Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 15th, 2011|10:56 pm]
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*holy shitballs and fuck, in that order*

*practically flies to the Arch the minute she gets the news, with Mac and a small flock of rustled-up Swallows in tow*

*jumps out of the car, directing her people to make themselves useful* *jogs right past the barricades and flashing lights and keeps her eyes peeled for her ome House-twin buddy old pal fellow lord* *and Penlodh, too, dammit, if he didn't get his dumb ass killed this time*
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[Mar. 15th, 2011|03:13 pm]
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[Mood | working]

*is in the middle of the fiscal-year-end cycle and up to his neck in paperwork*

*not to mention some staffing issues that have materialized recently (oh Ted, you were such an up-and-comer)*

*is on his way back from dropping off reports at the palace while on the phone with Elemmakil* You getting enough of that coastal air yet?
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[Dec. 2nd, 2008|06:54 pm]
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[Mood | thoughtful]

*has landed up in Gondolin in response to the brief email message and subsequent phone conversation*

*exits the House of the Hammer of Wrath (good Lord, what a name) with quite a lot to think about* *has some time to consider before a definite answer will be required, thankfully, and so figures he can at least take a look around the city while he's here*

*hails a cab and, after a moment's consideration, asks the driver to take him to the nearest detention center* (*might as well start with what he knows, after all?*)
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[Nov. 23rd, 2008|07:01 pm]
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[Mood | drunk]

*drives himself home from... wherever he was last night (something about a development strategy session)*

*smoothly navigates the not at all pressing late-morning traffic on his way back to the Pillar*

*or at least, smoothly until his two-door sedan encounters a sidewalk (then a fire hydrant, then a mailbox, then a building wall) somewhere outside the Swallow*

*is fortunately knocked out, then pillowed by, the air bag, well enough remain unperturbed by the act of the crash (the blood alcohol levels may also be a factor)*
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