the inside of a morning* *is greatly appeased when she gets an unsolicited text from her daughter* *texts back immediately, telling her to call her any time* *really misses her little girl*

*is all but waiting by her phone so, when it rings, answers it in a rush, without stopping to check the caller ID* Hi, hello, Ninquelótë??
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[Dec. 6th, 2009|02:50 pm]
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[Mood | blank]

*arrives in Gondolin, having texted her sister, her daughter and her daughter's uncle to let them know that she's not gone far and can come back any time she's needed* *does not hold out much hope that she will be needed*

*checks into a hotel, not wanting to impose on her brother (just yet) and, having arranged to go to the Palace for dinner that evening, decides to run another errand first*

*can't help that her spirits lift slightly, walking through these strange-familiar streets* *reaches her destination and asks to see the Lord of the House (and is entirely aware that, no matter how fragile she seems, she is still used to getting her way, in this City above all places)*
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