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Feb. 26th, 2014


Who: Open to All
NPCs: You betcha. Skrulls ALL over the place
What: Okay kids, this is the moment you've been waiting for. Let those skrulls have it with both barrels!
Where: Central Park, NYC
When: Wednesday, February 26th, evening
Note: Thank you for keeping up with the Skrull plot with us! Please also see the mod post about how this fight's gonna work. GO FORTH AND CONQUER MY DARLINGS

The Final Convocation )

Feb. 20th, 2014


Gdoc: Mia and Skrull Connor.

WHO: Connor!Skrull and Mia Dearden
WHERE: Brownstone.
When: February 20 after this.
What: Confrontation. The Skrulls cover has been blown.
Rating: Definitely R, for taunting of triggery subject matters and glorious violence.

'Where is Connor Hawke?' )

Feb. 19th, 2014


Who: Maria, Simmons, +OPEN to SHIELD
NPCs: Lab techs
When: 2/19
Where: SHIELD Helicarrier
What: There's a slight problem with some of the assumptions SHIELD made.
Rating: High
Betrayal cuts deeper than swords )

Feb. 17th, 2014


Who: Jaime Reyes (Narrative)
NPC: Not Teddy
Where: Titans Tower
When: 2/16/14
What: Jaime responds to a summons, only to meet with a surprise.

The Tower was darker than he'd expected. )


Who: The Flash
Where: Baxter Building
When: February 17, 2014
What: Wally goes to the Baxter Building to get more info on Skrulls. He gets a lot more than he bargained for.
Rating: PG-13. Some action and minor cursing.

Dear Skrulls. Not cool. I didn't even get a safeword. -No love, Wally. )

P.S. When I get out, it's on like Donkeykong.

Feb. 16th, 2014


Who: Connor Hawke, open to Lois and others as their capture is made known.
Where: Skrull holding cells
When: Backdated to February 10th, 2014
What: Connor wakes up where he doesn't really want to wake up.
Rating: Pg

Even if the sky is falling down, I know that we'll be safe and sound. )

Feb. 15th, 2014


Who: Veranke, The Skrull Queen
NPCS: Skrull Lieutenants
What: Veranke plots the Skrulls next move
Where: Undisclosed Location
When: Saturday, February 15th
Note: If you're a Skrull, feel free to assume that the lieutenants have relayed this information to you.

This is our home now, and I expect you to defend it as such. )

Feb. 8th, 2014


Who: Lois Lane-Kent, Clark Kent
NPC: Reporters, Senator James, Misc.
Where: Unity Tower, Metropolis
When: February 8, 2014
What: Lois dies. But she was a Skrull, so it's okay. Or not okay, because OH MY GOD, SKRULLS!
Note: This televised revelation is the turning point, making the Skrull Invasion public knowledge. You may now feel free to panic.

Clark? )