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Opus Two RPG

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[Jun. 7th, 2009|10:15 pm]
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[Mood | chipper]

*having decided that everyone who has been working their arses off helping out at the Flower deserves a thank you, concocts a plan with her flatmate to have a small gathering at their flat*

*dispenses invitations by text to pretty much everyone in her phonebook (as Becky does the same) and comes to the conclusion that this will be less a small gathering and more an actual party*

*ensures that the fridge is well-stocked with booze and that she is dolled up to the nines on the evening of the party* *looks around the flat and looks at Becky* Well. We're long overdue a house-warming anyway. It may coincide with our eviction but at least it'll be a great party.
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[Apr. 14th, 2009|07:52 pm]
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[Mood | nauseated]

*has been hiding in her office all morning, trying to avoid contact with everyone (most especially her boss)* *hasn't been able to get away from the various staffers who've dropped in or called up to quietly congratulate her on a "job well done", though*

*by lunchtime, feels physically ill (and he deserved it is doing absolutely nothing to settle her)* *halfway wonders if she might be able to sneak out under the pretense of being sick?* *but no, that would attract Ecthelion's attention faster than anything (he's a nice guy like that)*

*is at the water fountain by the break room when she hears Cass coming her way, chatting with a serious-sounding Lucas Yates* *wonders why the Harp Second is loitering around, now that he's apparently finished whatever business brought him to the Fountain...?*

*freezes when she hears the word "awards" floating in the midst of the conversation* *flees back to her office, and spends a full five minutes breathing deeply, holding her stomach and eyeing the trash can*

*finally, shakily, raises the phone receiver to her ear and presses Ecthelion's extension*
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[Apr. 6th, 2009|09:20 pm]

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[Mood | optimistic]

*decides to tune into the Virtuoso Awards after all, if only to try and catch a glimpse of Glorfindel* *winged another quick text his way (good luck; gondolin's rooting for you. xoxo -e) earlier in the day but hasn't heard back yet (hasn't spoken to Glorfindel at all since he left town, actually, which is a bit of a bummer, but then he's sure Glorfindel's really busy)*

*as day gives way to evening, puts the sax away a little earlier than he'd planned and sends Elemmakil a text this time (drinks and v awards w/e? we can be the fan club but i'm not wearing a flower in my hair. -e)*

*dials up Erestor next*
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[Mar. 4th, 2009|09:27 pm]
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*heads down to the break room at the end of her shift to wash out her coffee mug and retrieve the rest of her food from the fridge*

*pauses in the doorway, though, and blinks at a very strange sight: the Fountain 2IC on his hands and knees, hunkered down low and peering under the microwave cart and... cooing?* *what in the world?*

*steps onto the tiles, her heels clicking rather loudly in the enclosed space* Erestor, what are you doing down there?
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[Feb. 23rd, 2009|09:01 pm]

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[Mood | determined]

*is due to meet Ecthelion for lunch but is almost-disgruntled when Ecthelion has to cancel because he can't spare time away from the office* *understands that his lover is a very busy man but really hoped that his staff were pushing the regular meal agenda*

*decides there is a loophole here, however, and goes to their favourite sandwich shop and collects sandwiches and soup to go, as well as dessert, in the form of apple pie*

*infiltrates the House of the Fountain as the majority of staffers are leaving for their lunch break* *makes his way stealthily towards Ecthelion's office* *isn't afraid of Ecthelion's staff, oh no*
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[Feb. 15th, 2009|03:52 pm]

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[Mood | chipper]

*finishes eating and uneating his mid-morning frosted blueberry muffin and then checks his appointment calendar to see what's next on the docket*

10:30 a.m. - Annoy Ecthelion.

*brightens considerably, this being one of the high points of his week* *collects his coat and his keys and sends word to Yates to hold down the fort, then takes a leisurely drive over to the Fountain* *sees himself up to Ecthelion's office, despite Pete's several rather enthusiastic attempts to waylay him in the foyer*

*is poised to open the door (knocking's for losers) when he catches sight of the new, very neatly lettered sign hanging next to the door* *arches an eyebrow and steps back into the corridor, only then seeing the open door standing just a few feet away*

*walks over to this doorway (within plain sight of the room's sole occupant), making as if he's closely examining the structure, the expression on his face that of barely controlled horror* *in a loud whisper (loud enough that he can't fail to be overheard)* Oh. Oh, dear.
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[Jan. 25th, 2009|03:40 pm]

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[Mood | cheerful]

*hobbles into Ecthelion's living room, with a bedsheet wrapped around his middle, looking for his jeans* *only has the one clean pair left and last saw them yesterday evening sometime*

*is currently in a rather good mood because it's Saturday, he's full (of breakfast, shut up) and clean (following a long, hot shower)* *is sporting a mild injury (a pulled muscle in his lower back) but it was so worth it and thus his Saturday-good-mood remains intact*

*doesn't locate his jeans but does find his phone and picks it up to see that he has a missed call*
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[Jan. 19th, 2009|11:03 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*arrives into the House of the Fountain at 6:15AM sharp and makes her way up to the little office she's been assigned* *passes by her new boss' office door and unconsciously reaches up to check her hair, make sure the French-plaited length of it is neatly coiled at the nape of her neck (first impressions are key, after all)*

*lets herself in and is soon busily organizing her desk and cabinets, carefully labeling manila files and hanging folders (numerical order, alphabetical order, order of importance), knowing full well that the system will likely change as she acclimates to the job and becomes more familiar with the document traffic (but that's what a skeleton system is for: to be fleshed-out)*

*without realizing she's doing it, starts humming to herself as she works, just a simple contralto line from one of her favorite opera-movie productions* *no, hasn't seen it on the stage, but has seen the movie fifteen times and memorized the soundtrack and heard the stage-version on CD and likes it just as well, for different reasons*
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