October 5th, 2014

[info]allegedly in [info]noircityooc

Nell thought she was squeaking, but I am squeakier: it's Marie ([info]banlieue), briefly talking about herself in the third person and introducing her only (for now? time will tell. tilde.) character, Orson Theodore "Teddy" St. James II. Long story short on that name: his parents were disinherited, but they came from old money and damn it if ridiculous aristocratic naming traditions don't die hard.

SO. Investigative Reporter Extraordinaire at the Herald, age 32, Teddy is a natty, chatterboxy, sassy (and frankly quite sharp), morally flexible social butterfly with a first rate nose for a scoop and an almost inexhaustible drive for work. He likes flying (though he doesn't do it much these days), his dog, talking with his friends on the phone more than a teenager in 1999, and THE PRESS. I imagine he's both an asset and a headache to his coworkers: he'd literally shed blood and commit crimes to get his work in before things go to print, and he even turns out some brilliant stuff once in a while, but between his dashing in and out of the office at all hours and spending every minute with a phone virtually glued between his shoulder and his ear whilst chainsmoking and tea-swilling, he probably gets a bit exhausting. Counterintuitively, Teddy is a bit calmer with his interviewees. He's a stellar interrogator, and seems to have a natural gift for making subjects feel at ease enough to share more than they might've otherwise (he'd call it simple good conversation). He secretly believes he's destined for a much bigger gig at The Times or the Tribune, etc, but has been carving out a respectable name for himself in Personville since a few months after he returned from war, where he fought with the RAF, and found himself jobless in Chicago. Although his English accent still makes him stick out (and though he still clings to the belief he's separate from all of Personville's particular immoral flavor), he has friends all over town and is such a regular face in an unholy amount of establishments that most people call him Teddy or Ted instead of his legal name. Full profile here.

PLOT STUFF: Friends who can stand the 'somehow simultaneously skeptical and smug' expression in the icon supra...aand people who'd prefer to bash it in (or have in the past, perhaps). Connections on the down-low (OR on the up-and-up) from whence he can get Hot Tipz on political news (eh, Roger, eh??), internal police pressures, mob maneuvering, and anything else that gets his hackles up. Folks living at Parkview, where he's made his home for the past two years with no one but his beloved pet Airedale, Rudiger. Daily Herald crew (!!)--Teddy loves you, and you, and you; you're gonna love [him], etc. Between Sally and the entire managing staff of the Herald, it works out well that Teddy is such a fan of strong women, got damn.

I'm sorry this got so long, ew. Hit me up with anything that strikes your fancy, although I may be a bit scarce for the next two weeks (ah, life has the best timing). ♥

[info]deadlydelight in [info]noircityooc

Scraping in by the skin of her teeth

Hello all, this is Nikki here, introducing herself and her first character, Adelaide Morello!

About me: Friend me over at [info]flowershoes (PLEASE!), email/gchat me at mightofnikki [at] gmail [dot] com or, if you're extremely vigilant and happen to step inside a stone circle at the right height of a full moon, you can find me on AIM on floral shoes. Gchat/email is easiest, however. I'm in EST!

About Adelaide: Her profile is HERE. "Addie" to her friends. She's the 22 year old Assistant Manager at Two Bells. How did someone so young get a position like that you ask? She's Jack Morello's daughter, of course, and sometimes she uses Daddy's clout to get her what she wants. She's a personality chameleon and a master manipulator, with a venomous streak a mile long, and she's angling for Queenpin waaay off in the future. That's the bad stuff out of the way - in general she's fun to have around, awfully charming and happy to have your business at Two Belles. Her title doesn't afford her a lot of power, despite what she likes to think, and so you're most likely to find her playing hostess, greeting customers and looking after the more important clients while learning the ropes of her father's business.

Connections: Addie needs friends! If you grew up in Personville then you're likely to know her. If you're a regular of Two Belles or if you're particularly nameworthy in town, Addie will have more than likely introduced herself. Coworkers will know her to be all up in your business at one point or the other. Boyfriends welcome, though note: Jack's a constant looming shadow that part of her life >:/// Enemies/Frenemies/Friends of the Morello clan let yourself be known!

And that's it! I'm so excited to be playing here, and I can't wait to meet those of you I don't know, and reconnect with those I do! I plan to go through everyone else's intros later today and tag them, so don't be surprised to see a super late comment from me popping up in your inbox. ♥

[info]ignitionpoint in [info]noircityooc

Hello! Dea ([info]mortalwombat) here with my second character!

Marion Clark is a Detective with the Arson Division. She's a native of Personville and the daughter of a fireman and nurse. Marion is an extremely hard worker who takes her job very seriously. At work she has no tolerance for shenanigans and has an eye out for all you shady types taking bribes under the table. She's not one to be corrupted and believes in ridding the force of such nonsense. Despite being tough as a nail, she does have a deadpan and slightly sick sense of humor that gets her through the job.

Outside of work...she's thinking about work. However, she is a huge sports fan and a lover of music. She's also a good Catholic girl so for you devout types she'll see you on Sunday!

Possible Plot:
City Hall types! Especially other cops/detectives.
Riverside Apartments folks! She's your neighbor and a fairly friendly one at that.
People she has possibly investigated?
Also if anyone is thinking about a second character I would LOVE to see more people in the arson division.

On another note, if anyone would like her or Cora [info]ontherocks for a log for the drabble challenge let me know!

[info]noirmods in [info]noircityooc


Noir City is now open for business!

Which means you can go ahead and start posting present-day things and scenes! We're going to get a little bit of general plot & interaction opportunities rolling over the next few days, along with open threads for our own characters (which we encourage others to do as well--you never know who might bite).

And per our mission statement to keep secrets secret for later unveiling, we'd also like to introduce you to [info]noircitynpcs: this is our communal game journal for NPC and anonymous purposes. The password is in the locked contact page. Want your character to send an anonymous letter, phonecall, or horse's head in their bed, all without revealing who did it? Anonymous is your new best friend! You can also use the journal to create and puppet some NPCs if you need them; if you'd like to do this, all you have to do is email a quick/brief description of the character to the mod email, just so we know who's rolling around in our account. :)

As always, let us know if you have any questions!

P.S. If you haven't yet signed up for your Residences, please remember to do so, and mention any NPC Family Members who might be/have been affiliated with any of our primary locales/WWII!

[info]khudozhnik in [info]noircityooc

Hey everyone, Chelsea here, after disappearing for about a week. I'm still SO EXCITED for this game, so I wanted to let you all know that I am here(ish) and will reply to any comments/intros I've missed. This week was just filled to the brim with all sorts of emergencies, one of which has me spending my spare time essentially acting as a caretaker for a friend who's recovering from a hospital stay. As soon as I catch a break, I'm going to be chasing all of you up for threads and interaction and general RP fun, promise.

Hopefully this is a okay/worthwhile use of the OOC comm. And sorry for the delay! Life has a way of trampling my leisure activities, blegh.

<3 Chelsea (aka Nikolai & Mal)

[info]goodstock in [info]noircityooc


Meet Dean Norcross, the charismatic cad who has flirted with your female character(s) at some point, yet is self-deprecating and self-aware enough to somehow get away with it (and hey, that smile, come on). Boyfriends hate him, moms love him.

He's the bookkeeper at Two Belles and he lives at Riverside Apartments. He enjoys skirting the law without getting his hands dirty (a little tax evasion here, some laundering there). He's never fully grown up, but he is great fun to spend time with and he's always On. He's got that seemingly impenetrable confidence that comes from having a handsome face and a trust fund.

His DEAR FAVORITE (OLDER) SISTER is Irene Fitzgerald ([info]pinkcollar) and they get on like gangbusters ... but literally, like if one of them is the police and one of them is the gang.

Also, he's actually really good with math and money, it just took him forever to learn that because he used to never deign to do anything so nerdy~ as apply himself. But now it comes in handy.

Connections are very welcome! Whether from bars, parties, past relationships, etc, he will have reasons to know many a person of Personville.

Less importantly, I'm Trace, btw. Reach me at [info]scarlettstyle or apparentlynecessary at gmail. You should Drabble Challenge me!