August 2017




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Feb. 4th, 2014


Who: Phil Coulson and Open to SHIELD!
When: Backdated, February 3rd, 2014
What: Back at work, re-assignment
Rating: Low

Where they make the red tape )

Jan. 23rd, 2014


Who: The Jessicas (Jones & Drew) and OPEN to any SHIELD members
When: January 23, 2014, lunchtime!
Where: SHIELD employee lunchroom
What: SHIELD lunch funtimes?
Rating: Hmm, probably PG-13 for possible swearing

...Well, at least this time there's no food fight, right? )

Jan. 6th, 2014


Who: Wally mass texted friends, and ran to grab people from Xavier's. Feel free (21 and up, course)!
When: January 6, 2014
Where: Luke Cage's Bar in New York
What: Wally is calling this a "Monday sucks! Come play pool and drink beer and karaoke with me, guys!" get-together. Feel free to thread.
Rating: There might be cursing.

Chickity China the Chinese chicken. You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin'. )

Dec. 17th, 2013


Who: Jessica Jones and OPEN to any SHIELD members (also OPEN to Oracle)
When: December 17
What: Jessica's first *official* day back to work following her eight-month maternity leave. Things are chaotic, obviously, since Agent Coulson was taken hostage

Why couldn't her official return to work be a breezy, easy day? )

Dec. 5th, 2013


Who: The Jessica's [Jones and Drew]
NPCS: Danielle
When: Thursday, December 5th, 2013
Where: New York
What: The Jessica's go shopping - Christmas shopping. With a baby.
Rating: Low? TBA, IDK.

'Is it just me or is this the third time Frosty The Snowman has played since we've been in here?' )

Nov. 29th, 2013


Who: Blue Turkey Beetle and open!
Where: New York City
When: November 29th, 2013
What: Blue Beetle is out and about and ready to fight crime! Or at least fight off the post stuffing himself full of turkey lethargy.
Rating: TBA

Just himself and the cold. )

Nov. 3rd, 2013


Texts to Jessica

To: Jessica Jones
From: Danny Rand
Date: November 3rd, 2013

you have (14) unread texts )


Who: Loki, open to S.H.I.E.L.D. agents
Where: S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.
When: November 2, 2013 (little back)
What: FitzSimmons show up to exam Loki, and uncover a great deal of useful stuff for Hill.
Rating: PG (Some needles and stuff)
NPCs: FitzSimmons duo and other agents.

Bring it down to the wire. Parasite, oh messiahs. Set them all on fire. And scrape. )

Oct. 4th, 2013


Who: Jessica Jones, Jessica Drew, Wanda Maximoff (Open to Maria Hill)
Where: SHIELD Helicarrier
When: Monday, September 30 (backdated)
What: Wanda continues to be questioned for her involvement with Loki and why she refused to tell SHIELD of his whereabouts... SHIELD agents and director consider whether or not to lay charges on Wanda. Following this e-mail exchange and this thread.
Rating: Probably PG-13 for language

And that it was a friend being brought in made it even worse )

Sep. 28th, 2013


Who: Wally West and all you people invited!
When: September 28, 2013
Where: Wedding resort in New York.
What: The Wedding!
Rating: PG...?
NPC's Linda, Bart, Lian, etc.
((ooc: Feel free to thread as you want in the following reception!))

I cannot wait to see what we teach each other over the next sixty years. )

Sep. 24th, 2013


Who: Wanda Maximoff + Jessica Jones.
When: Saturday, September 21st; Evening.
Where: Wanda's apartment.
What: After an afternoon of birthday festivities, Jess finally talks to Wanda about her association to Loki. It goes about as well as you think.
Rating: PG-13 for guaranteed language.

The day had been quite a busy one. )

Sep. 9th, 2013


Who: The Sisterhood of the Bartending Petticoats (aka The Jessica's) + Open
When: Late 1800's
Where: Luke and Jessica's Bar
What: Bartending. Petticoat wearing.
Rating: TBA

Read more... )

Sep. 4th, 2013


Who: Jessica Jones and Susan Richards
NPC: Danielle Cage & Franklin Richards, brief mentions of HERBIE
When: September 2, 2013
Where: Baxter Building
What: Jess is freaking out about Wanda, and needs Sue's advice.
Rating: Probably PG-13+. At least a bit fair amount of swearing on Jess's part.

Sue didn't know what was going on (yet), but she knew enough to be concerned. Jess had sounded conflicted when they'd talked, and had been unwillingly to share too many details over the over the phone. )

Aug. 31st, 2013


Who: All of Wally and Linda's friends and fam.
When: These likely started showing up August 27th and on for the ones mailed. Sooner for the ones he dropped off in person.
What: Wedding invitation
ooc: It is a civvies wedding, so alas, if Wally only knows you via mask, you might not have gotten one, but hey, ask ooc below, we will figure something out!

You are cordially invited... HA! Yeah right, this is Linda and Wally. )

Aug. 30th, 2013


Who: Jessica Jones, open to all current SHIELD members
NPC: Danielle Cage
When: August 22, 2013
Where: SHIELD Helicarrier
What: Jess goes to visit her SHIELD co-workers with Danielle in tow following the events of Agent Coulson's injury to talk to AD Hill about helping. Hopefully Maria doesn't have a fit about the baby on the Helicarrier thing...
Rating: Probably PG-13+. At least a bit fair amount of swearing...

Yes, that is a baby on the Helicarrier... )

Aug. 16th, 2013


Who: Phil Coulson & OPEN! (except to the baddies and ESPECIALLY NOT TO LOKI, THE JERK)
When: Friday, August 16th, 2013
Where: SHIELD MCU, New York City, clearance open to those outside SHIELD
What: Hospital Recovery
Rating: Low

Director Hill had banned him from internet access )

Aug. 9th, 2013


Who: Dinah Black Canary and Jessica Jones Knightress Jewel Jessica Jones
When: Friday, Aug. 9, evening
Where: Danny let them borrow the dojo, woot!
What: Jess asks Di to help her get back in shape. Be nice, Di :}
Rating: Pg-13? Hrm, it is Jessica...

OK, let's just take it easy for the first round... )

Jul. 30th, 2013


all dressed up ...

Who: Jessica Drew + Open
When: July 30th, 2013 - early evening
Where: Metropolis
What: Jessica fails at going out.
Rating: G

Being social was not going to kill her. )

Jul. 26th, 2013


Who: Jessica Jones, Thor, NPC: Danielle Cage
Where: Dr. Donald Blake's clinic
When: July 26
What: Danielle has a cold, so Jess is off to visit a certain Dr. God of Thunder
Rating: G

How do you talk about nasal mucus with the hottest doctor ever? )

Jul. 13th, 2013


Who: Jessica Jones, Danny Rand (NPC: Danielle Cage)
: When: July 12, daytime
What: Jess takes Dani to visit her favourite uncle
Rating: G!

This is ...AWESOME! )

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