September 25th, 2014

[info]pinkcollar in [info]noircityooc

Hello beautiful people! I'm Zoe, you can find me on gmail/gchat or dropbox me or friend me at [info]oceanic, and I'm going to do this as quick as possible because I have two to intro and then I have to run off to work, sob.

First and most importantly is Joe Miller ([info]values)! He's one of the City Councilmen, and has been for about a year and a half, getting towards the end of his first term. He's been in Personville for about five years, owns Crown Construction Company, and used his success in helping to improve the city as his platform running for City Council. The company has provided a lot of labor and housing, as well as building new industrial spaces in Jamestown and offices Downtown, etc. He married into some well-known Personville family (his wife is up for grabs!) and has been on a publicly ambitious steep climb with obvious intentions towards running for mayor on a strict anti-crime platform. He's a charismatic blue-collar type and he's definitely not above alluding to the war, where he was in the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment and did some Heroic Things. He's your average Joe Everyman who just wants to make your city safer! ...aside from the part where he's hiding his Jewish heritage and some other things from his life before Personville, of course. He's the kind of guy who knows everyone's name at City Hall, and probably a lot of reporters from the Daily Herald too, and he hangs out sometimes at Two Belles to smirk at the mafia like he don't even care. Connections everywhere! He's going to be doing a lot of shaking hands and kissing babies, so if you can't think of a connection off-hand, don't worry, he'll get around. :)

Then there's Irene Fitzgerald ([info]pinkcollar). She's a secretary at PEDA and has been for the past 5ish years, and she's really not what you'd expect to find at a private dick office: a cheerful, sweet, maternal, naive, rich white girl from Boston. She's married to Roger Fitzgerald, an (incoming) prosecutor for City Hall, and together they are a tall, lanky couple! Eeeexcept that they're both gay and using each other for public appearances to make their lives easier. (Not that it does much for Irene, who is basically too nervous to do more than breathe heavily at pretty ladies). She needs a social circle and also loves to dance at Two Belles, so if anyone wants a skittish pet lesbian, be her friend!

Please throw any and all plot at me, I'll go around hitting up people's posts as I can. xoxo gossip Zoe