August 2017




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May. 21st, 2017


Who: Tim, Damian, npc Hydra, open to Batfamily (or make your own threads, however works better!)
Where: Gotham
When: 5/22/17 (slightly early)
What: Hydra moves on the Waynes, seeking to strong arm their cooperation.
Rating: PG-13

They rally round tha family! With a pocket full of shells. )

May. 15th, 2017


Who: Jason, Gotham nightlife, +OPEN
Where: Gotham
When: 5/15
What: New gear, new lease on life, same Gotham - right?
By the pricking of my thumbs )

Feb. 7th, 2017


Who: Tim , Mia, Jason, fairly open
Where: Gotham
When: Feb 8th
What: Work-a-holicism is bound to catch up to a body, and eventually the weather gets Tim under the weather. Reasons not being a super powered cape sucks.
Rating: PG

Everything is stupid. )

Jan. 21st, 2017


Who: Jason, Tim, +OPEN to threads from those who know about his safehouse
When: 1/16
Where: His Crime Alley safehouse
What: Jason needs drugs, and Tim is a dealer. Except by "drugs", he means the hard antibiotics.
Moving is hard )

Jan. 4th, 2017


Who: Steve Rogers, Jason Todd, open to Edward Nigma
Where: Eddie's hideout
When: Jan 4th, 2017
What: Hydra has ambushed the team causing them so much trouble. Jason gets wounded. He is not taking it quietly.
Rating: Todd-Mouth and blood

Sorry about the couch, Eddie. )

Dec. 18th, 2016


Who: The Bat Boys (Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian) & NPC!Sin
What: Last minute Christmas shopping or something like it.
Where: Gotham City Mall
When: Sunday, December 18th
Rating: PG

The piped music was barely audible over the commotion of the crowd. )

Dec. 2nd, 2016


Who: Edward Nygma & The Walking Incarnation of American Freedom Steven Rogers & Jason (if he wants to join!)
When: Saturday, December 3rd, 2016
Where: New location, former hideout of The Riddler
What: Moving & planning
Rating: Low

Tastefully bedecked in green and purple  )

Nov. 17th, 2016


Who: Dinah + Open to Manor Residents, Batboys, and Arrow Fam
What: Thanksgiving is about as close as it's going to come to a "get everyone together" holiday, so while they're all together, Dinah puts them to work painting the nursery.
Where: Wayne Manor
When: Saturday, Nov. 26th
Rating: PG

Post-Thanksgiving Family activities )

Oct. 22nd, 2016


Who: Jason
When: 10/21
Where: East Gotham
What: Jason has misgivings, but does what Talia requested.
Paying the devil's due )

Oct. 13th, 2016


Who: Edward Nygma, Oswald Cobblepot, NPC, Captain America & the Red Hood
When: Backdated, Wednesday night/morning, October 12th, 2016
Where: The Iceberg, Cobblepot's Private Office, Gotham City
What: Riddler-napping
Rating: Low

Old friends and a bottle of Barbadillo Sherry )

Oct. 6th, 2016


Who: Red Hood and...Captain America?
When: 10/6, night
Where: Gotham Warehouses
What: Following up on this strange German code, Jason runs into the guy who barged into his apartment.
Rating: Not High for language because Cap
Fight me! Literally, Fight me! )

Sep. 9th, 2016


Who: Red Hood and Red Robin
When: 9/9
Where: Gotham docks, abandoned warehouse (aren't they always?)
What: Apparently there's Nazis in Gotham. Who knew? Jason's out to stop them, if he could actually find them.
I didn't ask to do this, you know, but I'm going to see it through )

Aug. 16th, 2016


Who: Bruce, open to reaction from Jason
Where: Jason's place
When: August 16th, 2016
What: Bruce drops something off

He didn't forget. )

Aug. 6th, 2016


Who: Captain America and Red Hood
Where: Safe House, Gotham
When: 8/10/16 (forward)
What: Cap is doing some legwork while waiting for word on Bucky, seeing if he can find some clue on him in safe houses. He's not expecting who this safehouse really belongs to.
Rating: PG-13 at most

Apparently this wasn't Bucky's place after all. )


Who: Jason and Bruce
When: 8/6
Where: Jason's safehouse, Park Row, Gotham
What: Bruce has news. Too bad Jason's somehow managed to already hear it.
Rating: Low except for swearing
Family communication is evidently not a strong point with any of us )

Jul. 28th, 2016


Who: Jason and Dick
When: 7/30 (technically) [forward dated]
Where: Bludhaven
What: Brotherly bonding over a dead body! Or...something like that. There's family news to exchange/ignore.
Rating: Not too high, probably
Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? )

Jul. 12th, 2016


Who: Talia al Ghul, Red Hood
What: Talia gives Jason a new toy and an opportunity to have some fun in Gotham
Where: Gotham City, NJ- abandoned warehouse, The Narrows
When: July 12th, night

I need someone young, willing and able. You need someone old enough to know better. I want you to do my dirty work... )

Jul. 7th, 2016


Who: Dinah Lance, Bruce Wayne + friends and family. Basically, if you’re close to either of them, you’ve been summoned. Not sure if you’re close family/friend? Please ask!
What: A big surprise.
Where: Wayne Manor, Rose Gardens
When: June 18th, 2016 [backdated, because life has eaten both me and Kim this past month, sorry!]
Rating: PG
Notes: This little event will happen in a couple stages, so please see the comments below for the various different moving parts here.

Somebody's getting married? HEY, somebody's getting married! )

Jun. 21st, 2016


Who: Jason, Tim, Dick, and Damian
When: 6/22, night
Where: Gotham roofline
What: The paths of all four Robins cross one wet summer night in Gotham. This could end in mayhem or teamwork (possibly both).
Rating: In spite of Dick's presence, probably still high for language and violence
What's the word for a gathering of robins? )

Jun. 12th, 2016


Who: Jason and Babs
When: 6/11
Where: Behind Gotham Main Library
What: Hanging out at the library, Jason gathers intel. Babs interrupts.
Rating: NSFW because Jason's a potty-mouth
Libraries are places of knowledge and everything )

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