October 21st, 2014

[info]praetorianus in [info]noircityooc

hello thurr

HI EVERYONE. I am Raina; I know some of you. Find me at [info]pretzel and email/gchat at therainenator [at] gmail, and on AIM at "the rainenator" ( I make things easy for everyone). I present you with a BRAND NEW CHARACTER !!!

This is Sidney Donahue, age 36, currently a bodyguard at PEDA. I have no icons yet :( and my journal isn't even really set up...but I wanted to get this up before going to work today! This is what he looks like. He was born and raised in Personville, his dad was (maybe) involved with the mob, and he was once going to get married and live Happily Ever After in a starter home with 2.5 kids. BUT THEN Sidney went off to War and when he got back he just couldn't really hack it, so literally up and disappeared to Chicago for a few years, only to have his brother blackmail him into returning when their mother got sick. Classic family hijinks!

These days Sidney is quite stoic and reserved - and he's GREAT at keeping secrets - though he does have a Thing for drinking and gambling, so our more shady characters have definitely seen him and probably hung out with him at bars and such. Other than that, his only hobby is working. If anyone from ~his past~ is ever like "hey omg aren't you that kid?" he tells them he doesn't know what they're talking about. Sidney is a master at small talk evasion.

Possible plot/connection points are:
- PEDA (duh)
- Someone he might have been on security detail for in the past
- Bros in Shadiness
- Peeps he ran around with when he was a reckless rebel teen whom he now ignores
- Northam Bachelors bros (do they actually interact, or do they just solemnly nod whenever they see each other in the hallways?)

I'm soooo excited to be here! Oh and for the record, Sidney avoided that Harvest Festival like the plague, unless someone physically came to his apartment to remove him from it.